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Throwing off the thin blanket, he climbed out of the bunk, then froze. Now that his eyes had adjusted to the dim light, he could see that the other bunk was occupied. A figure lay stretched there under a blanket, face hidden in the shadows. Clearing his throat nervously, Alec reached out to touch the person's shoulder.

"Hello. Are you—"

A hand shot from beneath the blanket, grasping his wrist in a ferocious, ice-cold grip. Alec lunged back, but the other man hung on, lurching up as Alec tried to pull free.

"By the Light," Alec gasped. "Thero!"

The young wizard was as naked as Alec, and a set of branks had been fastened around his head. Iron bands encircling the lower part of his face held an iron gag piece in his mouth, while another passed tightly over the top of his head between his eyes to join the first in the back. An opening for his nose had been left in the vertical band and the whole thing was secured under his chin by a chain. When Thero tried to speak around the gag his voice was hardly intelligible. Saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth to collect in his sparse beard and Alec guessed from the look in his eyes that he was either insane or terrified.

"Ah'ek?" Thero managed, still gripping his wrist with one hand as he brought the other up to touch Alec's face. Wide iron bands inscribed with symbols encircled his wrists.

"What are you doing here?" Alec whispered in disbelief.

Thero gabbled thickly for a moment, his desperation clear. Then, releasing Alec, he beat his fists against his head until Alec had to restrain him.

"No, Thero. Stop it. Stop!" Alec shook him roughly by the shoulders. Thero's pale, bony chest heaved with emotion as he shook his head violently and tried to pull away.

"You've got to calm down and talk to me," Alec hissed, caught somewhere between anger and terror himself. "We're in one hell of a mess and we're going to need each other to get out of it. Now let me try and get this contraption off."

But the branks were locked securely in back and he had no tools to open it. He searched the cabin with the scant hope of finding something-a nail, perhaps, or a splinter of wood-to use as a makeshift pick.

He found nothing except a bowl of broth by the door. Hungry as he was, he left it untouched in case it was drugged or poisoned.

Perhaps that's what's wrong with Thero, he told himself as his stomach rumbled. The drooling creature cowering on the bunk bore little resemblance to Nysander's reserved assistant.

Giving up at last, he sat down beside Thero on the bunk. "There's nothing here. You've got to tell me what you know. Go slow so I can understand you."

Still wild-eyed, Thero nodded and said slowly around the gag, was "Eye'ander's 'ead."

"What?" Alec gasped, praying he'd misunderstood.

" 'ysander dead. Dead!" Thero wailed, rocking violently back and forth in misery. "My fault!"

"Stop that," Alec ordered, shaking him by the shoulders. "Thero, you talk to me. What happened to Nysander? Did you see him killed or did Mardus just tell you it happened?"

"Carried me 'own, "lack creatures-through walls, floors-to— " Thero hugged himself, shuddering. "'tacked 'reska—'sander on the floor, they made me look. My fault, mine!"

"Why is it your fault?" Alec demanded, shaking him again. "Thero, what did you do?"

With a low moan, Thero wrenched away and curled deeper into the corner. There were long, curved scratches on his back and sides, and little crescent-shaped bruises along the tops of his shoulders.

"It was Ylinestra, wasn't it?" Alec asked, a vague, half-formed memory shifting uneasily at the back of his mind. "She did something, or you told her something?"

Thero nodded mutely, refusing to look at him.

Alec stared at him a moment longer, then rage exploded like a blazing sun in his chest. Grasping the iron band at the back of Thero's head, he yanked the young wizard out of his corner and shook him like a rat.

"You listen to me, Thero, and you listen well. If it does turn out that you betrayed us and got Nysander killed, then by all the Four I'll kill you myself and that's a promise! But I'm not sure about anything yet and I don't think you are, either. They've done something to your mind and you've got to fight it. Fight their magic and tell me what it was you said or did. What she did!"

"'on't know," Thero whispered hopelessly, spittle running from the corners of his mouth. "She kep' me with her 'at night. When black 'uns came, she 'eld me with 'agic. "en she thanked me and she laughed—She laughed!"

Releasing Thero in disgust, Alec pressed his fists against his eyes until fiery stars danced behind his closed lids.

"Thero, what did they do to you? Why can't you use your magic?"

Thero held out one arm, showing him the strange iron band.

"These keep you from using your magic?" Alec reached out and felt the unnatural coldness of the burnished metal. Running his hands over them, he could find no sign of any seam, joint, or hinge.

"Think so—" Thero shifted uneasily, wiping at his damp beard. "Not 'ertain. So much confused, nightmares, voices! "don't dare, A'ek, I don't dare!"

"You mean you haven't even tried?" Alec grasped

Thero's arms, bringing the bands in front of his face.

"You've got to try something, anything. For all we know these may just be a trick, something to cloud your mind."

Thero shrank back, shaking his head desperately.

"You have to," Alec insisted, feeling his own desperation creeping back. "We've got to get away from Mardus. There's a lot you don't know, but believe me, Nysander would want you to help me. If you want to make things right, then you've got to at least try!"

"'ander?" Thero's chest heaved as he looked distractedly around the cabin, as if he expected to find Nysander there. " 'ander?"

Sensing a chink in whatever madness held Thero, Alec nodded encouragingly. "Yes, Thero, Nysander. Concentrate on him, his kindness, Thero, all the years you spent with him in the east tower. For the sake of the faith he placed in you, you've got to at least try. Please."

Thero twisted the edge of the blanket in his fists as tears rolled from his mad eyes. "P'rhaps," he whispered faintly, "p'rhaps—"

"Just something very small," Alec urged. "One of those little spells. What are they called?"

Thero nodded slowly, still twisting the blanket. " 'an'rips."

"That's right. Cantrips! Just a simple one, a tiny little cantrip."

Trembling visibly, Thero half closed his eyes in preparation for the spell but suddenly looked up again. "You 'aid there's some'ing I 'on't know," he asked with a sudden flash of his customary sharpness. "What? I's his 'sistant; why didn't he tell me?"

"I don't know," Alec confessed, getting the gist of Thero's question. "He told us—told me so little I'm not even sure what it's all about. But he swore me to secrecy. I shouldn't have said anything at all, I guess. Maybe later, when we're out of this—"

Alec trailed off, suddenly wary. Thero was watching him intently, hanging on every word. "We'll talk about it later, all right? Please, try the spell now."

"'ell me first! Could 'elp!" Thero insisted, and this time there was no mistaking the feral intelligence in his eyes.

"No," Alec said, slowly moving away, though there was nowhere to go. "I can't tell you."

He tensed for some attack, but instead Thero slumped over sideways on the bunk like a discarded puppet.

The cabin door opened behind him and Alec felt a wave of terrible coldness roll into the room.

Whirling in alarm, he confronted a walking horror.

It took a moment to see that the wizened husk had once been a woman. Lively blue eyes regarded him slyly from the masklike ruin of her face.

"That is most ungrateful of you, boy," she rasped, the cracked remnants of her lips curling back to reveal uneven yellow teeth, "but I think that you will tell me."