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The astrologer stroked his chin. "Well, he did ask me to calculate if such a conjunction had occurred before."

"And did you?"

Leiteus smiled. "I didn't have to, actually.

As every Skalan astrologer knows, it was that very same conjunction that heralded the beginning of the Great

War six hundred eighty-four years ago. So you see, Lord Seregil, your talk of unlucky "plague stars" does have some basis."

Leaving the astrologer with assurances to send word of Nysander, Micum and Seregil headed back to the city.

"I admit, it makes some sense if you accept that Nysander's right about Mardus aiming for that conjunction," Micum said as they rode.

"He is right, I'm sure of it. Think about it, Micum. There haven't been any major incidents between Skala and Plenimar for twenty years, yet all of a sudden Plenimar decides to launch another war of aggression, just as they did in the Great War.

And the old Overlord, who opposed such a war, conveniently dies just in time for his hawkish son to take the throne? And there's the same conjunction?

And the attack on the Oreska? And if that whole business does all revolve around some rite or ceremony having to do with their Eater of Death, then what more propitious time could there be than during the conjunction?"

"But what is it all for?" Micum growled. "Those odds and ends that Nysander was guarding, what does

Mardus want with them? If the Plenimarans need them that badly, and now, just as war is breaking out again—"

"That's just it, though. Nysander said he wasn't the first

Guardian. His mentor, Arkoniel, was before him, and the wizard before him. Who knows how long Oreska wizards have been watching that same hidey-hole in the vaults? Those things could date all the way back to the Great War. You've heard the legends of necromancers and walking dead from that time, and everyone knows it was the wizards who finally turned the tide."

"You mean to say that the Plenimarans are going to use those things to summon the power of this god?"

"Something like that."

They both rode in silence for a long moment.

"Well, we'd better get moving," Micum said at last. "If you and Nysander are right, then we've only got two weeks to find this mysterious temple, if it exists, and a long way to go to get there. We'll have to hire a ship."

"I had Magyana send out word to Rhal this morning.

We should be able to set sail by tomorrow or the next day."

He kicked his mount into a gallop toward the city gate. Micum spurred grimly on behind him.

Returning to the Oreska, they found Magyana and

Valerius in Nysander's workroom. Seregil quickly outlined what they'd learned from Leiteus.

"So you see," he added, "it's imperative that we all be at this place together, at the given time."

"Haul Nysander off in a ship over spring seas? Are you both mad?" Valerius burst out, glaring at him and Micum. "It's absolutely out of the question. I forbid it!"

Clenching his fists behind his back, Seregil fought to remain calm as he looked to Magyana for support. "There must be some way we could make him comfortable."

But Magyana shook her head firmly. "I'm sorry, Seregil, but Valerius is quite right. Nysander must have solitude and peace to heal. Such a voyage in his present state would certainly kill him."

"Not to mention the fact that you're sailing off into the very teeth of a war," the drysian sputtered. "Even if he could stand being moved—which he can't-what if you're boarded or sunk? Bilairy's Balls, man, he's scarcely conscious more than a few minutes at a time!"

Seregil ran a hand back though his hair in exasperation. "Micum, you talk to them."

"Calm down," said Micum. "If Valerius says Nysander can't survive the voyage, then that's the end of that. But what about a translocation?"

Magyana shook her head again. "He's too weak to survive it, and even if he could, it would not be possible. Since the attack there are only three wizards left, including myself, who possess the skill to perform that spell. And it will be some time before any of us are strong enough to attempt it."

Seregil let out a frustrated growl, but Micum was still thinking. "Well, assuming that these Illiorans are on the right track with their prophecies and comets and all, then we wouldn't necessarily have to move him for almost—"

"Two weeks," cried Seregil. "Praise the Flame for hardheaded Sakoran common sense! You may have just saved us all, Micum. What do you say to that, Valerius? Would he be strong enough in two weeks?"

"With his will, it's possible," the drysian admitted grudgingly. As for the state of his powers, though, only he could say."

Seregil gave the wizard a hopeful look. "Magyana?"

She contemplated her folded hands for a long moment, then said softly, "By then, yes, I should be able to assist him with a translocation of that distance. But the decision must be his."

Micum slapped a hand on the table and stood up. "Then it's settled. We'll sail without him and he can catch us up when the time is right."

Reaching into his purse, Seregil took out a small silver amulet, the twin of the one he'd given to Rhal.

"This will guide you to our ship, the 'Green Lady,"" he told Magyana, giving it to her. "There's no guarantee we'll still be with her then, but Rhal may be able to tell you where we've gone. Wait, there's another way, too."

He took a clean rag from a pile near the worktable. Pricking his thumb with his dagger, he dabbed a few spots of blood onto the cloth and knotted it tightly.

"You won't miss me with that," he said. "Micum should do one, too, just to be safe. If you'll excuse me now, I want a moment with Nysander."

Magyana looked down at the stained cloth in distaste when Seregil had disappeared downstairs.

"I abhor blood magic," she said. "So does Nysander. Oh, Micum, do you really believe all this is what Nysander intended? Seregil has had so many terrible shocks."

"I don't know," Micum said quietly, pricking his own finger and staining another bit of cloth for her.

"But I do know that nothing short of death is going to stop him from going on with it. If he's right, then maybe there's a chance of getting Alec back, and perhaps even stop whatever it is that the Plenimarans are up to. If he's wrong—"

Micum gave a resigned shrug. "I can't just let him dash off by himself, can I?"

"And what of your own family?" asked Valerius as Micum stood to go.

For the first time that day Micum managed a wry smile. "Kari won't budge from Watermead unless the enemy's in sight. Warnik's given me his word to watch over her until I return."

The drysian smiled through his unruly beard. "A

strong-minded woman, your wife. The eldest, Beka, is no different."

"By the Flame, Beka!" groaned Micum. "I promised Kari I'd ask Nysander to look for her."

"Rest yourself, Magyana," Valerius said as the wizard moved to rise. "Give me your hand, Micum, and think of your eldest daughter."

Clasping his staff in one hand, Valerius took Micum's in his other and closed his eyes. After several minutes he announced, "She is well. I see her riding with good companions."

"And Alec?" Micum asked, still gripping the drysian's hand. "Can you see anything of him?"

Valerius concentrated, frowning. "Only that he is not among the dead, nothing more. I'm sorry."