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“It will be interesting to see what becomes of the liaison between Hoshina and Chamberlain Yanagisawa,” said Magistrate Ueda. “But they must be thankful the crisis is past. And we can be thankful that Hirata-san’s new child survived. Her name-day celebration is this afternoon, is it not?”

“It is,” Sano said. “Will you attend?”

The magistrate nodded; after a pause, he said, “When I visited my daughter yesterday, she seemed unusually pensive and subdued. How is she this morning?”

“The same.” All his worries about Reiko assailed Sano. “She won’t tell me what happened while she was captive, other than general details of how all the women were treated. I don’t even know how she got them out of the palace. And there are bruises all over her. Did she tell you anything?”

Magistrate Ueda shook his head.

“But I have my suspicions,” said Sano.

His mind pictured the scene in the Dragon King’s chamber, with the rumpled bed and a woman’s white under-kimono beside it. He thought of how Reiko had known where to find the Dragon King. He wondered what coercion or desperation had made her do. He didn’t want to think about what could happen between a man and a beautiful woman he’d abducted. Rage, jealousy, and helplessness alloyed like hot, molten metals within Sano.

Magistrate Ueda’s concerned expression indicated that he guessed the direction of Sano’s thoughts. “Would you like some advice?”

Releasing his breath, Sano said, “I would.”

“Give her time to open her heart to you, but understand that some secrets are better left untold,” Magistrate Ueda said. “Remember that her spirit is as faithful to you as ever. Don’t judge her on what a madman did to her. Don’t let him drive you apart when you need each other most.”

Sano appreciated the wisdom of this advice that tempered his inclination to force the issue. “Thank you, Honorable Father-in-law.”

He took his leave, rather glad that he needn’t confront Reiko, for ahead loomed another confrontation that threatened a relationship almost as important to him as his marriage.

Inside Chamberlain Yanagisawa’s estate, sunlight dappled a garden that displayed the lush greenery of high summer. But the smoke from funeral pyres hazed the air. Fallen leaves on the gravel paths, and withered blossoms on the lilies, portended the season’s eventual demise. Cicadas shrilled in incessant warning.

Lady Yanagisawa and her daughter, Kikuko, stood hand in hand outside the private quarters. They peered up through the leafy branches of a plum tree at the chamberlain, who posed on the veranda, gazing moodily into the distance. This was the first time Lady Yanagisawa had seen her husband since they’d arrived home. After his troops had invaded the Dragon King’s island, and during the journey to Edo, he’d not even spoken to her. His indifference pained her terribly. Reiko had said that the kidnapping would make him realize he loved her, but it hadn’t. How Lady Yanagisawa hated Reiko for giving her false hope! She was glad Reiko hadn’t drowned, but wished she had.

Police Commissioner Hoshina came walking around the corner of the veranda toward the chamberlain. Lady Yanagisawa’s blood seethed with hatred for this man who’d usurped her husband’s affections. She saw the chamberlain tense as he turned to face Hoshina. They bowed to each other, and his profile lit up with a joy that his dignified poise couldn’t hide.

“Welcome back,” the chamberlain said gravely to Hoshina.

Hoshina’s features were set in a stiff, cheerless mask. “I’m here to fetch my belongings,” he said.

The chamberlain frowned. “You’re moving out?”

“Yes,” Hoshina said.

Though she could hardly believe that anyone privileged to enjoy her husband’s company would give it up, delight blossomed in Lady Yanagisawa. The kidnapping had brought her some benefit after all.

“But why?” the chamberlain said, his dismay evident. “What happened shouldn’t drive you from our home. You must know I didn’t want to abandon you. I did everything in my power to save you.”

Hoshina folded his arms. “You let me suffer the worst humiliation of my life. You would have let me die.”

“Surely you can understand that I only did what I had to do,” the chamberlain defended himself.

“I understand that you were driven by political expediency.” Hoshina softened his manner.

“Then stay,” the chamberlain said.

All his persuasive power warmed his voice, but Hoshina backed away from his extended hand. “I’m not a fool to think you wouldn’t cut me loose again if necessary,” Hoshina said. “I’d rather separate than live in dread of the next time.”

The chamberlain stared in shock. “Do you mean you’re leaving me?”

Hoshina nodded, though reluctantly.

“For good?”

Unhappy silence was Hoshina’s answer. Lady Yanagisawa felt Kikuko tug her hand. She motioned her daughter to keep quiet so that she could continue spying.

“I’ll make up to you for all you’ve suffered,” the chamberlain said. Panic laced his eagerness to appease Hoshina. “Do you want a higher position? Or a larger stipend?” He upturned his palms in a magnanimous gesture. “Anything you ask, I’ll give.”

Lady Yanagisawa watched Hoshina vacillate. She felt the current of passion that still flowed between the lovers. She gripped Kikuko’s hand while her lips moved in silent, incoherent prayer.

At last Hoshina said sadly, “Nothing you can do will make me forget that you would have sacrificed my life for your own self-interest.”

The chamberlain dropped his hands. He turned away from Hoshina, and Lady Yanagisawa glimpsed naked desperation in his eyes. He took a few blind steps down the veranda, then rallied and faced Hoshina.

“All right, I should have defended you instead of deserting you,” he said. “I made a mistake. I was selfish, and stupid.” Lady Yanagisawa was astounded because she’d never heard her husband admit any fault. “I’m sorry I let you down. Please forgive me!”

Nor had she thought him capable of apologizing or begging. But now he clutched Hoshina’s shoulders in urgent entreaty. Hoshina reached up, grasped the chamberlain’s hands, and broke their hold on him.

“You’re only making this harder than it already is,” he said in a breathless voice that quavered.

The chamberlain looked stunned by the rejection. “Have our three years together meant so little to you that you would deny me a chance to make amends?” he demanded.

A wry, tortured smile quirked Hoshina’s mouth. “If they’d meant more to you, would we be having this discussion?”

They gazed helplessly at each other. Lady Yanagisawa saw tears glitter in their eyes, and the restraint that kept them from succumbing to desire. Then the chamberlain cleared his throat and said, “Maybe a separation is a good idea. Take some time to recover from your ordeal. Come back when you’re ready.”

Hoshina shook his head. “I’d rather say good-bye today, while we still have more good memories than bad. I won’t hang about waiting for some bitter end.”

As he turned to go, the chamberlain said, “I forbid you to go!” The hurt and despair on his face turned to fury. “I order you to stay!”

Hoshina pivoted. “I’m not your man anymore,” he said, his expression affronted. “You don’t tell me what to do.”

“You’re mine to command as long as I control Japan,” the chamberlain said scornfully. “Don’t forget that everything you have depends on me. If you walk out of here, you’ll lose it all.”

Lady Yanagisawa marveled at how suddenly all the tensions in their relationship had exploded and their love had turned to enmity. Hoshina replied with equal scorn: “I haven’t as much to lose as you think, because you haven’t as much control as you once did. A lot has changed, in case you haven’t discovered.

“While you were off rescuing Lady Keisho-in, the shogun got tired of your son. The position of heir to the regime is wide open. Rumor says Lord Matsudaira’s nephew has the advantage. And I’ve been visiting the daimyo and army officers I befriended while I was helping you build your empire. They’re my allies now. And now that you threaten me, I’ll convince them that we should cast our lot with Lord Matsudaira’s faction.”