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The tickling, nascent knowledge erupted into full form. In a short burn of energy, I scrambled for the fax of the corporate structure. Wygan had said it. The real estate lawyer had gone stone silent the moment I asked for it. But it was there on the fax: Edward Kammerling was TPM's founder and chairman of the board.

I lay back in my chair, burned out, eyes closed, and put it together. Only Gwen had said anything about TPM—she'd said it was his toy. The vampires found Edward's business activities uninteresting, or boring, but they were the key to his power base. A very sweet deal Edward couldn't afford to lose: only he had power in both the daytime and nighttime worlds, and that kept the other vampires in check. And that was why Alice wanted me—a daylighter with a foot in the dark— to take him out.

In the daylight world, he was at his weakest: just a businessman who had to hide from the light. But he might as well be in a fortress for all that the vampires could do to him there. Though I had a foot in each world, I had nothing to lose in the nightside, where his strengths were greatest. I had disturbed his foothold in the dark, and now I could threaten his foothold in the light as well. His ambition had bought him enemies, and it would allow me to move Edward any direction I pleased. So long as he didn't kill me first.

And supposing that Sergeyev didn't beat him to it.

I rolled my head, glanced at my watch and knew I was running late for my date at the Danzigers'. By the time I got to the Rover, I was dragging. My whole body ached as if I had the flu, a drawing fatigue radiating from my chest and through my limbs. Driving was not fun.

Mara answered my ring of the doorbell. "Harper!" She stopped and goggled at me. "You look flailed out. What's happened?"

"I—" was all I could get out. Then I stood there with words stoppered in my throat and couldn't think of what to say.

Mara blinked at me, then dragged me through the doorway. "Oh, my. Come into the kitchen, then. And don't be telling me this is tea-sized trouble. You look like you need a drink."

I stumbled after her into the kitchen. The house was quiet, warm, and welcoming. Only when the sensations were gone did I notice that I'd been cold, my ears numbed with a distant susurration, since Saturday.

Mara scrambled through a cupboard. "Just let me find the whiskey…"

I flopped into a chair at the kitchen table while Mara uncovered a bottle of Powers and poured us each a glass. She didn't offer water.

We both sat there and sipped our whiskey in silence a while as the kitchen beamed warm energy on us. The sick knot in my chest eased a little. Mara put her drink down and looked at me.

"All right. Tell me what it is."

I looked at my drink. "I think I need about three more of these first."

"Ah, no. Drunken revelations just leave you feeling worse during the hangover. Is this about ghosts?"

I hesitated, helplessness surging under my skin. I nodded and tried to wash the feeling down with the last of the whiskey. "Ghosts, vampires… all that Grey crap."

Mara sat still, giving me an encouraging face.

"Why are they coming to me? These monsters, these… whatever they are. My client—remember the guy with the organ?"

"Yes. You said he was Grey."

I nodded. "Some kind of ghost, I think. We had an argument in the Grey. He said he knew I could 'see the world. He was furious at me for not doing what he wanted. Why do they think I can do something for them? How did I end up with every ghostly freak in Seattle?"

"Because you're a Greywalker. I warned you they would come. They hope that you can help them because you can see them and speak to them when others can't. As you can with Albert. Your arrival in the Grey must have woken a lot of creatures."

"Woken? Some of them have been lying in wait! As if I was late to an appointment." I found myself shivering.

Mara bit her lip. "Something worse than your ghost?"

I nodded, swallowing hard. "Saturday…," I started. "Saturday night I interviewed vampires." "For Cameron."

"Yes. And one of them—one of them dragged me into the Grey. He was—something worse." I couldn't get any more words out as I drowned in memory.

I sat at the kitchen table, pushing back an upwelling wail, gulping down air to force back the hard lump in my throat. It wrenched down into my chest and dissolved at a slow trickle when I caught my breath at last. My left hand hurt. I looked down and found Mara clutching it, staring at me and whispering curling blue charms under her breath. I tried to pull my hand away, but she wouldn't let go.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Just holding on. Helping you hold on. You're doing much better now, aren't you? You look better."

I shuddered. "I'm all right."

"No, you're not. But you don't have to live through it again right now. Once was quite enough."

"Yes, but you don't know—"

"I don't need to," Mara stated. "Let's go find Ben. You'll not want to tell this story twice, and he needs to know."

She started to pull me up with her, but I winced in pain.

"You're hurt?"

"My skin feels roasted and I think I'm…. broken somewhere."

"How did that happen?"

"I'm not sure. But I guess I need to talk to Ben about that, too."

I got to my feet, stiff as an arthritic spider, and crept after Mara. We went upstairs to beard the scholar in his den. Ben bustled about moving papers and books and getting us settled on the sofa, which sent up a puff of dusty book-scent as we sat down. Then he retired behind his desk and looked at us like an owl.

"Harper, you don't look so good," he said.

I nodded in slow motion. "I know."

If I'd felt better, I'd have laughed at the concerned look he gave me. "What's happened?"

I couldn't get an answer together at first. Ben looked at his wife with alarm. She shook her head.

"Is this a ghost thing?" he asked. "This problem? There is a problem, isn't there?"

"Yes," I said. "Yes. Something's wrong. The Grey isn't quite what we thought. And—and now there is a piece of it inside me."

They both jerked forward. Ben's desk restrained him, but Mara grabbed my hand again and drove an intense stare into me. I felt the track of her eyes.

"There is something there," she murmured. "But it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be like that."

Ben rose from his seat. "What is it?"

"It's sort of a knot," she answered, hesitating, then shaking her head in frustration. "I can't tell more. It isn't easy to look at. And I'm not really good at this sort of scrying." She leaned back and frowned into my face, still holding my hand. "Harper, how did this happen? What is this?"

I bit my lip. Ben teetered on the edge of moving forward, waiting. Mara squeezed my hand a little. She was doing it again and I wished it irritated me, but I was grateful.

I began again, feeling a bit anesthetized. "Saturday. I was working Cameron's case. Talking to vampires. One of them was—something I can't describe. Something beyond vampires and ghosts. Something worse. He shoved me into the Grey. He wants something from me and he called this a present. He tore me open and he put this thing inside me." I covered the ache with my free hand. "All tied up and tangled all over me. And the Grey things crawled all through me, ate me, t-touched—" I covered my face, shuddering at the remembered feel of the cold, hungry things sucking away everything. "They ripped me up, but I'm still here, and now I can't turn it off!"

Ben fell back into his seat and hung his head. "Harper. I—oh, God, is this my fault?"

Mara gave him a sharp look. "Oh, do shut up, Ben. Of course it's not your fault." She turned her eyes back to me. "And the other client, too. I told Ben about the dark artifact."

I nodded. I no longer felt like howling in pain and grief. "I went to look at it again today. It's gotten worse. It extruded some kind of tentacle toward me and I felt so sick I couldn't stand it. There's a set of red lines all around it now. It hurts to be in the same room with it. My client wants it. He threatened me if I couldn't get it for him, and he backed it up by trying to throw something at me in the Grey. And I—this thing inside me—batted it back and I screamed at him. There was sort of an explosion and then he was gone. Just gone. But not forever. He'll come back."