

Страниц: 75
Символов: 468859
ID: 113057
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2006
Создана 27 октября 2010 10:17


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When Harper comes to in the hospital, she begins to feel a bit ...strange. She sees things that can only be described as weird-shapes emerging from a foggy grey mist, snarling teeth, creatures roaring.But Harper's not crazy. Her "death" has made her a Greywalker-able to move between our world and the mysterious, cross-over zone where things that go bump in the night exist. And her new gift (or curse) is about to drag her into that world of vampires and ghosts, magic and witches, necromancers and sinister artifacts. Whether she likes it or not.


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