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‘Well, all that sort of thing appealed to him, I gather. They don’t talk about him, you know. He blotted his copybook – went off with the loose cash and some of Miss Cara’s jewellery. A fairly rotten thing to do, don’t you think? And stupid too, because – well, they are most awfully generous, don’t you know? And according to Anna they were pretty well all over him.’

‘Was it Anna who told you about him?’

He leaned across the table and dropped his voice.

‘Well, she did, and she didn’t. She began, and then all of a sudden she dried up, and if there is anything less like Anna than to dry up about a thing before she’s got it chewed to a rag, I don’t know what it is. But she did tell me that he was dead keen on all this old history stuff, and sometimes I’ve just wondered whether his going off like that had anything to do with the Benevent Treasure.’

There was a pause. The sensation of having been startled became definitely one of shock. Candida found that her breathing had quickened. She said,

‘Why?’ The word shook a little.

He spoke quickly too.

‘Don’t you see, it would account for it. Suppose he had laid hands on the treasure and that was what he went off with. Look, I’ll show you something.’

He opened the portfolio and turned a page or two, took out a folded document, extracted from it a sheet of thin modern paper neatly typewritten, and pushed it across to Candida.

‘Here, take a look at that!’

She took it, and would rather have left it alone. There was a heading which took up two lines – ‘Those things carried out of Italy on his journey to England by Ugo di Benevento in the year 1662.’ After that there was a list. It began with, ‘Four dishes richly chased and silver-gilt,’ and went on all down the page. Candida followed it with extraordinary reluctance. There were things like.‘Two salt-cellars with doves – The gold candle-stick reputed to be the work of Messer Benvenuto Cellini – A bracelet with four large emeralds – A set of twelve ruby buttons – A necklace of very large rubies in a border of diamonds,’ and so forth and so on. The items ran together in a dazzle. She lifted her eyes from them and said,

‘What is it?’

‘What it sets out to be – a list of the things that Ugo got away with. I wonder how he managed it. The jewels could be tucked away, but all that plate must have weighed a bit. I wonder if the candlesticks really were gold.’

Candida said,

‘It’s really more to the point to wonder whether they were the work of Benvenuto Cellini. They must be enormously valuable if they were. Of course I could see it was a list of what Ugo carried away – it says so. What I meant was, what is this list and where does it come from? It’s not old.’

He laughed.

‘Darling, typewriters weren’t invented in sixteen-what-ever-it-was. All I can tell you is that I found the list tucked inside a very dull paper about the lease of a farm. And if I’ve got to guess, I should say that Alan Thompson copied it off an older list and put it where he didn’t think anyone would meddle with it.’

‘But why?’

‘Well, if I’ve got to go on guessing, I should say that he probably wasn’t meant to have seen the other list. He may have just come across it and thought it would be nice to have a copy, or he may have been doing a spot of snooping – I wouldn’t know. Or of course it’s just possible that Miss Cara showed it to him. You know, she really was most awfully fond of him, poor old dear. Anna said it fairly broke her up, his going off like that. And of course I can’t help wondering whether he didn’t take the Benevent Treasure or what was left of it along for company.’

Candida was looking at him.

‘Did Anna ever talk to you about it?’

‘In a way. She told me about Miss Cara being so cut-up.’

‘What did she say?’

He laughed.

‘Interested, aren’t you!’


‘Oh, well, why not? It’s your family! Anna came in one day when I had this stuff out and was trying to make head or tail of it. You may have noticed she likes talking. She stood the other side of the table where you are sitting and she talked quite a lot. She began about the papers – they were all lying about – and she said what did I want with them, they would be better in the kitchen fire, and hadn’t they done enough harm already.’

‘What did she mean by that?’

‘Well, I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine. She said, “Mr. Alan meddled with them, and look what came of it!” And I said, “What did come of it?” And she said, “God knows!” and put her hand up to her mouth and went away. I didn’t think much about it at the time, but after I found that list I wondered.’

Candida was silent. She looked down into her lap and saw the neat typing – ‘Twelve ruby buttons… ’ She pushed the list across the table and said,

‘I think you ought to show it to the Aunts.’

He shook his head with vigour.

‘Not on your life!’

‘All the papers are theirs.’

He looked at her with momentary shrewdness.

‘You mean they are Miss Cara’s. And do you suppose she wants to have the Alan Thompson affair raked up again? I gather it very nearly did for her at the time. Suppose he was up to something he shouldn’t have been. We don’t know whether he was or whether he wasn’t, but that seems to be what Miss Cara believes. Well, it would be frightfully cruel to bring it all back. As I said, she may even have given him the information in this list herself, and that would make her feel pretty bad. As far as I’m concerned it’s going back where I found it, and that’s that!’

Candida had never liked him so well. She said quickly and warmly,

‘Yes, yes, of course – you’re right. But, Derek, you don’t mean – you don’t think the treasure is still somewhere about?’

‘Why shouldn’t it be? Part of it anyhow.’

‘Well, I don’t know. There aren’t such a lot of things of that sort of date knocking about. They get sold, or broken up, or – ’


Candida said soberly,

‘A lot of things can happen in three hundred years without putting any of them on to Alan Thompson.’

He rummaged among the papers, pulled one out, and gave it to Candida. It appeared to be an inventory of some kind – linen, curtains, silver of the homelier kind. Nothing like the splendours of the list which Alan had copied – just the ordinary furnishings of a well-to-do household, all set down on old discoloured paper in old discoloured writing. Candida stared at it, wondering why it had been given to her.


He said,

‘Turn it round and look at the bottom of the left-hand corner.’

There was some writing here, running crossways to the short lines of the inventory, the hand a different one, thin and spidery. There were four lines, not very easy to read, but she made them out:

‘Touch not nor try,

Sell not nor buy,

Give not nor take,

For dear life’s sake.’

Underneath again there were two words that had been scratched out, the first lightly, but the second with many crossing strokes.

Derek said, ‘Got it?’

She read the four lines aloud in a slow bewildered voice.

‘What does it mean?’

‘I think it means the Treasure. The first of those two scratched-out words is a “the”. That’s easy. The second can’t be read – whoever did the scratching made a much better job of it. But it’s the right length to be “Treasure”, and that is what I think it is.’

‘But, Derek, what does it mean?’

He gave an uneasy laugh.

‘Well, it might mean that it wasn’t a good plan to meddle with the Treasure. Someone, I suppose Alan Thompson, has made a pencil note at the end of this paper, with a date in the eighteenth century and a query after it. Seventeen-forty, I think it is. If that’s right, it could mean that the Treasure was still going strong round about that date, and that there was some sort of family belief that it wasn’t lucky to meddle with it. It seems to me that Anna might have had the same idea.’