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‘The house has been in the family for a very long time.’

She said, ‘Too long – ’ And then, ‘I don’t want to have anything to do with it – ever. Or with the things that were found there – that horrible Treasure.’

‘It is extremely valuable, Miss Sayle.’

‘Yes. It has cost people’s lives – I don’t want to have anything to do with it. I thought perhaps the Retley museum – ’

He felt a secret excitement and satisfaction, but he constrained himself to say soberly,

‘It might be considered. But you should not do anything in a hurry. In any case, probate must be obtained before you can make any disposal. Since the things may be considered to be in the nature of heirlooms, it may not be in your power to make an outright gift, but the museum would doubtless be very glad to have them on loan, and meanwhile they are perfectly safe in the County Bank.’

It was after this interview that Stephen found it increasingly difficult to see her. With arrears of work to be overtaken, his time was not his own, and when he did arrive at Miss Arnold’s house in the evening it would be to find that Candida had gone to bed early, or that she sat through the meal eating practically nothing, only to slip away as soon as it was over.

‘I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like talking.’ Or, ‘It’s no good – I’m really too tired.’

As the door closed behind her, Miss Louisa was voluble in explanation.

‘Well, you see, my dear boy, she has had a shock, and you must give her time to get over it. I recollect a cousin of ours who was just the same after her engagement was broken off. You will remember her, Maud – Lily Mottram – really a very sweet creature, but a little inclined to be melancholy. Well, as I said, after her engagement was broken off they really thought she was going into a decline. He had a good deal of money and a nice place in Derbyshire – or was it Dorset – but I’m afraid not very steady, so perhaps it was all for the best. But she didn’t sleep and she didn’t eat, and they really didn’t know what to do with her, only fortunately she met a very nice steady young man who was a partner in a shipping firm, so it all turned out very well in the end, and I think they had six children. At least I know there were five, because when the fifth one arrived she wanted to call him Quintus, but her husband didn’t like the idea at all. I believe they had quite a tiff about it.’

Just how this rather tactless anecdote could be said to apply to himself and Candida, Stephen could not determine. A little later, Miss Arnold having left the room, he addressed himself to Miss Silver.

‘Look here, we can’t go on like this. I’ve got to see her. She goes and sees Tampling – she sees other people. It’s only when I come along that she’s too tired to sit up any longer and has to go to bed.’

Miss Silver looked at him kindly across Ethel Burkett’s blue jumper.

‘She has had a shock.’

‘Of course she’s had a shock. We’ve all had shocks, but we don’t go on having them. She ought to want to see me, and she doesn’t. There’s something on her mind, and I want to know what it is. If I could see her – really see her – ’

‘Yes, I think it would be advisable.’ She devoted a moment to consideration, and then continued. ‘I think it possible that Louisa and I may be out at tea-time tomorrow. There is an expedition we have talked of making – a visit to the daughter of an old family friend at Laleham. We thought of hiring a car. It is practically settled, and the final details can be arranged on the telephone. Could you be free at tea-time?’

‘Yes. I’ve got to see her.’

She said very composedly,

‘Then it will be best if you just walk in. I will see that the door is left unlocked.’

He came into his cousin’s drawing-room next day to find Candida behind the tea-table. At the moment of his entry Eliza Peck was setting down a Victorian teapot and hot water-jug.

‘Just happened to see him, and the kettle on the boil, so I made the tea and stepped along, for I said to myself, “Well, the door’s not locked, and if he doesn’t know how to let him-self in by now he never will do, and that’s that.” ’

Candida sat pale and silent until the door was shut and they were alone. Then she said,

‘How did she know you were here?’

Stephen laughed.

‘Saw me out of the window, I should think. Now, darling, what is all this?’

‘I told you not to come.’

‘And Miss Silver told me she and Cousin Louisa would be out to tea.’

‘She hadn’t any business to.’

Stephen insinuated himself on to the sofa beside her.

‘Darling, if Miss Silver always confined herself to minding her own business, I’ve got an idea that quite a lot of people would be sorry, ourselves included.’

Candida edged away from him. When she had got as far as she could she turned to face him, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.

‘I didn’t want to see you, because I wanted to think.’

‘And have you thought?’

She had perhaps expected a protest. What she got was a look of grave attention. Perhaps this was going to be easier than she had expected. It was strange that this should make her feel as if nothing mattered any more. She said in a low shaken voice,

‘Yes, I’ve thought.’


‘I’m going away.’

‘Where are you going to?’

She took as deep a breath as she could.

‘There’s someone who used to work for Aunt Barbara – she has a room that she lets. I thought I’d go there.’

‘It doesn’t sound like a good place to be married from.’

She looked at him in a lost kind of way.

‘Stephen, I don’t think I can marry you.’

‘Is that what you were thinking about?’


‘What a waste of time. I don’t love you any more – or you don’t love me any more? Which is it?’

She shook her head.

‘No – it’s not that. It – it’s all the things that have been happening. They are Benevent things – they haven’t got anything to do with you. I don’t think you ought to be dragged into them. I don’t think there ought to be any more Benevents.’

He nodded.

‘A plague-stricken lot. And you propose to go into quarantine for the rest of your life – is that it?’

‘Something like that.’

‘Then it’s about the most morbid thing I ever heard in my life! Do you suppose there is a family on this earth who couldn’t rake up a bad hat or two if they really went to work? Look here, darling, I take it you’ve heard Cousin Louisa talk about the Benevent sisters. Your grandmother broke away, and she was all right. Cara was in Olivia’s pocket. She would always have been in somebody’s pocket – it was just too bad that it happened to be Olivia’s. And look at Olivia herself. All that force and determination and will, and no outlet except to boss Miss Cara! Their father paid their bills, but he never gave them a penny to spend for themselves. Louisa says they had to go to him for money to put in the plate at church. That kind of tyranny does things to people – they either break away, or it breaks them. Or they turn into tyrants themselves as soon as they get a chance, and that’s what happened to Olivia. Our children are not going to be like that, if that is what you were thinking about.’

She said, ‘No – ’ on a long shaken breath. And then, ‘No – they won’t – will they?’

He took her hands, and felt how cold they were.

‘Darling, do come off it! It’s such a waste of time! You’ve had a shock, and we’ve all been through hell, but it’s over. What do you suppose I felt like when I knew you were somewhere under that damned hill and I didn’t know whether you were dead or alive? Do you suppose there is any need for you to rub it in? But it’s over, finished, done with, unless we keep digging it up and making ourselves go through it again. We’ve got our lives before us, and we are going to make a good job of them – together. We’re going to be happy.’

The resistance had gone out of her. She let him put his arms round her and felt the past slip by them and away.