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‘What was this coin?’

Mrs. Harbord’s voice dropped.

‘It was some kind of an old one – gold by the look of it. And it had a hole in it with a ring through it so it could be hung on a chain. He wore it like that round his neck. Miss Cara gave him the chain too. And there they were in the drawer, the two of them. Oh, ma’am – that’s what I’ve got on my mind! He’d never have left them!’

‘Why do you say that, Mrs. Harbord?’

‘Miss Cara, she told him it was a luck charm. He showed it to me one day when I was up doing his room – pulled it out of the neck of his shirt and told me all about it. Very free and open he was. “Look at what Miss Cara had given me!” he said. “Hundreds of years old and a real mascot. I’ll have good luck as long as I wear it, and I can’t be hurt by wound nor poison. Nice to know that, isn’t it, in case anyone ever had the idea of sticking a knife into me or putting something into my tea.” I said, “Mercy, Mr. Alan! Who would do that!” and he laughed and said, “Oh, you never can tell.” Well, do you know, not a month after that something broke in the car when he was driving it, and it went smash into a wall at the bottom of Hill Lane. And he come out of it without a scratch. “What did I tell you, Mrs. Harbord?” he said. “That charm of Miss Cara’s is a mascot all right. I ought to have been killed, and here I am without a scratch. You won’t catch me leaving it off in a hurry.” Which was vain superstition, but I could see that he meant it. And not a week later they were saying he had run off with goodness knows how much money and that brooch of Miss Cara’s, and I can’t say anything about the money except that it’s foolishness to keep a lot in the house – just asking for trouble to my way of thinking! But that brooch of Miss Cara’s he never took for I saw it with my own eyes in Miss Olivia’s drawer a matter of ten days after that, and the coin and the chain was there along with it like I told you. And a week later the two ladies went off abroad. And why would Mr. Alan leave that coin of his behind?’

Miss Silver said in a considering voice,

‘If he had been found out in a theft he might have been asked to give it back, and the brooch too. The Miss Benevents might not have wished to prosecute but they would certainly have required the restitution of the brooch, and if they set a special value on the coin and chain they might have required him to give that back too. It could have happened that way, Mrs. Harbord.’

‘Well then, it didn’t! Not to Miss Cara’s knowledge anyhow, for the very day before they went abroad I was coming along the passage, and there was the two of them in Mr. Alan’s room, and the door on the jar. Miss Cara was crying, and Miss Olivia was scolding her. Very harsh she spoke, and I thought it was a shame. “You ought to have more pride,” she said. “Crying for a thief and a runaway! A common thief that could steal from those that trusted him!” And Miss Cara said, “If he wanted the brooch he could have had it. I would have given him anything he wanted.” And Miss Olivia said very sharp, “Well, you gave him too much. And what did he do but put ideas into his head, and when he saw he’d gone too far he went off with what he could lay his hands on, and you can say goodbye to your brooch and to the lucky charm you set so much store by, for you’ll never see them again.” And Miss Cara cried fit to break her heart and said she wouldn’t care for anything as long as he would come back.’

‘And what did Miss Olivia say to that?’

Mrs. Harbord’s voice dropped to a solemn whisper.

‘She said, “You’ll never see him again.” ’

Chapter Nine

It was when Candida had been at Underhill for a little over a week that she came back from Retley to find Miss Cara Benevent in her room. Something had been said about going to a cinema with Derek, but in the end she lunched with Stephen, and by the time Derek turned up she thought perhaps they had better go home. She didn’t really like the way that things were shaping. She told him so as they drove through the rain.

‘They’ll think I’ve been lunching with you.’

He gave her a charming smile.

‘Darling, can I help what they think?’

‘Of course you can! You don’t say so outright, but you pull things round so that it looks as if we were going to be together – and I tell you straight out, Derek, it’s got to stop.’

‘Darling, you have only to say, “Dear Aunts, I cannot tell a lie. I am not lunching with Derek, and he is not lunching with me.” ’ He made a mock serious recitation of it and ended up with a laugh. ‘At least that’s all you’ve got to say if what you want is a roof-lifting row. Personally I am all for the quiet life.’

‘I won’t go on helping you to tell lies.’

‘And who’s telling lies, darling? Not me – not you. You hadn’t arranged to lunch with Stephen today, had you? Well then, how could you have told them you were going to? Upsetting for the old dears, and rather forward of you, don’t you think? Because I’m sure you were much too nicely brought up to go running after a young man and asking him to take you out.’

Candida looked at him with anger. She liked him – you couldn’t help liking him – but she could have boxed his ears half a dozen times a day. She said,

‘Don’t be silly. I mean what I said.’

His shoulders lifted.

‘Oh, just as you like. We go home, and we say, “Dear Aunts, Candida has been lunching with Stephen, and I – ” Now I wonder where I was lunching? Do you think there would be any chance of my getting across with a lapse of memory, like the people who disappearinto the blue and turn up again smiling after seven years or so to say they can’t remember anything about it?’

‘I shouldn’t think so.’

He laughed.

‘No, nor should I. Besides, better kept for a major emergency, don’t you think? But you know, seriously, darling, what is the sense in having rows? It upsets them, it upsets me. And if you had a nice womanly nature, it would upset you.’

Candida flushed brightly.

‘Peace at any price!’

‘And the quiet life. How right you are!’

She looked ahead of them into the pouring rain. Low grey sky and a flat grey road, bare hedgerows and fields with all the colour drained out of them, a monotony of dullness and damp. What was the use of being angry? It had no more effect upon Derek than the rain-water running in streams over the bonnet of the car. Water off a car’s bonnet, water off a duck’s back. There was something about him which didn’t let anything through – a gay shining surface which protected whatever there was underneath. On the impulse she said,

‘Derek, are you really fond of them – at all?’

He looked round at her for a moment, his dark eyes smiling.

‘Of the old dears? But of course I am! What do you take me for?’

‘I don’t know – that’s the trouble. And I said really.’

He burst out laughing.

‘Darling, aren’t you being a bit intense? Now suppose I was just a scheming villain like the chap they had here before Alan Thompson. He went off with what cash he could lay hands on and some of the family diamonds. Well, suppose I was like that and you asked me if I was fond of the aunts, what do you suppose I would say? Swear to it every time, wouldn’t I? I’d be a fool if I didn’t – and it’s too much to expect of your luck to let you get away with being both a knave and a fool. So when I tell you that I really am fond of them, you naturally won’t believe me any more than I’d believe myself if I were you, and that gets us exactly nowhere.’

She said slowly, ‘I think you are fond of Cara.’

He nodded.

‘Well, I am, whether you think so or not. They’ve both been very good to me.’

She went on as if he had not spoken.

‘You don’t like it when Olivia bullies her.’

He put up a hand between them.

‘Oh, switch off the X-ray! It’s not decent to look right through one.’