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Executive guard lower paper printed words, resume folded, secrete deep within trouser pocket. Guard say, “By no mourning—only diligent study—requested children of the state best honor martyred ancestors.” Say, “In repeat, congratulations on such successful testing.”

Quote, “The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.”

Recalling this agent how recently rejected lips of female parentage, fearing ridicule from peer. How instead merely grasp hand.

Executive guard replace uniform head cover upon skull, say, “Of top important, must state now plot revenge upon American devils.” Say, “Follow me.” Guard pivot so exit room, leading Tibor, Chernok, Vaky, Magda … all operative taking first strides into next future family. Follow exact stride of executive guard, forward march standard 22.5 inch, every eight stride traveling five yard more deep into new mission deadly vengeance.

Dispatch Twenty-third

Begins here twenty-third account of operative me, agent number 67, attending compulsory education session public institution XXXXXX. Class period XXXXXX. Physical education conducted instructor Coach XXXXXX. For official record, American education rituals especial efficient at task segregation youth of superior intellect removed from youth gifted superior physical prowess. Best example, ritual label as “dodgeball.” Therein all peer males engage mock battle under witness fertile peer females.

Commencement of ritual, physical superior males select best combatants for accompany into battle, thus ranking all from most-best to least desirable for reproduction during females note close attention. Next then, divided males engage violent assault upon each opposite army, battering with inflated bladders latex rubber.

Over course conflict, males boasting superior musculature inflict injure upon males typical of superior intellect although suffering inferior height-to-weight ratio, body mass index, and stature.

At completion dodgeball ritual, females made full aware which males present most-desirable physical traits. Vanquished males culled by injury, weak reproductive citizens force self-select, redirect, instead impregnate mates, procreate offspring, instead channel aggressions chess club, focus sexual ambitions science club. Debate or forensics. Model rocket association. Granted no access sexual reproduction, thereby liberate superior intellect for indulge in further education. During same, superior physical genetics routed so impregnate superior physical females.

For benefit all society, most crucial segregate intellect out physical fit.

All accomplished in battle dodge of ball.

For official record, prior this today operative me forever selected final for dodgeball army. Captains respective armies bicker over negotiate inclusion this agent. Captain say, “We’ll take the gimp and the retard if you take Pygmy…”

Forever during, peer group females observe, issue exaggerate facial features express disgust, pinch nostrils shut, protrude tongue muscles, making straight finger at direction this agent.

Except this today, no occur such scenario.

This today, most large majority fellow male student appareled fabric tunic, black fabric printed English alphabet words “Property of Jesus.” Recounting accurate, this agent. Such many peer males appareled identical tunic of operative me. Male student arrive arena gymnasium, approach this agent, say, “Yo, Pygmy, my man.” Say, “You’ll be on my team, right?”

Peer males assemble so reproductive females observe from distance opposite portion arena gymnasium. Among males, exceptions no appareled black tunic operative me, no approach this agent, only operative Tibor, Oleg, Chernok. All fellow operatives, chosen long-ago today of career testing, created orphan American terrorist that dismal passed today, operatives Ling, Mang, Tanek, merely stand in distant. Cast pointed eye upon this agent.

During same now, former male delegate Brunei demand, say, “Pygmy, show me that thing where you break people’s legs.”

Other delegate, Burundi, say, “No, first teach us how to knock everybody out with your elbow…”

Crowding each aside, gentleman delegate Laos say, “Pygmy, little dude, show us how to kill guys with just your pinkie finger.”

Ballooning chest with vast inhale, voice of operative me quote benign dictator, ambitious regent Idi Amin, say, “‘Politics is like boxing—you try to knock out your opponents.’”

Next now, door comes unhealed from wall of gymnasium, door swings to display instructor for period of dodgeball.

Moment American instructor display self in door, students all stand and say, all unison one voice, “Greetings, esteemed most revered educator. Accept, please, our gratitude for the wisdom you impart.”

All American youth, male and female, say such.

Sole exception this agent.

Immediate all student bidding for this agent warrior among team, beseeching accompany into battle of inflated latex bladders. Forced settle dispute using traditional ritual hurtling monetary coin at roof, allow final position of tumbling coin to decide: head or tails. In capitalist nation, all is decided by money. Beyond this agent, each army assembled conscripting best physical specimen. Armies take position opposite walls gymnasium. Provisioned equal quantity inflated bladder.

Instructor physical education insert metal snail, silver-color snail, between own face lips. Instructor exhale snail so create shrill sound whistle, same now bladders fly.

Space gymnasium echoing impact rubber bladders. Bounce and slam contact with basketball wood of floors. Slap hit of impact rubber skidding, abrading human skin. Squeal lining of athletic shoe barking against floor varnish. Thunder of running feet, chased feet, charging shoes. Bladder hurtle such speed trailing scream before skinning cheek skin of president chess club. Welting shoulder, swollen red welt, National Merit Scholar.

Amid volley such deadly bladders, former gentleman delegate Bahrain say, “Little dude, teach me that backward kick…”

Requests instruction Exploding Mule kick-sock.

Former delegate Myanmar pitch bladder so protect this agent, say, “Hey, Pygmy… show me the other kicking deal.”

Requests instruction Flying Hyena lash-pow.

Amid skirmish, landing hail infinite stinging bladders, rampant battlefield speeding missile, operative Tanek take position near elbow this agent. Tanek say whisper, keyed low so audible only ear of operative me, say, “Attention, comrade.” Say, “Become no seduced by silly adoration of American devils.”

Next then, unseen bladder smite face cheek of operative Tanek. Rules of engagement require that agent extract self out battle, retire to margin gymnasium.

Eyes all fellow operative condemn this agent.

Hands of operative me procure inflated bladder. Arms catapult bladder so impact opposing team soldier, operative Otto, deemed among best top army of school. Render Otto fallen, clutching rib cage writhing prone on basketball wood, Otto eyes biting tight shut, bleeding water. Army of operative me issuing massive cheer. All fellow soldier impacting open hands on scapular of this agent. Peer fingers disarray head hairs of operative me. Say, “Way to go, Pyg-ster.”

Quick then, seize new bladder, hurtle so smite operative Bokara, impacting so sternum that agent issue crack sound. Operative Bokara embrace own self, topple until supine.

Witnessing females cheer. Stance among crowd females, operative Magda observe with sorrow eye, hands of that agent stroking own flat abdomen. Mammary glands swollen new hormone flood.

Under death stare fellow operatives, this agent intercept flight speeding bladder, grasp and rocket so stun forehead operative Ling. Impact bladder erupt vast wealth of viscous red blood, explode out nose of that agent. Bladder bounce aside, stamping print blood, print blood, print blood across basketball wood.