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Holman started the engine again, turned the air conditioner on high, then pushed in the cigarette lighter. He tried not to think about what he was going to do because he knew it was going to hurt. When the lighter popped out, he pulled the tie as far from his skin as possible and pressed the glowing end onto the plastic. Holman clenched his jaw and held firm, but it burned like a sonofabitch. He had to heat the lighter three more times before the plastic melted through.

Vukovich had taken his keys, wallet, money, and cell phone. Holman searched the floorboards and console, and came up with seventy-two cents. That was it. That was all he had.

Holman locked the Highlander and walked away without looking back. He made his way through a pet store filled with cages of chirping birds and found a pay phone outside the Albertsons. He wanted to warn Pollard and he needed her help, but when he reached the phone he couldn’t remember her number. Holman stood with the phone in his hand, drawing a total blank. He had programmed her number into his cell phone’s memory, but now his phone was gone and he couldn’t remember the number.

Holman started to shake. He slammed the phone into its cradle and shouted.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

Three people entering the store stared at him.

Holman realized he was losing it and told himself to calm down. More people were looking. His cuts were bleeding again, so he wiped at his arms, but all that accomplished was smearing the blood. Holman scanned the parking lot. No patrol cars or anonymous Crown Victorias crept past the store. Holman began to calm down after a few minutes and decided to call Chee. He didn’t remember Chee’s number, either, but Chee’s shop was listed.

Holman fed in his coins, then waited while the information operator made the connection.

Chee’s phone rang. Holman expected someone to answer on the first couple of rings, but the ringing went on. Holman cursed his lousy luck, thinking the operator had given him the wrong connection, but then a young woman answered in a tentative voice.


“I’m calling for Chee.”

“I’m sorry, we’re closed.”

Holman hesitated. It was the middle of the day during the work week. Chee’s shop should not have been closed.

“Marisol? Is this Marisol?”

Her voice came back, even more tentative.


“This is Max Holman-your dad’s friend. I need to talk to him.”

Holman waited, but Marisol didn’t respond. Then he realized she was crying.


“They took him. They came-”

She broke into full-blown sobs and Holman’s fear level spiked.


Holman heard a man saying something in the background and Marisol trying to answer, and then the man came on the line, his voice also guarded.

“Who is this?”

“Max Holman. What’s she talking about? What’s going on over there?”

“This is Raul, man. You remember?”

Raul was the kid who put together Holman’s driver’s license.

“Yes. What was she talking about? Where’s Chee?”

“They hooked him up, man. This morning-”


“Fuckin’ cops. They arrested him.”

Holman’s heart started pounding again and he once more scanned the parking lot.

“What the fuck happened? Why did they arrest him?”

Raul lowered his voice like he didn’t want Marisol to hear, but his voice became strained.

“I don’t know what the fuck happened. They came in this morning with warrants, dogs, fuckin’ assholes with machine guns-”

“The police?”

“LAPD, FBI, SWAT, even the fuckin’ ATF-if it’s in the alphabet they were here. They ate this shit up and took his ass in.”

Holman’s mouth had grown dry, but the phone was slippery in his grip. He watched the parking lot and forced himself to breathe.

“Was he hurt? Is he okay?”

“I don’t know.”

Holman almost shouted.

“Why don’t you know? It’s a simple goddamned question.”

“You think they let us stand around an’ watch, muthuhfuckuh?! My ass was proned out! They brought us here in the fuckin’ office!”

“Okay, okay-take it easy. Warrants for what? What were they looking for?”

“Assault rifles and explosives.”

“Jesus Christ, what was Chee doing?”

“Nothin’, bro! Chee’s not into anything over here, fuckin’ explosives! His daughter works here. You think he’d keep explosives? Chee won’t even let us deal stolen air bags.”

“But they arrested him?”

“Hell, yes. They put him in the car right in front of his daughter.”

“Then they must have found something.”

“I don’t know what the fuck they found. They loaded some shit into a truck. They had the fuckin’ Bomb Squad here, Holman! They had those fuckin’ dogs sniffin’ everywhere, but we didn’t have anything like that.”

A computerized voice came on the line, telling Holman he had only one minute left. Holman was out of quarters. His time was running out.

Holman said, “I gotta go, but one more thing. Did they ask about me? Did they try to connect Chee with me in any way?”

Holman waited for the answer, but the line was already dead. Raul had hung up.

Holman put down the phone and studied the parking lot. He believed Chee had been set up, but he didn’t understand why. Chee didn’t know anything of value about Holman that couldn’t be learned from Gail Manelli or Wally Figg or Tony Gilbert. Holman hadn’t even told Chee about the missing sixteen million and his growing suspicions of a police conspiracy, but maybe someone thought he had; maybe someone thought Chee knew more than he did, and this was their way of trying to make him talk. Thinking about it made Holman’s head hurt. Nothing made sense, so Holman stopped thinking about it. He had more immediate problems. No one was coming to give him a ride and more money and a car. Holman was on his own, and his only hope now was to reach Pollard. Reaching Pollard might be her only hope, too.

Holman went back to the Albertsons. He searched out the produce section, then headed for the rear of the store. Every produce section in every market in America had a swinging door in the back, through which produce clerks could push their carts laden with fruits and vegetables. Behind the door was always a refrigerated room into which the perishables were delivered and stored, and all such rooms had still more doors that opened onto loading docks.

Holman let himself out and was once more behind the shopping center. He returned to the Highlander, opened the rear cargo door, and pulled out the floor mats. The emergency tool kit had a screwdriver, pliers, and a jack handle. Holman hadn’t stolen a car in a dozen years, but he still remembered how.

Holman went back to the parking lot.


WHEN POLLARD left Holman at the cemetery she climbed onto the freeway in a confused daze and headed for Chinatown, her head so busy she barely noticed the surrounding cars.

Pollard hadn’t known what to expect when she followed Holman from Hollywood, but he had surprised her yet again. Here was Holman, who allowed himself to get pinched for bank robbery rather than let an old man die. Here was Holman, apologizing to his dead girlfriend for screwing up their son. Pollard hadn’t wanted to leave. She had wanted to stay, just hold his hand and comfort him and lose herself to her feelings.

Pollard’s heart broke when Holman started crying, not so much for him as for herself. Here was Holman, and she knew she could love him. Now, driving away, she fought the frightening suspicion she already did.

Max Holman is a degenerate career criminal ex-con and former drug abuser with no education, no skills, and absolutely no legitimate prospects short of an endless series of minimum-wage jobs. He has no respect for Black Letter law and his only friends are known felons. He will almost certainly end up back in jail within the next year. I have two little boys. What kind of example would he set? What would my mother say? What would everyone say? What if he doesn’t find me attractive?