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“I don’t know if I can.”

“Did I wear you out?”

“Are you saying you can walk?”

She didn’t think she could make her legs move enough to unlock from around him. “Maybe not.”

“So we wore each other out.”

“You are so competitive.”

“Who me?”

“I don’t buy the innocent act, but if that condom is going to maintain its effectiveness, we’ve got to disengage like now.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Neither do I.”

He sighed and lifted her so he could slide out. She lowered her legs, but couldn’t quite stand on her own, so stayed leaning against the wall while he took care of the condom. He came back to her and brushed a fingertip along the top curve of her breast. “You look like you could use some help.”

“I can and notice, I’m not too proud to admit it.” She put her arm around his shoulder, intending to lean on him.

But he swept her into his arms and carried her to the master bedroom. He pulled back the covers and carefully laid her on the bed. Like she was fine porcelain or something.

It made her eyes smart and she had to swallow back silly tears. “You’re ruining me for normal men. I just thought I should mention.”

He laughed, his eyes filled with a serious look at odds with his amusement. “That’s the idea.”

“My suspenders and hose are still on.”

“I’ll take care of it.” And he did, his touch gentle yet provocative.

They ended up making love again, though she was positive she was too spent to respond. He proved her deliciously wrong and she fell asleep curled into his body, her own replete with satisfaction.

Chapter 18

Ethan went into the second bedroom to call the friend he’d mentioned to Beth the night before. Hotwire picked up the phone on the first ring and Ethan quickly explained why he’d called.

“I’ll ask around,” Hotwire said.

“Thanks. How’s Claire?”

“Sassy as ever.”

“Some men have all the luck.”

Hotwire laughed. “That we do. How about you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Your voice changes when you say your partner’s name.”

“She’s not exactly my partner.”

“She’s working the case with you though, isn’t she?”

“Yes. She’s my in.”

“And she’s got you tied in knots so tight she should be a sailor.”

“Why do you say that?”


“And yours is always on?”

“Isn’t yours?”



“So, don’t say anything to Claire.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not sure where it’s going.”

“We never are.”


“Men…when they finally meet the woman who brings them to their knees.”

“Hey. I didn’t say a thing about being on my knees.”

“I hear it in your voice.”

“What, you’re psychic?”

“Nah. Just a man who’s been there.”

“I’m not anywhere.”

“You keep telling yourself that, buddy.”

“She doesn’t want long term with an agent.”


“She thinks they make lousy family men.”

“You’ve got to admit that it’s hard to raise kids today, even harder if you’re gone for weeks at a time on a case.”

“I know you’re right, but I don’t know if I can do anything else.”

“I felt that way about being a merc. I learned I could.”

“You were ready for the change.”

“Life has a way of making you ready when it’s important.”

“Has Claire heard from Queenie this week?”

“Yes. She’s got Josie’s dad teaching self-defense classes at the local senior center. His wife loved the idea and she plays his sparring mate.”

Ethan laughed. “What does Queenie do?”

“She plays the second assailant, or takes pictures. Her newsletter is gaining popularity.”

“I’ll have to check on distribution.”

“Keeping her out of trouble is close to a full-time job.”

“Especially with her cohorts in crime.”

“Claire says she’s going to be just like that as an old lady.”

“Lord have mercy.”

“He already did. He brought her into my life.”

There was a time when Ethan would have razzed Hotwire for the sentiment, but he didn’t feel like laughing right now. “Some women are special.”

“Bring her to meet us when the case is over.”

“We’ll see.”

“Yeah, we will.” Hotwire was laughing when Ethan cut the connection.

Beth came out of the bedroom, her hair a messy cloud around her shoulders and wearing one of his shirts.

“You didn’t bring any pajamas?” he asked with a smile.

She blinked her dark, bedroom eyes at him. “I like this better.”

“Me, too.” He gave her a complete once-over, letting his gaze linger at all the most interesting dips and valleys.

She blushed. “I get the feeling I could wear anything and you’d like it.”

“You’re right.”

“That’s pretty amazing considering the kind of women you normally date.”

This was one of those tricky, feminine quagmires he just knew he was going to regret getting into. “What kind is that?”

“The put-together, always dressed for both sex appeal and fashion kind.”

“You don’t need to dress a certain way to be sexy.”

Her expression filled with pleasure. “Thank you.”

He wiped his mental brow. That had gone much better than it could have, but sometimes the truth had a way of getting a man out of potential trouble. At least good truth. “And we aren’t just dating, we’re living together.” He didn’t care if it was for the job, he liked the way it felt. “You can wear my shirts any time.”

“That’s very generous of you.”

“Remember that the next time you get irritated with me.”

She grinned. “You act like I get mad at you all the time.”

“I’m just hedging my bets for the future. Smart men know when to take advantage of a moment.”

“I’ll remember,” she said in a voice laced with laughter.

He leaned back in the chair, waiting for her to come closer, wanting to touch the silky smooth skin exposed below the hem of the shirt. “You sleep well?”

“You mean when you let me sleep?”

He’d woken her more than once in the night, but she’d responded with generous passion every time. “Yeah. When I let you sleep.”

“I slept great, thanks.”

“Thank you, Beth.”

“For what?”

“For trusting me and for not holding my idiotic behavior against me.”

She came over to stand beside him, laying her hand on his shoulder. “Idiotic behavior?”

He turned the office chair and pulled her onto his lap, laying one hand on her silky thigh right where he wanted it to be. “The whole intensity thing.”

He’d hurt her with his confusion and inability to deal with feelings that were so new to him. He wished he could take it back, but all he could do was not make the same mistake again.

He wondered if he could make her faint again. He almost laughed at his own thoughts. She was right. He was competitive.

“Oh, that idiotic behavior. Don’t worry about it.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “This is new territory for both of us.”

“Not you. You loved Hyatt.”

Her body went completely still. “Are you saying you think you love me?”

“I don’t know, but it’s different with you.”

“Well, it’s different with you, too, whatever it is. Trust me, this”-she swept her hand in an arc, indicating the rest of the cabin-“is very different for me, too. I’ve never lived with a man before.”

“Have you ever wanted to?”


“So, new ground for both of us.” Satisfaction he could not hide filled his voice. He liked knowing that. A lot.


“I still like you in my shirt.”

She laughed, the sound musical and very feminine.

“I talked to Hotwire. He’s going to see what he can see.”

“Did you call my dad to have him look into the possibility another agency has Prescott targeted, too?”

“Yes. Earlier. I’ve also been listening to the bugs I planted last night.” He’d have to bring in one of the field agents staying in town to help listen to the bugs in real time.