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It was bad enough knowing she didn’t have anywhere near the experience of his usual bedmates, but to discover he saw her as some sort of closet nymphomaniac was the absolute pits. How could she sleep in that bed with him knowing he thought that way about her? If she accidentally touched him in the night, he’d assume it was some kind of come-on.

The door slammed open and Ethan stormed back into the room, his expression stormy. She gasped, but didn’t get a chance to say a word before his hands gripped her shoulders and his mouth slammed down on hers.

She started to shove him away, but he wrapped her up close and kissed her until they were both breathing hard.

He lifted his head, his green eyes fixed to hers. “I do not think you are sex-starved. Last night was intense. Too intense for the safety of our mission and that came from both of us. You turn me on, baby. In ways no other woman has in a long time. I can’t afford to be sidetracked right now and neither can you.”

“So, no more sex?”

“No more mind-blowing, soul-destroying sex. We’ve got to keep it light.”

“Light. Right. Got it.” But no sex sounded easier than keeping it light. She didn’t know how to turn off her emotions, but she supposed he was an expert at it.

He shook his head and groaned. “You don’t know what you do to me when you look at me like that, do you?”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re trying to figure me out. That should make me want to turn and run, instead it turns me on.”

“I’m not trying to see into your soul, just figure out this light sex thing. I’m not sure I know how to do it.”

“We’ll figure it out, but no more bondage.”

“You didn’t like it?”

“I liked it too much.”


“Remember, we want light.”


“Now, I’ve definitely got to go run.”

“Because we can’t have sex tonight.”


“Not even light sex?” Oh, man…did that make her sound needy and desperate?

Ethan frowned and stepped back. “I don’t think I can keep it light right now. Sitting beside you on the plane for hours…being with you now, it’s driving me crazy.”

“I thought you didn’t even notice me. You certainly had enough other female attention.”

“I didn’t notice.”

“But you’re saying you noticed me?”

“How could I not notice you? Your scent excites everything male and sexual inside me and having you close enough to touch is a major temptation.”

“So, you’re saying you’re the sex-starved one?”

He barked out a laugh. “Maybe. It’s been a while, that’s for sure.”

“How long?” she asked, helpless to hold the question back.

“Too long. Almost a year.”

“That’s unusual for you, isn’t it?”


“But you’ve dated.”

“Contrary to what you obviously believe about me, I don’t do the nasty with every woman I take out.”

“But a year…”

“Almost a year,” he corrected.

“Almost. It’s still a long time for you.”

“I said it was.”

“I’m just confirming I’m not the only person in this room with a lot of sexual energy to burn.”

“Which is why I need to go for a run.”

“Have fun.”

He frowned at her, like a reprimand, but she just grinned back and shooed him out the door.

She felt tons better now that she knew he didn’t see her as a desperate female, starving for sex. Or if he did, they were in the same boat. She was not going to let it bother her that he might have tipped in her direction because he’d been too long without a lover. The sex last night had not disappointed him. It had been too much for his peace of mind on a case. He’d as good as said so.

For some reason she could not fathom, that made her feel proud. Like she’d succeeded at something his other lovers hadn’t. They would part ways after the case ended, but he wouldn’t forget her. And that was only fair, because she’d never forget him.

But he wanted to keep things light and that was exactly what she wanted. Keep the intensity to a minimum and she wasn’t going to start imagining herself in love with him. It was a good plan.

Declarations of intent were all well and good, but what was a man supposed to do when the woman whose body he craved was curled up beside him and making it impossible to sleep? What kind of damn fool told a woman he didn’t want to have sex with her when he wanted nothing more?

A Texas-size fool, that’s what kind.

She was sleeping like a baby, as if sharing a bed with a man was nothing new for her. It was, though, and she shouldn’t be sleeping so damned peacefully. Well, okay…not peacefully. She hadn’t been happy until she’d rolled across the wide expanse of the king-size bed and snuggled right up to his back. One of her small feet was tucked between his calves and the other pressed close to his bottom leg.

He’d been fighting the need to turn over and start touching her from the moment her warm little hand had landed against his shoulder blade. He’d worn a T-shirt and shorts to bed in some misguided belief that it might help fight the needs raging through him. All they did was make his erection more painful than it needed to be.

She’d donned a prim white cotton nightgown that looked brand new. He’d made the mistake of commenting on that and she’d admitted she normally slept in the buff. The way he wanted her right now. Not that the modest gown was really all that modest. It was thin cotton and the shadow of her nipples showed right through, as well as the dark ruff of hair between her legs. She wasn’t wearing panties and one glance at the shadow crease of her backside through the thin cotton had been enough to confirm the suspicion.

His dick was so hard, it felt ready to split his skin. And he was the fool who had said no sex tonight. She needed her rest. Well, she was getting it…while he drove himself slowly insane.

Beth launched into wakefulness, her body throbbing with unrelenting sensual need. She gasped in shock, her eyes flying open, but the room was still cast in predawn shadows and she couldn’t really see anything. All she could do was feel and what she felt was desire burning through her veins like lava.

“Ethan.” His name came out a long, low moan.

The lips nibbling at the ultrasensitive spot behind her ear paused in their ministrations to whisper, “Good morning, Sunshine,” then moved to cover her mouth with hungry urgency.

It was a kiss unlike any they had shared. She’d never sensed such uncontrolled need emanating from him and his lips had never been quite so possessive. Had they?

He cradled her head in the crook of his arm and his hand massaged her breast and teased her nipple while the other one played a tempting sonata between her legs. She could feel herself wet and swollen there, his fingers sliding easily between her slick folds. He swirled his thumb over her clitoris and something inside her shattered.

There was no time for her to think. Her body was on fire. She moaned against his devouring lips and arched into the pleasure exploding between her legs. She didn’t know how long he’d been touching her to bring her toward wakefulness, but her body shimmered on the edge of orgasm and then went over in a shower of sparks and convulsions.

He rolled on top of her, never breaking their kiss, and speared inside her still-contracting sheath. His thrusts were hard and deep, driving her to a second climax with dismaying speed. This time they came together, his body rigid above hers, her insides going supernova until her mind went black.

She awoke a second time to gentle hands smoothing her hair from her face and lips pressing tender kisses to her temple.

She was still panting from the shocking pleasure despite the respite of her temporary blackout. “That was incredible.”

“You are incredible, Beth.” White teeth flashed in the dimness of the room, the expression in his eyes cast in mysterious shadow.