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Sitting up, she smacked his shoulder with her fist and pouted. “What do you think is so funny?”

It was the cutest pout he’d ever seen, her full lower lip protruding just enough to tempt him to bite it.

“You’re blushing because I said you’re good in the sack after tying me to the bed and shamelessly pleasuring yourself on my body. Would the real Beth Whitney please stand up?”

She pouted some more and his dick reacted like she’d offered him the blow job he’d demanded earlier…and had given up in favor of watching her touch herself. “I think she’s emerging now, but I have no intention of standing up. This water feels too nice.”

He gripped her hips and pulled her so that she was nestled right against his growing hard-on. “You feel nice.”

Her eyes grew wide. “What are you, the Energizer Bunny?”

“A certain pouty woman has this effect on me.”

“I do not pout.”

He laughed and leaned forward to nip her protruding lower lip. “Don’t you?”

She gasped and he kissed her, taking full advantage and sweeping her sweet interior with his tongue. She was still for a second and then responded with all the fire he’d learned she had locked inside of her. Tangling her tongue with his, she collapsed against him, her soft breasts pillowing against his chest. It felt great. Hell, everything with her felt too damned good.

She was straddling him and rubbing herself against his now straining erection before he realized what was happening.

“This is dangerous, baby,” he said against her mouth.

“D-dangerous?” she asked in a dazed voice that hardened his cock further.

“I didn’t bring a condom in here.”

“Would it stay on…in the water?”

“Yeah, but I have to put it on when I’m dry.”

“Oh.” She kissed him and then sighed. “I guess we’d better get out.”

He held her to him. “Or we could touch each other.”

“In the water?” she asked, sounding both intrigued and slightly appalled. “Won’t that be messy?”

“We can shower after.”

She rubbed herself up and down his length. “Okay.”

“Not like this.” She was too close. For the first time in longer than he could remember, he seriously doubted his ability to control his urge to slip inside a woman if they kept doing what they were doing. “With our hands.”

She stopped moving and sat up again, pressing her silky, swollen flesh against his erection and making him groan. “I want to touch you first.”


She grinned. “I like it when you’re so accommodating.”

“You’re going to love it when I really accommodate you.”

She wrapped her fingers around him and his mind blanked. For a woman who didn’t have a lot of experience, she certainly knew how to touch a man. She used both her hands and gave extra attention to the ultrasensitive skin on his head. It usually took him longer to come with a hand job, but it didn’t feel like any time at all before he felt the pressure building at the base of his cock.

He rocked and urged her on with guttural demands she seemed only too happy to obey. His climax had him arching up and sloshing water out of the tub, while she caressed him until the pleasure was so intense, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

He pushed her hands away with a jerky movement. “Too much.”

“You’re crying uncle?”

“If you don’t stop touching me, I’ll be crying, period.”


That was not the word he had been thinking. This woman got to him in ways that made him uncomfortable. He had thought just touching each other would be less intense than actually making love. He’d been wrong. He felt like she’d turned him inside out and now he was about to return the favor.

He pulled her around so she was straddling his hips but facing away from him, his still sensitive and semierect flesh nestled against her backside. “Now, it’s my turn.”

“How do you have the energy?”

Had she thought he would let her get him off and then call it a night? That was not his way. When it came to sex, Ethan took the game of one-upmanship very seriously. He liked knowing he’d wowed his partner…and not with his response.

“When it comes to touching you, I’ll always have it.”

“That’s sweet.”

Ethan had been called many things by his lovers, but sweet wasn’t one of them and he wasn’t sure he liked it coming from Beth. It made him sound safe and he was not a safe man. She ought to know that. “I’ll show you sweet.”

He touched her all over in ways he knew would please her, reveling in the way her resilient curves felt against his exploring fingers. He played with her breasts and nipples until they were hard and so sensitive she jerked every time the pad of his thumb slid over one. Then he played with her belly, exploring her belly button and the soft flesh just above her mound. She moaned and moved against him, but while he touched her inner thighs and the area all around her sex, he kept back from touching her there.

She begged him to touch her intimately and he brushed his fingertips lightly over her hair, making her body spasm with need. He didn’t delve between her lips though, but he kept her on the edge, building her excitement higher and higher. She grabbed his wrist and tried to force his hand closer, but he hadn’t worked on resistance weights for nothing.

He refused to budge, using her momentum to move his hand to her inner thigh again where he drew circles and kneaded her flesh until she was moaning and thrashing in the water. It wasn’t enough though. He wanted her to plead and she did.

“Please, Ethan, touch my clitoris. I’m so close!”

When his fingers finally dipped between her legs while his other hand tugged on an engorged nipple, he was fairly certain she wasn’t thinking he was all that sweet anymore.

She gave a keening cry and bucked in his arms. He swirled his fingertip over and around her swollen clitoris, then slid down into her silky wetness. Her inner muscles clenched as tight as a vice on his fingers and he remembered how incredibly snug she’d felt around his dick. She moved on him, riding his fingers like they were something more and moaning out her pleasure.

“Come for me, Beth. Come for me, now.” He pressed the heel of his hand to her sweet spot and brought her to orgasm.

She screamed out his name as she strained against him, but he didn’t stop and she launched into another immediate climax as the first was still waning. This time she sat straight up, straining against his hold and sending more water cascading over the sides of the tub as she screamed out an animal-like cry that went on and on and on.

The woman was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen…or touched. Her cry finally settled to a whimper while she moved restlessly as if trying to minimize her sensitivity to his touch.

Finally, she collapsed back against him as her body went boneless and her breaths came in sobbing gasps. “Too good. Too much.”

He immediately gentled his touch to a soothing motion, rather than one meant to incite more passion.

“You crying uncle?” he threw her words back at her, smiling at the way she rubbed her head against his chest as if seeking comfort from the cataclysm he’d put her through.

“Juss…cryin’,” she slurred.

And with alarm, he realized she was. He turned her against him, tucking one arm around her the other rubbing frantically at her back. “It’s okay, Sunshine. Hush. Don’t cry.”

“’sokay. I know, but too good.” She hiccupped a little and rubbed her cheek against his chest. “Do it again later.”

He said nothing, but something strange happened inside him in response to her crying after climaxing. He’d heard about that kind of thing, but he didn’t get deeply emotional with his lovers and had never experienced it. He and Beth weren’t into heavy emotion here either, but their sexual response to each other was out of this world.

And that’s all it was. Too much pleasure and she’d reacted with tears. Nothing big or earth shaking in that.