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Typical of a Triple C.

I shook my head in exasperation and lifted a large book from my case. I wanted to change the subject before I really did throw up. "I have a book of sample invitations for you to go over." As I spoke, I flipped through the tract, revealing page after page of invitations. "As you can see, there are many colors and fonts to pick from, as well as designs."

He groaned. "Can't you pick something? I know nothing about fonts and colors and designs unless they come with propellers or a jet engine."

I liked, really liked, damn it, that this gorgeous, put-together man so easily admitted he lacked knowledge about something.

My ex-may he soon discover tiny worms have invaded his body and are slowly eating him alive-once told me God made men so perfect because He'd wanted to make up for the inadequacies of women.

Richard the Bastard had said this the day after our divorce had been finalized, and I'd fallen on my knees in thanks that I'd gotten out of that living hell when I had. I'm pretty sure my real dad said something similar to my mom. Many times. While cheating on her. Sometimes I wasn't sure what was worse. Richard's cheating, or my dad's. To both men, family had meant nothing.

"What if I make the wrong choices, Royce? Linda is your mother. I don't know her, therefore I don't know her tastes."

"I trust you." He held up his hands, palms out. "I'll love your choices, I swear."

"But will Linda? I mean-"

"Naomi," he said, beseeching.

I sighed. "All right."

One of his eyebrows quirked in the middle and his grin returned. "All right what? Let me hear the words."

"All right. I'll do it." I uttered another sigh. Giving in did not mean I'd reverted to former doormat behavior. I was simply doing something nice for my (sexy) client. "We need to firm up the theme. Jewelry box is first on the list."

"What else is on the list?"

"Something elegant. Something nostalgic."

"Nostalgic." He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "Like what?"

"What if we recaptured her youth with an 1800s setting?"

"That'd be great, except she grew up a hundred years after that."

"Whatever. I could do the Care Bear party she never had as a child." If Mrs. Powell had ever been a child, that is. She might have sprung fully formed from the devil's thigh. "I could do something romantic like Arabian Nights, with veils and magic lamps. I could do a jungle theme, even, with animal prints and drums."

"I like the Arabian Nights thing," he said. "And yes, I'm man enough to say that."

He was all man. "Will your mother like it, though?"

"She'll love it. That's the one. It has my approval."

My heart gave a strange little leap. Already I pictured the scene in my mind, loving the bold colors, the bed of satin floor pillows-with Royce lounging on them, eating grapes from my hand-and the thought of magic at every corner.

"Will the guests have to dress up?" he asked, a hint of something wicked in his eyes.

"As in, formally?" I stared up at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Or in costume?"


I bit my bottom lip, letting it slid from my teeth. "Do you want them to?"

"That depends. Will you come as a belly dancer?"

"No." I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling. I should have known his thoughts were lascivious.

"Then, no," he said on a sigh. "No costumes."

My gaze swept over him. Perhaps I'd spoken too hastily. I could very easily see him in a sheik costume, king of the desert. I'd be his harem girl, of course, and he'd command me- Whoa, girl. Don't go there. Not here. I cleared my throat. "Once you decide on a location, I'll print a sample invitation for your approval."

"Sounds good." He stretched his legs out in front of him, right beside my legs. So close I could feel the heat of them. "Now, tell me about the caterer you've chosen."

"Cinderella Catering." I smiled slowly as an idea formed. I'd forgotten about the caterer. "You should know they're located solely in Dallas," I said. "They have no other affiliations and will be unable to work in another area. Especially out of state."

He covered his mouth with his hand. Hoping to hide his grin? "You're tenacious, I'll give you that. But I refuse to be concerned about losing the caterer until that time comes."

"There may not be another caterer available by the time you decide, and if that happens, I am not throwing a few pizzas in the oven and calling it good."

"Once again, we'll be concerned about that when and if the time comes."

Determined, my life at stake, I persisted. "The longer you wait to choose the party's location, the harder it will be to hire a new caterer and book the site."

"That's why we're leaving this Saturday."

Damn him! He had an answer for everything. "For the record, I want it noted that I do not agree with this plan of action."

"So noted," he said behind his hand. Yep. He was definitely hiding a grin. "Now, that's enough talk about the birthday party for today." He cast a glance to the wall clock. He dropped his hand, revealing his lips and a smile, but the smile quickly vanished. "Unfortunately, it's too late to go to lunch."

"So eat in."

"I don't have time." He leveled me with a frown and glanced at his watch. "I have a meeting in ten minutes."

My back tensed and straightened at his I-blame-you tone. "That's not my fault."

"It is," he grumbled, "but I forgive you."

I choked out a dry laugh. "Gee, thanks, Royce. I wouldn't have made it through the rest of my day without knowing you forgave me for something that wasn't my fault."

He chuckled, his good humor restored for a reason only he understood. "Ah, I love a woman with spirit. What do you have on under that jacket?"

"Excuse me?" The abrupt switch of topics gave me a momentary pause. My fingers sought the lapels of said jacket and drew them tight.

"What do you have on under that jacket?" he repeated.

I frowned and shifted in my seat. "Nothing."

"Mmm," he drawled, a teasing light making his eyes sparkle like sapphires. "Very interesting. And unexpected. But I must admit, I like it. There's something so sexy about a woman daring enough to go in the buff underneath her clothes."

I shifted again, becoming more turned on by the second. "I meant I have on nothing that concerns you."

"Interesting interpretation."

If I didn't stop this line of conversation, I'd soon be offering to show him what I wore under my jacket. The most daring part of me, a part I hadn't known existed until he'd entered my life, was responding to his words, making me ache and tingle, begging me to go for it. "We need to keep this meeting strictly professional."

"Like we can't be professional naked."

My lips pursed in pure vexation. He spotted the action, and the teasing light fizzled from his eyes as a hot, blazing fire kindled in their blue depths. "I swear I get hard every time you move your lips."

I watched, transfixed, mesmerized, as his gaze traveled over my body in a bold assessment, stopping for a long moment at my bare calves. It felt as if his hands rather than his eyes skimmed over me. And I knew what was coming next. Oh, I dreaded, craved and hungered for what was coming next.

"C'mere," he said, the word a seductive whisper.

Remain strong! my inner Tigress cried.

Where have you been? I mentally shouted at her. Everything about Royce, from the look on his face to the way his body leaned forward as if poised to attack, was a guarantee he planned to kiss me senseless. Again.

I might hate myself later, but I couldn't allow it. Our first (shatteringly exquisite) kiss had been our last. He was too sexy, too potent, and he wanted too much from me. More than that, I wanted him too much.