Animal Instincts
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Страниц: 63
Символов: 388951
ID: 102313
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
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Создана 26 октября 2010 07:54


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Unleashing your inner tigress isn't easy when you're a doormat by nature! Still, after escaping a wretched marriage to a cheating SOB, Dallas party planner Naomi Delacroix isn't about to let another man sweet-talk her into sheathing her protective claws. Not even hunky millionaire Royce Powell, who's hired her to arrange his mother's surprise party. Even if he does make her purr like a kitten with one heated glance…

Royce claims he's been in love with her ever since she threw a party for one of his friends a year ago. But if that's true, why is this incredibly eligible CEO currently taking applications for a wife? Despite herself, Naomi is tempted to fill one out. But can her inner tigress believe a man might change his stripes?

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