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Jeffrey passed his gun to the guard behind the metal cage at Coastal State Prison. Ever since he'd been caught unarmed with Jake Valentine in the woods, Jeffrey had kept the weapon close. He'd even slept with it on the nightstand last night instead of tucking it under the mattress like he normally did. He suddenly realized that when the adoption went through, he'd have to get a gun safe, figure out a better place to store all of his guns. The thought made him smile.

'Anything else?' the guard asked, ejecting the clip in Jeffrey's Glock and checking the chamber.

'That's it.'

The man nodded, writing down the serial number from the gun and passing a claim check to Jeffrey.

Another guard opened the first of two gates, saying, 'Through here.'

Once they were both inside the holding pen and the first door was locked, the guard opened the second door and they walked through.

The guard, whose name tag read, 'Applebaum,' looked to be exactly the type of man you'd find working in a place like Coastal State Prison. Tall with broad shoulders, he walked with the kind of swagger that said he wasn't afraid of anything.

Jeffrey told him, 'I think you met one of my detectives a few days ago.'

'Nope,' the guard told him. 'Just got back from vacation.' He stopped at another set of doors. These were operated from a central control station. Applebaum murmured something into his walkie-talkie and the door clicked open.

Jeffrey said, 'There was nothing in Green's jacket about drugs.'

Applebaum shook his head. 'His boys don't touch 'em. If you're down with his crew and they catch you using or selling, you'd be better off running ass-naked through the yard than having them deal with you.' He shook his head. 'Had this one skinhead, must've been seventeen, eighteen, who aligned with Green's crew when he got in. He couldn't stay off the needle, though; got caught red-handed. He knew they were after him, so he made a shank out of his comb and kiestered it in the shower.'

Jeffrey knew kiestering was prison slang for stowing something up your ass. 'What happened?'

'They got a broom and shoved the comb up higher. The doc who did the postmortem says he found bits of plastic teeth practically in the guy's tonsils when he cut him open.'

'Green did this?'

'He ordered it,' Applebaum admitted as he stopped in front of another closed door. 'Somebody that high up, they keep their hands real clean.'

'Somebody could flip.'

The guard laughed as he took out a key and opened the door, revealing the interview room. 'And J-Lo could fly down to Georgia and blow me in her private plane.' He turned all business as he escorted Jeffrey into the interview room. 'Don't touch the prisoner. Don't get within five feet of him. See this line on the table? This is as far as he'll be able to reach with the chains, but don't trust that.'

'I don't want him chained.'

'Warden's orders.'

'I'm not afraid of Ethan Green.'

Applebaum turned around. 'Listen, man, I sure as shit am, and you should be, too.'

Jeffrey nodded, taking his point. 'Bring him in.'

Applebaum left, and Jeffrey sat at the table facing the metal ring bolted to the wall. He heard talking in the hallway and stood, not wanting to give Ethan a height advantage. Then, thinking he looked like he'd come with his hat in his hand, walked over to the wall opposite the door and leaned against it, hands in his pockets.

The door opened and Ethan shuffled in with Applebaum and three other guards. He kept his eyes trained on Jeffrey as Applebaum and the others guided him toward the chair. He sat, staring a hole through Jeffrey as he was bolted to the wall.

Applebaum said, 'We'll be standing right outside the door.'

The four guards left, taking all the oxygen in the room with them. The chains around Ethan's handcuffs scraped across the edge of the table as he clasped his hands in front of him.

Ethan asked, 'You scared to sit across from me?'

'Where the panic button is? Not particularly.'

Ethan's lips curled into a sneer, but he nodded as if Jeffrey had made a point. This was what Sara was so afraid of – some stupid pissing contest that could quickly turn deadly.

Jeffrey pushed himself away from the wall and walked over to the empty chair. He pulled it out about two feet from the table and sat, legs apart, hands resting on his thighs.

Ethan snorted, leaned back in his chair. 'You just gonna stare at me all day, Chief? You got a crush on me or something?'

'I want to know what you've been doing with Lena.'

He made a jerking-off motion. 'Fucking around.'

'I know you've been making phone calls to Hank,' Jeffrey said. He'd seen them logged on Ethan's file. 'Why?'

'To get Lena here.' He clicked his tongue. 'Worked, didn't it?'

'The only problem is, a trick like that only works once.'

'I got other plans.' He held out his hands, indicating the walls around them. 'I'm gonna get out of here one day, and when I do, I'm gonna find her.'

'She'll put a bullet in your head.'

'She'll die before she gets the chance,' Ethan returned. 'You ever fuck her, Chief?'

Jeffrey didn't answer.

'I know you wanted to. I saw the way you looked at her sometimes.'

Jeffrey did not respond.

'Let me tell you something,' Ethan said, leaning forward. 'She may look hard, but she's so sweet underneath all that. You know what I mean?' He smiled, satisfied. 'Good stuff.'

Jeffrey remained impassive. Ethan obviously thought he was pushing a button, but Jeffrey had never been attracted to Lena. He'd never had a sister, but he imagined the feelings he had for Lena were about the same.

'What you gotta do is slap her around a little bit,' Ethan continued. 'Bend her over and-' He thrust into the table, made a loud grunting sound.

'Bend her over, huh?' Jeffrey shook his head sadly. 'I think you've been hanging out with the wrong men in here, little buddy.'

He cupped his nuts, shook them. 'I've got your little buddy right here, cocksucker.'

'Fight or fuck,' Jeffrey said. 'That's what they call it in here, right? You either have to fight or fuck.' He glanced at Ethan, looked at his hands. 'You don't look to me like you've been fighting.'

Ethan laughed. 'You see these tats, bitch?' He meant the swastikas, the scenes of violence that he'd carved into his skin. 'Ain't nobody gonna touch me in here, man.'

'That's right,' Jeffrey said. 'I heard you and your little girlfriends started your own cheerleading squad in here. What's that mean, exactly? I mean, I know you wear the same uniforms, but I don't guess y'all can sit around braiding each other's hair. Do you do your nails together? Maybe give each other enemas and talk about how the white man's gonna rule the world?'

'You watch yourself, son.'

'Watch what? A bunch of punk kids whose daddies never loved them? Jesus Christ, you're a fucking Oprah episode. Give me a break.'

'Fuck that black bitch.'

'Fuck this, fuck that,' Jeffrey mocked, standing. ' Lena was right. This is such a waste of time.'

'What?' Ethan's eyes narrowed. 'What did Lena say?'

'She sent me here,' Jeffrey said. 'She wanted me to see what a pathetic little girl you've turned into.'

Ethan stared at him, obviously trying to make out the truth. Slowly, he sat back in his chair. 'Nah, man. She didn't send you.'

'Yeah,' Jeffrey said. He was standing by the door and he leaned his shoulder against it. 'She said you were hooked up with this Brotherhood.'

Ethan's lips curled in distaste. 'What?'

'Brotherhood of the True White Skin,' Jeffrey clarified. 'She said you hooked up with them in here to save your own ass.'

'Shit,' he said, practically spitting out the word. 'Those pussies? They run meth.'