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There are many people to thank for helping me with this novel. My agent, Victoria Sanders, has been there from the beginning. Susan Sandon, Kate Elton and Kate Miciak – as always – were invaluable. I would also like to single out Rina Gill; my champion, my Bossy Sheila, the best publicist and friend a gal could hope for. Richard Cable belongs in here somewhere: thank you so much for all you do. Claire Round, Adam Humphrey and Rob Waddington deserve special praise as well. It's so brilliant to work with people whose company you really enjoy. Dave Parrish and Simon Littlewood, you are both international superstars. Richard Ogle again did a great job on design. Georgina Hawtrey-Woore, thanks for keeping the wheels turning. Speaking of which – Gail Rebuck, you have my undying gratitude for putting together the most well-oiled machine in publishing. And speaking of well oiled… Simon Master, you are most certainly missed.

Sue Kurylowicz was the winner of the 'Get Slaughtered!' contest, granting her the dubious honor of having her name appear in this book. Sue, honey, you did ask to be bad…

On the medical side of things, David Harper, MD, was again a huge help. It's not many people who will keep listening when you begin a conversation with, 'So, I want to burn someone alive…' Family-wise, I want to thank my daddy for teaching me the important things early on, and to DA, as always, you are my heart.

I've written a little note for my readers that can be found at karinslaughter.com/letter. Please note that this letter contains major spoilers for this novel, so don't ruin it for youself and save it for after you've read the book.

About the author

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Karin Slaughter grew up in a small south Georgia town and has been writing since she was a child. She is the author of the Grant County series of international bestsellers Blindsighted, Kisscut, A Faint Cold Fear, Indelible, Faithless and Skin Privilege, and the bestselling thriller set in Atlanta, Triptych. She is also the editor of Like A Charm, a collaboration of British and American crime fiction writers. She lives in Atlanta.

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