Кронштадтский тупик

Кронштадтский тупик (СИ) 16+

Оценка: 9.00 (2) 2
Страниц: 47
Книга закончена
Символов: 380555
Наташа Навицкая даже к Новому году спокойно приготовиться не может! Вот и теперь, выйдя вечером прогуляться с подругой Беллой по вечернему Кронштадту, она стала свидетельницей ссоры между двумя мужчинами. Все закончилось дракой и гибелью одного из них. Несчастный случай? Как бы не так! Корни развернувшейся в сквере трагедии уходят далеко в прошлое... И не все так просто. Может ли быть такое, чтобы сострадание вызывал арестованный преступник, а не убитый? Что скрывает подруга потерпевшего? Что его связывало с дочерью убийцы? И какое отношение к этому клубку тайн и недомолвок имеет уважаемая в Кронштадте дама - владелица актерской школы "Райзинг"?.. Все это и многое другое Наташе и Белле придется выяснить. Успеют ли они до боя курантов? Посмотрим! далее
The Simple Truth

The Simple Truth

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Baldacci David (EN)
Страниц: 94
Книга закончена
Символов: 633711
Язык книги: Английский
Twenty five years ago, Rufus Harms was convicted of a murder he believes he committed. But when his memory is jogged by a letter from the army, he has a shocking realization: he's not guilty. From prison, Rufus secretly files an appeal with the Supreme Court, unaware that the real killers are onto him. But the long-time convict knows he's running out of time when his lawyer and the Supreme Court clerk - the first person to see Rufus's appeal - are murdered. Escaping with his brother's help, Rufus must now elude capture long enough to expose a shocking cover-up and save his own life. далее
Sycamore Row

Sycamore Row

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Grisham John (EN)
Страниц: 122
Книга закончена
Символов: 779472
Серия: Jake Brigance #2
Язык книги: Английский
John Grisham’s “Sycamore Row” revisits Clanton, Miss., the site of his first and still most famous book, “A Time to Kill.” Just three years have passed since young Jake Brigance crusaded his way through Clanton’s most racially inflammatory murder trial. It is 1988, and Jake now has a small practice, a big reputation and a housing problem created when Ku Klux Klan members torched his lovingly restored Victorian home. Mr. Grisham does not seem to have revisited his most popular character for the usual writerly reason: desperation. The unstoppable Energizer Bunny of legal fiction, Mr. Grisham does not need to cannibalize old hits to create new ones. Instead, “Sycamore Row” sets Jake in the midst of what is now a historical novel, resurrecting the Clanton of 25 years ago. That gives the author a new perspective on the town’s racial tensions and a chance to resurrect Jake, who by now feels like an old friend. All it takes is one big twist of fate, and Jake is back on center stage. The twist is the suicide of a wealthy white man named Henry Seth Hubbard. He had a will that made beneficiaries of his two grown children, Ramona and Herschel. But on the last day of his life, Hubbard supposedly changed his mind. An envelope is delivered to Jake’s office containing a final, handwritten will that reverses the first one. Hubbard’s primary beneficiary is now Lettie Lang, his housekeeper, who is black and spent a lot of time alone with him. And Hubbard anticipates his family’s outrage at this move. “These are not nice people and they will fight, so get ready,” he warns. “Fight them, Mr. Brigance, to the bitter end.” The legal issues raised by two differing wills, and the smell of money, invite a large crew of eager lawyers into the fight. Mr. Grisham’s gift for manipulating and explicating legal battles makes this multifaceted one satisfyingly cagey. But a curious phenomenon makes it too easy to be distracted from a Grisham novel in its early stages, before the fight really gets rolling. It’s not the fault of Mr. Grisham’s clean and clear prose. It’s because he is accurately capturing all the tedium, repetition, red tape and soporific rhetoric with which lawyers contend. If they must plod through discovery and suffer death by deposition, readers do too. Mr. Grisham knows what lawyers have been taught to do. More important, he also knows how they actually behave. Although “Sycamore Row” is a bit crude at first, treating Lettie as a long-suffering saint and the Hubbards as racists who neither know or care when they insult her, it snaps into shape as soon as Clantonites realize how high the stakes are in this fight. Lettie’s potential inheritance would make a black maid the richest woman in Mr. Grisham’s Ford County. And the Ford County of 1988 is not about to let that happen. Mr. Grisham lets the Hubbards stay happily oblivious for a while, as Jake, chosen by Hubbard as his executor, quietly tracks down the dead man’s assets. Yes, this is a book about probate and appraisals and other nonscintillating processes that a will sets in motion. But it is also about the feeding frenzy that initially surrounds the Hubbards, who have no idea a second will exists. The jolt of that potentially more valid will sends shysters heading for Lettie, who is almost too shocked to understand her situation. Mr. Grisham cleverly positions Jake in the middle, as a lawyer well liked by the judge in the case, Reuben Attlee. Judge Attlee and other holdovers from “A Time to Kill” become strong, calculating characters in this book, too. “Everything is about race in Mississippi,” Jake is told by Lucien Wilbanks, a disbarred lawyer and drunk who won’t stay out of the case — or out of Jake’s office, since Lucien is the landlord. Regardless of whether Lucien has that right, everything in “Sycamore Row” is about racial nuances and how they play. Lettie becomes shark bait for the high-profile black lawyer Booker Sistrunk, “an infamous bomb thrower” with an imposingly flashy style. He drives a Rolls-Royce, grandstands in the courtroom and seems guaranteed to alienate any white jurors, in the case where the jury will be mostly white. Jury selection is one more legal process that is described here in all of its authentically monotonous yet, from the lawyers’ standpoints, make-or-break detail. Mr. Grisham prefers grinding reality to a hyped-up sense of excitement. Jake is blindsided with realizations that his actions can cause trouble, too. Jake makes one well-intentioned but bad mistake by helping Lettie’s husband, who proves so disreputable and dangerous that Jake can be tainted by even a distant connection. He is warned not to find too nice a place for his family to live; any suggestion that Jake is being well paid for his efforts could also taint him. And he fails to match the opposing lawyers’ research capabilities — which means he can be gobsmacked in the courtroom by a witness who was unknown to him beforehand. Mr. Grisham details the dirty tricks, data dumping and witness dumping, routinely used by a large legal team to flummox the other side. As “Sycamore Row” finally reaches its trial phase, the author hits his full stride. He knows the courtroom inside out, and he helpfully describes each little step of these proceedings. Even if sharp-eyed readers already know how the book’s surprises may arise — has there ever been a long-lost relative who did not show up in a work of legal fiction? — they will still miss the final whammy that Mr. Grisham has in store. Hubbard hanged himself from a Sycamore tree, but that is not why this book is called “Sycamore Row.” “We haven’t had this much excitement since the Hailey trial,” says Dell, the local waitress, speaking of the sparks that flew in Mr. Grisham’s 1989 debut. She’s right. And this may not be the end of it. Mr. Grisham leaves Jake ready and waiting to be seen again. далее
Развязка на Оккервиль, или Черемуховый холод

Развязка на Оккервиль, или Черемуховый холод (СИ) 12+

Оценка: 0 (0)
Страниц: 13
Книга закончена
Символов: 76164
Пьеса, женский городской детективный роман о женской дружбе по мотивам повести "Черные полосы, белая ночь". Наташу предал человек, которому она безгранично доверяла. Ей суждено провести долгие годы в тюрьме, чтобы Аркадий мог приумножить свои капиталы и жениться на дочери компаньона по бизнесу. Но бывший капитан ВДВ Наталья Навицкая категорически не желает с этим мириться. Она твердо настроена добиться справедливости и снять с себя незаслуженное клеймо. Учительница Белла сильно рискует, спасая сбежавшую из следственного изолятора узницу, обвиняемую в особо тяжком преступлении... Но интуиция подсказывает Белле: Наташа говорит правду, она не совершала того, в чем ее обвиняют. Белла соглашается помочь Наташе. И вот назначена встреча в самую белую ночь на берегу реки Оккервиль... Многое должно решиться возле знаменитой речушки. И кто после этого назовёт Беллу и Наташу "слабым полом"? Сильнее всегда тот, на чьей стоооне правда!     далее
Rogue Lawyer

Rogue Lawyer

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Grisham John (EN)
Страниц: 77
Книга закончена
Символов: 469028
Язык книги: Английский
On the right side of the law. Sort of. Sebastian Rudd is not your typical street lawyer. He works out of a customized bulletproof van, complete with Wi-Fi, a bar, a small fridge, fine leather chairs, a hidden gun compartment, and a heavily armed driver. He has no firm, no partners, no associates, and only one employee, his driver, who’s also his bodyguard, law clerk, confidant, and golf caddy. He lives alone in a small but extremely safe penthouse apartment, and his primary piece of furniture is a vintage pool table. He drinks small-batch bourbon and carries a gun. Sebastian defends people other lawyers won’t go near: a drug-addled, tattooed kid rumored to be in a satanic cult, who is accused of molesting and murdering two little girls; a vicious crime lord on death row; a homeowner arrested for shooting at a SWAT team that mistakenly invaded his house.  Why these clients? Because he believes everyone is entitled to a fair trial, even if he, Sebastian, has to cheat to secure one. He hates injustice, doesn’t like insurance companies, banks, or big corporations; he distrusts all levels of government and laughs at the justice system’s notions of ethical behavior. Sebastian Rudd is one of John Grisham’s most colorful, outrageous, and vividly drawn characters yet. Gritty, witty, and impossible to put down, Rogue Lawyer showcases the master of the legal thriller at his very best. ____________________________________________ "Terrific…Grisham, can still devise distinctive characters, tricky legal predicaments and rogueishly cheating ways to worm out of them."--Maureen Corrigan, The Washington Post   "Sebastian Rudd is a kind of social justice warrior and Grisham uses him to take jabs at the legal system…all with a blunt, rude, gravelly poetic wise guy voice that makes Rudd come across as a kind of 21st-century Philip Marlowe."--Benjamin Percy, The New York Times Book Review далее
Неизбежно правосъдие

Неизбежно правосъдие

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Лескроарт Джон
Страниц: 101
Книга закончена
Символов: 636409
Язык книги: Болгарский
Тринадесетият съдебен заседател

Тринадесетият съдебен заседател

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Лескроарт Джон
Страниц: 111
Книга закончена
Символов: 697540
Язык книги: Болгарский
The Fugitive

The Fugitive

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Grisham John (EN)
Страниц: 35
Книга закончена
Символов: 221773
Серия: Theodore Boone #5
Язык книги: Английский
Theo thought the dangerhad passed, but he’s about to face off against an old adversary: accused murderer and fugitive Pete Duffy. On a field trip to Washington, DC, Theo spots a familiar face on the Metro: Duffy, who jumped bail and was never seen again. Theo’s quick thinking helps bring Duffy back to Strattenburg to stand trial. But now that Duffy knows who he is, Theo is in greater danger than he’s ever been in before. Even when everything is on the line, Theodore Boone will stop at nothing to make sure a killer is brought to justice. далее
Нищо друго освен истината

Нищо друго освен истината

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Лескроарт Джон
Страниц: 105
Книга закончена
Символов: 664093
Язык книги: Болгарский


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Гришэм Джон
Страниц: 72
Книга закончена
Символов: 468495
Язык книги: Болгарский
Кой е рекетьорът? И какво общо има той със смъртта на почитаемия съдия Фосет? За момента рекетьорът се казва Малкълм Банистър. Бивш адвокат. И настоящ обитател на Федералния затворнически лагер близо до Фростбърг, Мериланд. Бъдещето на затворника Банистър не изглежда особено розово. Излежал е едва половината от присъдата си. Но той разполага със силен коз. Знае кой е убил съдия Фосет. Знае и защо. В отдалечена вила са намерени два трупа — на магистрата и на младата му секретарка. Няма следи от взлом или от борба. Само един голям отворен празен сейф. Какво е имало в него? От ФБР искат да знаят. Малкълм Банистър е готов да им каже. Но всичко си има цена. Особено когато се касае за толкова сензационна информация. А рекетьорът никак не е глупав… далее
False Testimony

False Testimony

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Connors Rose (EN)
Страниц: 45
Книга закончена
Символов: 280628
Серия: Marty Nickerson #4
Язык книги: Английский
What does a lawyer do when she discovers her client may be a liar, or worse?Charles Kendrick, the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts, has been named a "person of interest" in connection with the disappearance of his twenty-five-year-old spokesperson, Michelle Forrester. Attorney Marty Nickerson is representing Kendrick, a high-profile resident of Cape Cod, but soon finds that parts of his story don't check out. Meanwhile, Marty and her law partner -- and lover -- Harry Madigan, are defending ex-con Derrick Holliston, who stands accused of murdering a popular local priest on Christmas Eve. He admits the killing, but claims, improbably, that he acted in self-defense.Michelle Forrester's body is found the day Derrick Holliston's trial begins, which leaves Marty and Harry facing two mounting legal battles and two clients whose stories don't make sense. Together they must confront the law in all its maddening complexity, battling for -- or maybe against? -- their own cagey clients in order to see that justice is ultimately served. далее
Dry Bones

Dry Bones

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Johnson Craig (EN)
Страниц: 58
Книга закончена
Символов: 356311
Серия: Walt Longmire #11
Язык книги: Английский
Wyoming’s beloved lawman must solve his coldest case yet when a T. Rex skeleton surfaces—along with a dead rancher—in Absaroka CountyLongmire, the TV adaptation of Craig Johnson’s New York Timesbestselling Walt Longmire Mystery series, has ratcheted up demand for the Wyoming sheriff’s written adventures. Publishing on the heels of the Longmire boxed set, Dry Bones is certain to join Johnson’s four most recent Longmire novels when it moseys on up the New York Timesbestseller list.When the largest, most complete fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex is discovered in Absaroka County, it would appear to have nothing to do with Walt. That is, until the Cheyenne rancher who finds her is found face down in a turtle pond. As a number of parties vie for ownership of the priceless remains, including rancher Danny Lone Elk’s family, the Cheyenne tribe, the Deputy Attorney General, and a cadre of FBI men, Walt must recruit undersheriff Victoria Moretti, Henry Standing Bear, and Dog to investigate a sixty-six million year-old cold case that’s starting to heat up fast. далее
Night Watchman

Night Watchman

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Dunbar Tony (EN)
Страниц: 37
Книга закончена
Символов: 232148
Серия: Tubby Dubonnet #8
Язык книги: Английский
SOME MEAN-ASS CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST... In this EIGHTH entry in the Tubby Dubonnet series, the laid-back New Orleans lawyer finds himself caught in a twisted trip down memory lane, distracted by a luscious new love, and, as usual, surrounded by screwball denizens of everybody's favorite city. But he's also caught in someone's crosshairs, and so are half the cast of crazies and screwballs. Which makes for a delicious mix of danger and humor (with a dash of romance!), best consumed with a tall cold one and a bag of Zapp's Spicy Cajun Crawtators . When in the 1970s a young war protester is killed in broad daylight on Canal Street, it appears that his murder will be forgotten, a back page story lost in the big news of an especially violent era. But a youthful Tubby chanced to see it happen, and the tragic event's haunted him throughout his life. Decades later, an established (but not exactly driven) lawyer, yet successful enough to have time on his hands, Tubby decides to conduct his own investigation into the forgotten crime. He quickly stirs up a hornets’ nest of far-reaching political feuds, police corruption, government agents, and old men with secrets to hide. But as in all Tubby Dubonnet novels, the plot takes a backseat to local color, colorful characters, odes to fine food, wry observations, and a whole lot of humor. It's a little like spending a weekend in da Big Easy, dawlin'--complete with three well-chosen meals a day!  далее
Equal Access

Equal Access

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Branson A. E. (EN)
Страниц: 58
Книга закончена
Символов: 372458
Язык книги: Английский
Attorney Shad Delaney believed his past was behind him while he enjoyed a stable lifestyle which included the questionable hobby of computer hacking. But when Shad tackles a case to remove a little girl from her abusive father, he stumbles upon the identity of a man who molested him when Shad was a child. Dreadful events befall Shad during his quest for justice, causing his life to unravel and bringing him under scrutiny by the law. And to worsen matters, Shad makes an alarming discovery that will lead him to a showdown with the man who threatens the girl Shad promised to protect. далее
Неоспоримо доказателство

Неоспоримо доказателство

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Лескроарт Джон
Страниц: 125
Книга закончена
Символов: 796685
Язык книги: Болгарский