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Dead Heat

Dead Heat

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатели: Francis Dick (EN), Francis Felix (EN)
Страниц: 72
Книга закончена
Символов: 456480
Язык книги: Английский
After a six-year absence from the bestseller lists, Dick Francis roared out of the gate with 2006's Under Orders, demonstrating once again every ounce of his famed narrative drive, brilliant plotting, and simmering suspense. Hard on the heels of that triumph comes Dead Heat, set against the backdrop of Britain 's famed Two Thousand Guineas Stakes. Max Moreton is a rising culinary star and his Newmarket restaurant, The Hay Net, has brought him great acclaim and a widening circle of admirers. But when nearly all the guests who enjoyed one of his meals at a private catered affair fall victim to severe food poisoning, his kitchen is shuttered and his reputation takes a hit. Scrambling to meet his next obligation, an exclusive luncheon for forty in the glass-fronted private boxes at the Two Thousand Guineas, Max must overcome the previous evening's disaster and provide the new American sponsors of the year's first classic race with a day to remember. Then a bomb blast rips through the private boxes, killing some of Max's trusted staff as well as many of the guests. As survivors are rushed to the hospital, Max is left to survey the ruins of the grandstand-and of his career. Two close calls are too close for comfort, and Max vows to protect his name-and himself-before it's too late. далее
Переселение душ

Переселение душ

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 12
Книга закончена
Символов: 75826
Аннотация издательства: Приключенческие повести, разоблачающие жуликов и шарлатанов, которые во имя собственного обогащения распространяют псевдонаучные и мистические теории, спекулируя на доверии людей к науке. *** Герой цикла — профессор психологии Морис Жакоб, расследующий частным образом загадочные происшествия, отдающие изрядной мистикой. Как и полагается настоящему учёному, он неизменно докапывается до рациональной истины, какой бы она ни была. далее
Дьявольская альтернатива

Дьявольская альтернатива

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 127
Книга закончена
Символов: 851823
Мир неудержимо катится к Третьей мировой войне. Катастрофический неурожай в СССР, захват гигантского нефтеналивного танкера в Северном море и угон самолета в Киеве привели к политическому кризису общепланетного масштаба. Судьба человечества оказывается в руках агента британской разведки Адама Монро, работающего в Москве под прикрытием. далее


Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Фиш Роберт Ллойд
Страниц: 3
Книга закончена
Символов: 13762


Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Child Lee (EN)
Жанр: Триллеры
Страниц: 94
Книга закончена
Символов: 592620
Язык книги: Английский
Review Jack Reacher, the taciturn ex-MP whose adventures in Lee Child's six previous solidly plotted, expertly paced thrillers have won a devoted fan base, returns in this explosive tale of an undercover operation set up by the FBI to rescue an agent investigating Zachary Beck, a reclusive tycoon believed to be a kingpin in the drug trade. The novel begins with a bang as Reacher rescues Beck's son from a staged kidnapping in order to get close to his father-and trace the connection between Beck and Quinn, a former army intelligence officer who tried to sell blueprints of a secret weapon to Iraq but was murdered before he could pull it off. Or so Reacher thinks, until he spots Quinn in the crowd at a concert in Boston. As usual, Child ratchets up the tension and keeps the reader in suspense until the last page, although his enigmatic hero hardly ever seems to break a sweat. In the tough guy tradition, Reacher and his creator are overdue for a breakout, and this muscular, well-written mystery might be the one. From Publishers Weekly The promo copy on the ARC of Child's new thriller proclaims, "We dare to make this claim: Lee Child is the best thriller writer you're probably not reading-yet." Hopefully the "six-figure" marketing campaign promised by Child's new publisher will make that statement obsolete, because readers will be hard-pressed to find a more engaging thriller this spring season. Child is a master of storytelling skills, not least the plot twist, and the opening chapter of this novel spins a doozy, as a high-octane, extremely violent action sequence sees Child hero Jack Reacher rescue a young man, 20-year-old Richard Beck, from an attempted kidnapping before the rug is pulled out from under the reader with the chapter's last line. The rest of the novel centers on the Beck family's isolated, heavily guarded estate on the Maine coast where Reacher takes Richard. Richard's father is suspected by Feds of being a major drug dealer and the kidnapper of another Fed, and also seems to have ties to a fiend who killed Reacher's lady 10 years before, someone Reacher thought he'd killed in turn, in a vengeance slaying. Tension runs high, then extremely high, as Reacher, ingratiating himself with the dealer and hired on as a bodyguard, pokes around the estate, looking for the kidnapped Fed and evading and/or disposing of in-house bad guys as they begin to suspect he's not who he seems. But then little in Child's novels is as it at first seems, and numerous further plot twists spark the story line. What makes the novel really zing, though, is Reacher's narration-a unique mix of the brainy and the brutal, of strategic thinking and explosive action, moral rumination and ruthless force, marking him as one of the most memorable heroes in contemporary thrillerdom. Any thriller fan who has yet to read Lee Child should start now. далее
The Case of the Sulky Girl

The Case of the Sulky Girl

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Gardner Erle Stanley (EN)
Страниц: 51
Книга закончена
Символов: 313901
Серия: Perry Mason #2
Язык книги: Английский
A bratty heiress wants to keep the news of her marriage a secret from the guardian who controls her purse strings, but when he's murdered, her groom is accused.
Последний выход Шейлока

Последний выход Шейлока

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 48
Символов: 322644
Профессиональный сыщик и врач расследуют двойное убийство и в конце концов называют имя преступника. Читателя ждала бы увлекательная, хотя и вполне традиционная детективная история, но время и место действия придают повествованию необыкновенное, трагическое звучание: события романа происходит в разгар «окончательного решения» нацистами еврейского вопроса, а все герои – сыщики, свидетели, убийца – обитатели еврейского гетто, которым предстоит разделить общую судьбу. далее
Тайна красного чемодана

Тайна красного чемодана 12+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Магог Анри
Страниц: 43
Символов: 272096
Новый поворот

Новый поворот

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Скаландис Ант
Страниц: 125
Книга закончена
Символов: 632732
Серия: Причастные #4
Ясень — Михаил Разгонов — возвращается в Россию и мечтает о спокойной жизни и тихой радости творчества. Однако роман, который он пишет, имеет слишком большое значение и для Причастных, и для их недругов. В истории извечного противостояния намечается неожиданный поворот. Никогда еще таинственные эмиссары Третьей силы не проявляли себя так открыто — они же Посвященные. далее


Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 48
Символов: 305656
Минувшие годы были богатыми на финансовые аферы. Именно славянские «пирамиды» могут стать восьмым чудом света. Они и рушатся быстрее всех остальных, и желающих поучаствовать в их строительстве не становится от этого меньше. далее
Берег варваров

Берег варваров

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Макдональд Росс
Страниц: 56
Символов: 352994


Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Хен Юзеф
Страниц: 26
Символов: 163200
Роман Ю. Хена «Тост» рассказывает о борьбе за установление правопорядка в первые послевоенные годы.

Бандиты 16+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Жанр: Триллеры
Страниц: 63
Книга закончена
Символов: 408209
Бывшая монахиня, бывший полицейский и бывший заключенный узнают о нескольких миллионах долларов, готовых уплыть в Никарагуа, и решают ни в коем случае этого не допустить. За деньгами охотятся многие, в том числе ЦРУ. Но Люси, Джек и Рой придумывают потрясающий план. Мотивы их различны, но очевидно одно: вместе они составляют отличную банду. далее
Девушка из Бурже

Девушка из Бурже

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Беркхоф Астер
Страниц: 25
Символов: 153256
Miss Marple and Mystery: The Complete Short Stories

Miss Marple and Mystery: The Complete Short Stories

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Christie Agatha (EN)
Страниц: 67
Книга закончена
Символов: 425704
Серия: Miss Marple #16
Язык книги: Английский
An omnibus of 55 short stories, presented for the first time in chronological order.Described by her friend Dolly Bantry as ‘ the typical old maid of fiction’, Miss Marple has lived almost her entire life in the sleepy hamlet of St Mary Mead. Yet, by observing village life she has gained an unparalleled insight into human nature – and used it to devasting effect. As her friend Sir Henry Clithering, the ex-Commissioner of Scotland Yard has been heard to say: ‘She’s just the finest detective God ever made.’ – and many Agatha Christie fans would agree.Appearing for the first time in The Murder at The Vicarage (1930) her crime-fighting career spanned over forty years when she solved her final case in 1977 in Sleeping Murder. With every tale flawlessly plotted by the Queen of Crime herself, these short stories provide a feast for hardened Agatha Christie addicts as well as those who have grown to love the detective through her many film and television appearances.Here, for the first time, more than 50 of Agatha Christie’s mini masterpieces have been collected together in one volume, perfectly illustrating the true breadth of her talent. As well as every story featuring Miss Marple, the book includes additional stand-alone tales, from macabre tales of the supernatural, through suspense-ridden mysteries, to heart-stopping cases of murder. далее
The Mystery of the Blue Train

The Mystery of the Blue Train 16+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Christie Agatha (EN)
Страниц: 51
Книга закончена
Символов: 313212
Серия: Hercule Poirot #6
Язык книги: Английский
The daughter of an American millionaire dies on a train en route for Nice...When the luxurious Blue Train arrives at Nice, a guard attempts to wake serene Ruth Kettering from her slumbers. But she will never wake again - for a heavy blow has killed her, disfiguring her features almost beyond recognition. What is more, her precious rubies are missing. The prime suspect is Ruth's estranged husband, Derek. Yet Poirot is not convinced, so he stages an eerie re-enactment of the journey, complete with the murderer on board...    далее
Пако Аррайя. В Париж на выходные.

Пако Аррайя. В Париж на выходные.

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 101
Символов: 393143
    Его зовут Пако Аррайя. Он - российский агент-нелегал, внедренный в США еще во времена Советского Союза. Страны, которой он присягал в юности, давно уже нет на карте, но тайная война продолжается. Этот сюжет круче любого западного боевика. Этот герой даст сто очков вперед всем прежним разведчикам и шпионам. Том Круз, удавись от зависти - отныне твоя миссия невыполнима! Джеймс Бонд отдыхает! Джейсон Борн кусает локти с досады. Незабвенный Штирлиц одобрительно похлопывает преемника по плечу. Шпионский роман возрождается. Настало время новых героев.       далее
The Big Four

The Big Four 16+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Christie Agatha (EN)
Страниц: 40
Книга закончена
Символов: 245703
Серия: Hercule Poirot #5
Язык книги: Английский
A ruthless international cartel seeks world domination! Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life to uncover the truth about 'Number Four'.    далее
Sleeping Murder

Sleeping Murder

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Christie Agatha (EN)
Страниц: 44
Книга закончена
Символов: 266289
Серия: Miss Marple #14
Язык книги: Английский
Soon after Gwenda moved into her new home, odd things started to happen. Despite her best efforts to modernise the house, she only succeeded in dredging up its past. Worse, she felt an irrational sense of terror every time she climbed the stairs... In fear, Gwenda turned to Miss Marple to exorcise her ghosts. Between them, they were to solve a 'perfect' crime committed many years before.  далее
The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd

The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Christie Agatha (EN)
Страниц: 48
Книга закончена
Символов: 304403
Серия: Hercule Poirot #4
Язык книги: Английский
In the quiet village of King's Abbot a widow's suicide has stirred suspicion - and dreadful gossip. There are rumours she murdered her first husband, rumours that she was blackmailed, and rumours that her secret lover was Roger Ackroyd. When Ackroyd is fund murdered it is unlucky for the killer that Hercule Poirot is close by. Setting up the traditional rules of mystery only to shatter them, this ingeniously tricky masterpiece startied fans, polarised critics, and stunned the Detection Club, the highly eteemed literary organisation, of which Christie herself was a member. One of the most famous detective novels ever written, and certainly one of the most controversial, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd was championed by Dorothy L Sayers who said, "Christie fooed you (all)... It's the readers business to suspect everyone." And you will.    далее
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