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За горизонтом

За горизонтом

Оценка: 9.00 (1)
Писатель: О'Нил Юджин
Страниц: 23
Книга закончена
Символов: 134041
To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird

Оценка: 6.00 (1) 1
Писатель: Lee Harper (EN)
Страниц: 70
Книга закончена
Символов: 445092
Язык книги: Английский
To Kill a Mockingbird is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. It was instantly successful and has become a classic of modern American fiction. The novel is loosely based on the author's observations of her family and neighbors, as well as on an event that occurred near her hometown in 1936, when she was 10 years old. The novel is renowned for its warmth and humor, despite dealing with serious issues of rape and racial inequality. далее


Оценка: 5.00 (1) 1
Писатель: Маламуд Бернард
Страниц: 66
Книга закончена
Символов: 442042
Бернард Маламуд (1914–1986) – один из ведущих американских писателей своего поколения. Автор нескольких сборников рассказов, в т. ч. «Волшебная бочка» (1958), «Идиоты первыми» (1963), «Шляпа Рембрандта» (1973), и романов «Помощник» (1957), «Новая жизнь» (1961), «Соседи» (1971), «Божья милость» (1982), каждый из которых становился событием. Судьбы, нравы и трагедия евреев постоянно занимают Маламуда, сына еврейских родителей, эмигрировавших из царской России. Так иди иначе, еврейская боль, хотя бы отголоском, звучит во всех его произведениях. Знаменитый роман «Мастер» (1966, Пулитцеровская премия, Национальная премия) построен на документах, знании жизни и не иначе как пренатальной памяти. В основе его – «дело Бейлиса» (Киев, 1913 г.), когда был обвинен в убийстве с ритуальными целями невинный человек потому только, что имел несчастье родиться евреем. О внутреннем облике Бейлиса известно не так уж много, но можно предположить, что он был привлекателен в своей искренности, иначе присяжные едва ли бы его оправдали. Силой таланта Маламуд воссоздает прелестный характер немудрящего, но умного, внутренне интеллигентного и благородного мастерового. Страдания невинного человека, подвергаемого несправедливости и жестокостям, мужественное противостояние тюремщикам, безнадеждные попытки великодушного следователя вызволить невиновного, трагическая обреченность этих попыток, но рядом со всем этим – сложные перипетии отношений героя с женой, комически-милые споры с тестем и даже трогательные прения с бедной клячей создают волнующие перепады в движении фабулы. На сумрачном фоне диковатой, грязноватой, неуютной русской жизни проходят очень разные люди, евреи и русские, и на переднем плане мастер, Яков Бок – чистая душа, превозмогая все искушения и издевательства, блюдущая себя в чистоте. далее
Чума на оба ваших дома

Чума на оба ваших дома

Оценка: 0 (0)
Страниц: 19
Книга закончена
Символов: 111372
В 1933 году знаменитый американский драматург Максуэлл Андерсон создал драму-памфлет «Оба ваши дома» («Both Your Houses»), в которой в остросатирической манере изобразил американский конгресс как скопище прожженных взяточников. Этот смелый экскурс в область политической сатиры, отражавший критический дух того времени, открыл новую страницу в истории драматургии США: до этого американская сцена не знала сколько-нибудь удачных попыток сатирического изображения явлений социально-политической жизни. Пьеса была удостоена Пулицеровской премии. далее
The Goldfinch

The Goldfinch

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Tartt Donna (EN)
Страниц: 206
Книга закончена
Символов: 1329961
Язык книги: Английский
It begins with a boy. Theo Decker, a thirteen-year-old New Yorker, miraculously survives an accident that kills his mother. Abandoned by his father, Theo is taken in by the family of a wealthy friend. Bewildered by his strange new home on Park Avenue, disturbed by schoolmates who don't know how to talk to him, and tormented above all by his unbearable longing for his mother, he clings to one thing that reminds him of her: a small, mysteriously captivating painting that ultimately draws Theo into the underworld of art. As an adult, Theo moves silkily between the drawing rooms of the rich and the dusty labyrinth of an antiques store where he works. He is alienated and in love-and at the center of a narrowing, ever more dangerous circle.The Goldfinch is a novel of shocking narrative energy and power. It combines unforgettably vivid characters, mesmerizing language, and breathtaking suspense, while plumbing with a philosopher's calm the deepest mysteries of love, identity, and art. It is a beautiful, stay-up-all-night and tell-all-your-friends triumph, an old-fashioned story of loss and obsession, survival and self-invention, and the ruthless machinations of fate. далее
A Confederacy of Dunces

A Confederacy of Dunces

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Toole John Kennedy (EN)
Страниц: 87
Книга закончена
Символов: 593210
Язык книги: Английский
A monument to sloth, rant and contempt, and suspicious of anything modern - this is Ignatius J. Reilly of New Orleans, crusader against dunces. In revolt against the 20th century, Ignatius propels his bulk among the flesh-pots of a fallen city, documenting life on his Big Chief tablets as he goes, until his mother decrees that Ignatius must work. далее
The Killer Angels

The Killer Angels

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Shaara Michael (EN)
Страниц: 78
Книга закончена
Символов: 501524
Язык книги: Английский
The Killer Angels (1974) is a historical novel by Michael Shaara that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1975. The book tells the story of four days of the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War: June 29, 1863, as the troops of both the Union and the Confederacy move into battle around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and July 1, July 2, and July 3, when the battle was fought. A film adaption of the novel, titled Gettysburg, was released in 1993. Reading about the past is rarely so much fun as on these pages. далее
The Known World

The Known World

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Jones Edward P. (EN)
Страниц: 91
Книга закончена
Символов: 602113
Язык книги: Английский
Amazon.com Review Set in Manchester County, Virginia, 20 years before the Civil War began, Edward P. Jones's debut novel, The Known World, is a masterpiece of overlapping plot lines, time shifts, and heartbreaking details of life under slavery. Caldonia Townsend is an educated black slaveowner, the widow of a well-loved young farmer named Henry, whose parents had bought their own freedom, and then freed their son, only to watch him buy himself a slave as soon as he had saved enough money. Although a fair and gentle master by the standards of the day, Henry Townsend had learned from former master about the proper distance to keep from one's property. After his death, his slaves wonder if Caldonia will free them. When she fails to do so, but instead breaches the code that keeps them separate from her, a little piece of Manchester County begins to unravel. Impossible to rush through, The Known World is a complex, beautifully written novel with a large cast of characters, rewarding the patient reader with unexpected connections, some reaching into the present day. From Publishers Weekly In a crabbed, powerful follow-up to his National Book Award-nominated short story collection (Lost in the City), Jones explores an oft-neglected chapter of American history, the world of blacks who owned blacks in the antebellum South. His fictional examination of this unusual phenomenon starts with the dying 31-year-old Henry Townsend, a former slave-now master of 33 slaves of his own and more than 50 acres of land in Manchester County, Va.-worried about the fate of his holdings upon his early death. As a slave in his youth, Henry makes himself indispensable to his master, William Robbins. Even after Henry's parents purchase the family's freedom, Henry retains his allegiance to Robbins, who patronizes him when he sets up shop as a shoemaker and helps him buy his first slaves and his plantation. Jones's thorough knowledge of the legal and social intricacies of slaveholding allows him to paint a complex, often startling picture of life in the region. His richest characterizations-of Robbins and Henry-are particularly revealing. Though he is a cruel master to his slaves, Robbins is desperately in love with a black woman and feels as much fondness for Henry as for his own children; Henry, meanwhile, reads Milton, but beats his slaves as readily as Robbins does. Henry's wife, Caldonia, is not as disciplined as her husband, and when he dies, his worst fears are realized: the plantation falls into chaos. Jones's prose can be rather static and his phrasings ponderous, but his narrative achieves crushing momentum through sheer accumulation of detail, unusual historical insight and generous character writing. далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Kennedy William (EN)
Страниц: 47
Книга закончена
Символов: 300766
Язык книги: Английский
In 1938, Francis Phelan, a murderer, is reduced to flop houses and hobo jungles and returns to a depressed Albany, where-as a gravedigger-he shuffles his rag tag way to survival.
Дар Гумбольдта

Дар Гумбольдта

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Беллоу Сол
Страниц: 136
Книга закончена
Символов: 990136
«Дар Гумбольдта» принес Беллоу международное признание. Сопоставляя судьбы двух американских писателей, успешного светского льва Чарльза Ситрайна и покойного поэта фон Гумбольдта-Флейшера (есть мнение, что его прототипом был американский поэт Делмор Шварц), Беллоу пишет о духовном авторитете художника в современном обществе, где превыше всего ценятся успех, слава и деньги. За этот роман в том же 1975 году писатель получил Пулитцеровскую премию. далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Harding Paul (EN)
Страниц: 31
Книга закончена
Символов: 214885
Язык книги: Английский
This Monday, on April 12, the winners of the Pulitzer Prize were announced, and since then, little-known debut author Paul Harding has quickly risen to fame after his novel "Tinkers" won the Pulitzer for fiction. The novel, about a dying man's recollection of and relationship with his father, a tinker in Maine, was turned down by every major publisher over the course of several years. It was finally published by Bellevue Literary Press, a small publisher associated with the NYU Medical School. Even after its publication and the excellent reviews across the board, few hoped for it to rise to the top. And when Harding was awarded the Pulitzer, the Boston Globe reports, he only found out by checking the award's website – nobody had bothered to call him. "Tinkers" is the first novel from a small press to win the Pulitzer since "Confederacy of Dunces" won in 1981 and everyone in the publishing industry is scrambling to take some part of the credit for the book's success. The Boston Globe published an article early this week about the people who pushed "Tinkers" early on, claiming the success of the book as proof of the power of word of mouth. It began with Bellevue Press Editorial Director Erika Goldman saying, "It was so exquisite that I found myself – and this has never happened – weeping for the beauty of the prose." Publishers Weekly's Michael Coffey stayed up past midnight reading it – "not something I normally do." Lise Solomon, a sales representative in Northern California vowed, "I was going to make it a Bay Area bestseller." But though the sentiments expressed in the Globe article ring true, Publishers Marketplace points out that the article unfortunately "mangl[es]" the timeline of the support for the book, and ends up "confus[ing] the record as much as clarify[ing]." Among other corrections, Publishers Marketplace points to the book's early placement on the Indie Next list and that the first review was in the Hartford Courant, two facts not mentioned by the Globe. Publishers Marketplace also claims to be on the lookout for the independent bookstores that spread the word about the book early on. Whatever the chronology of the events, it is clear that readers across the board have fallen head over heels for "Tinkers." Publishers Weekly called it a "gorgeous example of novelistic craftsmanship," Booklist said that it is a "rare and beautiful novel of spiritual inheritance and acute psychological and metaphysical suspense," and Chris Bohjalian, writing for the Globe called it "a poignant exploration of where we may journey when the clock has barely a tick or two left and we really can't go anywhere at all." (HuffPost Books also recognized the novel in our "Best of the Best Books Lists" feature in December.) The New York Times, notably, was left in the dark about this book, and never reviewed it at all, as Gregory Cowles sheepishly admits in a PaperCuts blog. For Paul Harding, the success has been incredible. The author, a former drummer for a rock band, said that he was "stunned," according to USA Today. "It was a little book from a little publisher that was hand-sold from start to finish," he said. He looks at the win in a practical sense, though: "I can afford to continue doing what I love to do." далее
The Road

The Road

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: McCarthy Cormac (EN)
Страниц: 40
Книга закончена
Символов: 241447
Язык книги: Английский
A searing, postapocalyptic novel destined to become Cormac McCarthy's masterpiece. A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind. It is cold enough to crack stones, and when the snow falls it is gray. They sky is dark. Their destination is the coast, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there. They have nothing; just a pistol to defend themselves against the lawless bands that stalk the road, the clothes they are wearing, a cart of scavenged food – and each other. The Road is the profoundly moving story of a journey. It boldly imagines a future in which no hope remains, but in which the father and his son, "each the other's world entire," are sustained by love. Awesome in the totality of its vision, it is an unflinching meditation on the worst and the best that we are capable of: ultimate destructiveness, desperate tenacity, and the tenderness that keeps two people alive in the face of total devastation. The prose is quintessentially McCarthy: spare, desolate, unemotional, reserved of both unnecessary vocabulary and punctuation (he recognized the necessary evil of periods denoting the end of a sentence. Some contractions are so designated with an apostrophe, some not. Exclamation points are avoided with the same vigilance as would be shown to beanies with propellers). Although most English teachers I've been a captive audience to would consider him Satan incarnate, he still can turn a phrase of almost unbearable beauty. далее
Rabbit At Rest

Rabbit At Rest

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Updike John (EN)
Страниц: 125
Книга закончена
Символов: 855135
Язык книги: Английский
Rabbit, now in his 50s and with a heart condition, is living in a condo in Florida. Nelson and his family come to stay and disaster unfolds. Rabbit has a serious heart attack after a boating accident with his granddaughter and Nelson has been embezzling the family firm to feed his cocaine habit. *** Review It's 1989, and Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom feels anything but restful. In fact he's frozen, incapacitated by his fear of death-and in the final year of the Reagan era, he's right to be afraid. His 55-year-old body, swollen with beer and munchies and racked with chest pains, wears its bulk "like a set of blankets the decades have brought one by one." He suspects that his son Nelson, who's recently taken over the family car dealership, is embezzling money to support a cocaine habit. Indeed, from Rabbit's vantage point-which alternates between a winter condo in Florida and the ancestral digs in Pennsylvania, not to mention a detour to an intensive care unit-decay is overtaking the entire world. The budget deficit is destroying America, his accountant is dying of AIDS, and a terrorist bomb has just destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 above Lockerbie, Scotland. This last incident, with its rapid transit from life to death, hits Rabbit particularly hard: Imagine sitting there in your seat being lulled by the hum of the big Rolls-Royce engines and the stewardesses bring the clinking drinks caddy… and then with a roar and giant ripping noise and scattered screams this whole cozy world dropping away and nothing under you but black space and your chest squeezed by the terrible unbreathable cold, that cold you can scarcely believe is there but that you sometimes actually feel still packed into the suitcases, stored in the unpressurized hold, when you unpack your clothes, the dirty underwear and beach towels with the merciless chill of death from outer space still in them. Marching through the decades, John Updike's first three Rabbit novels-Rabbit, Run (1960), Rabbit Redux (1971), and Rabbit Is Rich (1981)-dissect middle-class America in all its dysfunctional glory. Rabbit at Rest (1990), the final installment and winner of the Pulitzer Prize, continues this brilliant dissection. Yet it also develops Rabbit's character more fully as he grapples with an uncertain future and the consequences of his past. At one point, for example, he's taken his granddaughter Judy for a sailing expedition when his first heart attack strikes. Rabbit gamely navigates the tiny craft to shore-and then, lying on the beach, feels a paradoxical relief at having both saved his beloved Judy and meeting his own death. (He doesn't, not yet.) Meanwhile, this all-American dad feels responsible for his son's full-blown drug addiction but incapable of helping him. (Ironically, it's Rabbit's wife Janice, the "poor dumb mutt," who marches Nelson into rehab.) His misplaced sense of responsibility-plus his crude sexual urges and racial slurs-can make Rabbit seems less than lovable. Still, there's something utterly heroic about his character. When the end comes, after all, it's the Angstrom family that refuses to accept the reality of Rabbit's mortality. Only Updike's irreplaceable mouthpiece rises to the occasion, delivering a stoical, one-word valediction: "Enough." далее
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Chabon Michael (EN)
Страниц: 154
Книга закончена
Символов: 1023889
Язык книги: Английский
In the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, prose magician Michael Chabon conjured up the golden age of comic books – intertwining history, legend, and storytelling verve. In The Final Solution, he has condensed his boundless vision to craft a short, suspenseful tale of compassion and wit that reimagines the classic nineteenth-century detective story. In deep retirement in the English country-side, an eighty-nine-year-old man, vaguely recollected by locals as a once-famous detective, is more concerned with his beekeeping than with his fellow man. Into his life wanders Linus Steinman, nine years old and mute, who has escaped from Nazi Germany with his sole companion: an African gray parrot. What is the meaning of the mysterious strings of German numbers the bird spews out – a top-secret SS code? The keys to a series of Swiss bank accounts perhaps? Or something more sinister? Is the solution to this last case – the real explanation of the mysterious boy and his parrot – beyond even the reach of the once-famed sleuth? Subtle revelations lead the reader to a wrenching resolution. This brilliant homage, which won the 2004 Aga Khan Prize for fiction, is the work of a master storyteller at the height of his powers. далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Страниц: 67
Книга закончена
Символов: 452911
Роман "Похитители" (1962), входит в сагу о Йокнапатофе – вымышленном американском округе, который стал для писателя неиссякаемым источником тем, образов и сюжетов.
The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Hemingway Ernest Miller (EN)
Страниц: 17
Книга закончена
Символов: 106060
Язык книги: Английский
The last novel Ernest Hemingway saw published, The Old Man and the Sea has proved itself to be one of the enduring works of American fiction. It is the story of an old Cuban fisherman and his supreme ordeal: a relentless, agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. Using the simple, powerful language of a fable, Hemingway takes the timeless themes of courage in the face of defeat and personal triumph won from loss and transforms them into a magnificent twentieth-century classic. далее
A Death In The Family

A Death In The Family

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Agee James (EN)
Страниц: 66
Книга закончена
Символов: 440130
Язык книги: Английский
THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK To all persons to whom these presents may come greeting be it known that JAMES AGEE has been awarded THE PULITZER PRIZE IN LETTERS FICTION for A DEATH IN THE FAMILY in accordance with the provisions of the statutes of the University governing such award. In witness whereof we have caused this certificate to be signed by the President of the University and our corporate seal to be hereto affixed in the City of New York on the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty eight. Grayson Kirk PRESIDENT James Agee’s novel A Death in the Family is a classic American story, chronicling just a few days in 1915 during which a husband and father is called out of town to be with his own father, who has had a heart attack, and while returning is killed in a car accident. Agee patterned the story closely after his own life, focusing on a boy who is the same age that he was when his father died. The narrative shifts from one perspective to another, including the young widow and her two children and her atheistic father and the dead man’s alcoholic brother, to name just a few, in an attempt to capture the ways in which one person’s loss immediately and powerfully affects everyone around. The book was published in 1957 by McDowell, Obolensky, two years after Agee’s death from heart failure at the age of 46, and was awarded the 1958 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Although Agee had worked on it for almost a decade, he had not produced a definitive final draft, and so his publishers had to put the book together in a way that they believed would make the most sense. They have indicated places where they added materials that come from outside of the flow of the story, such as the opening section “ Knoxville: Summer, 1915,” which was first published in the 1940s. Critics agree that the end product is a consistent novel, one of the most moving works ever written about one of the most traumatic experiences a child could ever face. далее
La Buena Tierra

La Buena Tierra

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Buck Pearl Sydenstricker (ES)
Страниц: 74
Книга закончена
Символов: 480702
Язык книги: Испанский
This is the Spanish text edition of the 1932 Pulitzer Prize winning novel that is still a standout today. Deceptive in its simplicity, it is a story built around a flawed human being and a teetering socio-economic system, as well as one that is layered with profound themes. The cadence of the author's writing is also of note, as it rhythmically lends itself to the telling of the story, giving it a very distinct voice. No doubt the author's writing style was influenced by her own immersion in Chinese culture, as she grew up and lived in China, the daughter of missionaries. This is the story of the cyclical nature of life, of the passions and desires that motivate a human being, of good and evil, and of the desire to survive and thrive against great odds. It begins with the story of an illiterate, poor, peasant farmer, Wang Lung, who ventures from the rural countryside and goes to town to the great house of Hwang to obtain a bride from those among the rank of slave. There, he is given the slave O-lan as his bride. Selfless, hardworking, and a bearer of sons, the plain-faced O-lan supports Wang Lung's veneration of the land and his desire to acquire more land. She stays with him through thick and thin, through famine and very lean times, working alongside him on the land, making great sacrifices, and raising his children. As a family, they weather the tumultuousness of pre-revolutionary China in the 1920s, only to find themselves the recipient of riches beyond their dreams. At the first opportunity, they buy land from the great house of Hwang, whose expenses appear to be exceeding their income. With the passing of time, Wang Lung buys more and more land from the house of Hwang, until he owns it all, as his veneration of the land is always paramount. With O-lan at this side, his family continues to prosper. His life becomes more complicated, however, the richer he gets. Wang Lung then commits a life-changing act that pierces O-lan's heart in the most profoundly heartbreaking way. As the years pass, his sons become educated and literate, and the family continues to prosper. With the great house of Hwang on the skids, an opportunity to buy their house, the very same house from where he had fetched O-lan many years ago, becomes available. Pressed upon to buy that house by his sons, who do not share Wang Lung's veneration for the land and rural life, he buys the house. The country mice now have become the city mice. This is a potent story, brimming with irony, yet simply told against a framework of mounting social change. It is a story that stands as a parable in many ways and is one that certainly should be read. It illustrates the timeless dichotomy between the young and the old, the old and the new, and the rich and the poor. It is no wonder that this beautifully written book won a Pulitzer Prize and is considered a classic masterpiece. Bravo! далее
Lonesome Dove

Lonesome Dove

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: McMurtry Larry (EN)
Страниц: 244
Книга закончена
Символов: 1562668
Язык книги: Английский
Lonesome Dove, by Larry McMurtry, the author of Terms of Endearment, is his long-awaited masterpiece, the major novel at last of the American West as it really was. A love story, an adventure, an American epic, Lonesome Dove embraces all the West – legend and fact, heroes and outlaws, whoeres and ladies, Indians and settlers – in a novel that recreates the central American experience, the most enduring of our national myths. Set in the late nineteenth century, Lonesome Dove is the story of a cattle drive from Texas to Montana – and much more. It is a drive that represents for everybody involved not only a daring, even a foolhardy, adventure, but a part of the American Dream – the attempt to carve out of the last remaining wilderness a new life. Agustus McCrae and W.F. Call are former Texas Rangers, partners and friends who have shared hardship and danger together without ever quite understanding (or wanting to understand) each other's deepest emotions. Gus is the romantic, a reluctant rancher who has a way with women and the sense to leave well enough alone. Call is a driven, demanding man, a natural authority figure with no patience for weaknesses, and not many of his own. He is obsessed with the dream of creating his own empire, and with the need to conceal a secret sorrow of his own. The two men could hardly be more different, but both are tough, redoubtable fighters who have learned to count on each other, if nothing else. Call's dream not only drags Gus along in its wake, but draws in a vast cast of characters: – Lorena, the whore with the proverbial heart of gold, whom Gus (and almost everyone else) loves, and who survives one of the most terrifying experiences any woman could have… – Elmira, the restless, reluctant wife of a small-time Arkansas sheriff, who runs away from the security of marriage to become part of the great Western adventure… – Blue Duck, the sinister Indian renegade, one of the most frightening villains in American fiction, whose steely capacity for cruelty affects the lives of everyone in the book… – Newt, the young cowboy for whom the long and dangerous journey from Texas to Montana is in fact a search for his own identity… – Jake, the dashing, womanizing ex-Ranger, a comrade-in-arms of Gus and Call, whose weakness leads him to an unexpected fate… – July Johnson, husband of Elmira, whose love for her draws him out of his secure life into the wilderness, and turns him into a kind of hero… Lonesome Dove sweeps from the Rio Grande (where Gus and Call acquire the cattle for their long drive by raiding the Mexicans) to the Montana highlands (where they find themselves besieged by the last, defiant remnants of an older West). It is an epic of love, heroism, loyalty, honor, and betrayal – faultlessly written, unfailingly dramatic. Lonesome Dove is the novel about the West that American literature – and the American reader – has long been waiting for. далее
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