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The Postman

The Postman

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Brin David (EN)
Страниц: 69
Книга закончена
Символов: 434856
Язык книги: Английский
Gordon Krantz survived the Doomwar only to spend years crossing a post-apocalypse United States looking for something or someone he could believe in again. Ironically, when he's inadvertently forced to assume the made-up role of a “Restored United States” postal inspector, he becomes the very thing he's been seeking: a symbol of hope and rebirth for a desperate nation. Gordon goes through the motions of establishing a new postal route in the Pacific Northwest, uniting secluded towns and enclaves that are starved for communication with the rest of the world. And even though inside he feels like a fraud, eventually he will have to stand up for the new society he's helping to build or see it destroyed by fanatic survivalists. далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Bujold Lois Mcmaster (EN)
Страниц: 96
Книга закончена
Символов: 632161
Серия: Barrayar #4
Язык книги: Итальянский
Quando l’imperatore muore, lasciando come unico erede al trono il nipote di cinque anni, il pianeta Barrayar rischia di piombare nel caos. L’unica speranza di pace è affidata ad Aral Vokosigan, che ha i titoli per diventare Lord Reggente, ma le fazioni in lotta sono disposte a tutto pur di assicurarsi il potere. E proprio a causa di un attentato ordito per assassinare Aral, sua moglie Cordelia e il bambino che lei porta in grembo subiscono accidentalmente gli effetti di un gas teratogeno. È un duro colpo per i Vorkosigan, ma Cordelia non si arrende e, grazie a un utero artificiale, dà infine alla luce un piccolo, che sarà chiamato Miles… далее
Nel segno di Titano

Nel segno di Titano

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Varley John Herbert (EN)
Страниц: 99
Книга закончена
Символов: 643525
Серия: Gea #2
Язык книги: Итальянский


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Varley John Herbert (EN)
Страниц: 65
Книга закончена
Символов: 414574
Серия: Gea #1
Язык книги: Итальянский
The Forever War

The Forever War

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Haldeman Joe William (EN)
Страниц: 56
Книга закончена
Символов: 354178
Язык книги: Английский
The book tells the timeless story of war, in this case a conflict between humanity and the alien Taurans. Humans first bumped heads with the Taurans when we began using collapsars to travel the stars. Although the collapsars provide nearly instantaneous travel across vast distances, the relativistic speeds associated with the process means that time passes slower for those aboard ship. For William Mandella, a physics student drafted as a soldier, that means more than 27 years will have passed between his first encounter with the Taurans and his homecoming, though he himself will have aged only a year. When Mandella finds that he can't adjust to Earth after being gone so long from home, he reenlists, only to find himself shuttled endlessly from battle to battle as the centuries pass.   Won Nebula Award in 1975. Won Hugo and Locus Awards in 1976. далее
Innkeeper's Song

Innkeeper's Song

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Beagle Peter Soyer (EN)
Жанр: Фэнтези
Страниц: 75
Книга закончена
Символов: 481250
Язык книги: Английский
Set in a shadowy world of magic and mystery, a fantasy novel in which a young man sets off on a wild ride in pursuit of the lover whose death and resurrection he witnessed. From the author of THE LAST UNICORN and A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE. далее
Harpist In The Wind

Harpist In The Wind

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: McKillip Patricia A. (EN)
Жанр: Фэнтези
Страниц: 57
Книга закончена
Символов: 368164
Серия: The Riddle Master #3
Язык книги: Английский
In the midst of conflict and unrest the Prince of Hed solves the puzzle of his future when he learns to harp the wind, discovers who the shape changers are, and understands his own relationship to Deth, harpist of the wizard Ohm.   Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1980. далее
Summer of Night

Summer of Night

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Simmons Dan (EN)
Страниц: 157
Книга закончена
Символов: 1014430
Язык книги: Английский
In the summer of 1960 in Elm Haven, Illinois, a sinister being is stalking the town's children, and when a long-silent bell peals in the middle of the night, the townfolk know it marks the end of innocence.   Bram Stoker (nominee)    "An American nightmare with scares, suspense, and a sweet, surprising nostalgia, one of those rare must-read books. I am in awe of Dan Simmons." Stephen King далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Willis Connie (EN)
Страниц: 30
Книга закончена
Символов: 185516
Язык книги: Английский
In the Hollywood of the future there’s no need for actors since any star can be digitally recreated and inserted into any movie. Yet young Alis wants to dance on the silver screen. Tom tries to dissuade her, but he fears she will pursue her dream — and likely fall victim to Hollywood’s seamy underside, which is all to eager to swallow up naive actresses. Then Tom begins to find Alis in the old musicals he remakes, and he has to ask himself just where the line stands between reality and the movies.   Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1996. далее
Дрейфуя у островков Лангерганса: 38°54′ северной широты, 77°00′73″ западной долготы

Дрейфуя у островков Лангерганса: 38°54′ северной широты, 77°00′73″ западной долготы

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Эллисон Харлан
Страниц: 10
Книга закончена
Символов: 62720
Печатается по изданию: Миры Харлана Эллисона, т.3. Рига, Изд-во "Полярис", 1997, с.304-348.
To Say Nothing of the Dog

To Say Nothing of the Dog

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Willis Connie (EN)
Страниц: 131
Книга закончена
Символов: 823263
Язык книги: Английский
What a stitch! Willis’ delectable romp through time from 2057 back to Victorian England, with a few side excursions into World War II and medieval Britain, will have readers happily glued to the pages. Rich dowager Lady Schrapnell has invaded Oxford University’s time travel research project in 2057, promising to endow it if they help her rebuild Coventry Cathedral, destroyed by a Nazi air raid in 1940. In effect, she dragoons almost everyone in the program to make trips back in time to locate items — in particular, the bishop’s bird stump, an especially ghastly example of Victorian decorative excess. Time traveler Ned Henry is suffering from advanced time lag and has been sent, he thinks, for rest and relaxation to 1888, where he connects with fellow time traveler Verity Kindle and discovers that he is actually there to correct an incongruity created when Verity inadvertently brought something forward from the past. Take an excursion through time, add chaos theory, romance, plenty of humor, a dollop of mystery, and a spoof of the Victorian novel, and you end up with what seems like a comedy of errors but is actually a grand scheme "involving the entire course of history and all of time and space that, for some unfathomable reason, chose to work out its designs with cats and croquet mallets and penwipers, to say nothing of the dog. And a hideous piece of Victorian artwork.   Nominated for Nebula Award in 1998. Won Hugo and Locus Awards in 1999. далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Stephenson Neal (EN)
Жанр: Фэнтези
Страниц: 228
Книга закончена
Символов: 1491462
Язык книги: Английский
Anathem is set on a planet called Arbre, where the protagonist, Erasmas, is among a cohort of secluded scientists, philosophers and mathematicians who are called upon to save the world from impending catastrophe. Erasmas — Raz to his friends — has spent most of his life inside a 3,400-year-old sanctuary. The rest of society — the Sæcular world — is described as an "endless landscape of casinos and megastores that is plagued by recurring cycles of booms and busts, dark ages and renaissances, world wars and climate change." Their planet, Arbre, has a history and culture that is roughly analogous to Earth. Resident scholars, including Raz, are unexpectedly summoned by a frightened Sæcular power to leave their monastic stronghold in the hope that they may prevent an approaching catastrophe. далее
Интегральные деревья

Интегральные деревья

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Нивен Ларри
Страниц: 57
Книга закончена
Символов: 361476
Серия: Штат #1
Дерево Дальтон-Квина сбилось с орбиты Дымового кольца и теперь там настали тяжелые времена — засуха и голод. Чтобы избавится от «лишних» ртов, Председатель кроны Квина отправляет экспедицию на дальнюю крону для разведки. В это время интегральное дерево разделяется на две части и участники экспедиции оказываются затерянными в Дымовом кольце. Впереди их ждет много головокружительных и необычных приключений — они будут сражаться с различными животными Дымового кольца, попадут в летающие джунгли Штатов Картера, часть станет рабами на Лондон-Дереве, а также узнают еще много тайн, которые хранит этот необычный мир — мир Интегральных деревьев и Дымового кольца далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Pohl Frederik (EN)
Страниц: 59
Книга закончена
Символов: 368781
Серия: Heechee Saga #1
Язык книги: Английский
Gateway opened on all the wealth of the Universe… and on reaches of unimaginable horror. When prospector Bob Broadhead went out to Gateway on the Heechee spacecraft, he decided he would know which was the right mission to make him his fortune. Three missions later, now famous and permanently rich, Robinette Broadhead has to face what happened to him and what he is...in a journey into himself as perilous and even more horrifying than the nightmare trip through the interstellar void that he drove himself to take!   Won: Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1977; Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1978; Locus Award for Best Novel in 1978; John W. Campbell Award in 1978. далее
The Yiddish Policemen's Union

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Chabon Michael (EN)
Страниц: 90
Книга закончена
Символов: 582255
Язык книги: Английский
The novel is a detective story set in an alternative history version of the present day, based on the premise that during World War II, a temporary settlement for Jewish refugees was established in Sitka, Alaska, in 1941, and that the fledgling State of Israel was destroyed in 1948. The novel is set in Sitka, which it depicts as a large, Yiddish-speaking metropolis. The Yiddish Policemen’s Union won a number of science fiction awards: the Nebula Award for Best Novel, the Locus Award for Best SF Novel, the Hugo Award for Best Novel, and the Sidewise Award for Alternate History for Best Novel. It was shortlisted for the British Science Fiction Association Award for Best Novel and the Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Novel. далее
Rendezvous with Rama

Rendezvous with Rama

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Clarke Arthur Charles (EN)
Страниц: 52
Книга закончена
Символов: 332736
Серия: Rama #1
Язык книги: Английский
Nebula Best Novel winner (1974) Hugo Best Novel winner (1974) At first, only a few things are known about the celestial object that astronomers dub Rama. It is huge, weighing more than ten trillion tons. And it is hurtling through the solar system at inconceivable speed. Then a space probe confirms the unthinkable: Rama is no natural object. It is an interstellar spacecraft. Space explorers and planet-bound scientists alike prepare for mankind’s first encounter with alien intelligence. It will kindle their wildest dreams… and fan their darkest fears. For no one knows who the Ramans are or why they have come. And now the moment of rendezvous awaits—just behind a Raman airlock door. далее
La salvezza di Aka

La salvezza di Aka

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Le Guin Ursula Kroeber (IT)
Страниц: 48
Книга закончена
Символов: 320577
Серия: Ecumene #8
Язык книги: Итальянский
Sutty, un’osservatrice dell’Ekumene interstellare, è stata assegnata ad Aka, un mondo dominato da un governo azienda che ha come unico fine la produzione e lo sviluppo economico. A questo scopo la monolitica Corporazione di Aka ha bandito tutti i vecchi costumi, cancellando quasi completamente la lingua scritta e le tradizioni. Per Sutty, specializzata in storia e linguistica, si tratta di un incarico senza sbocchi: come può studiare un mondo dove la popolazione sembra non avere ricordo del proprio passato? Del tutto inaspettatamente, però, Sutty riceve il permesso di lasciare la moderna città dove tutti i suoi movimenti sono strettamente controllati e risalire il fiume per cercare gli ultimi residui della cultura originaria di Aka. далее
American Gods

American Gods

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Gaiman Neil (EN)
Жанр: Фэнтези
Страниц: 132
Книга закончена
Символов: 858136
Язык книги: Итальянский
Shadow si è fatto tre anni dentro. Sta per uscire ma proprio il giorno prima di tornare in libertà lo informano che sua moglie e il suo migliore amico sono morti in un misterioso incidente. Sull’aereo che lo riporta a casa, Shadow fa conoscenza con un enigmatico Mister Wednesday che gli offre di lavorare per lui. Shadow finisce per accettare: un lavoro gli risolve il problema di cosa fare della sua vita, anche se gli arriva da un vecchio bevitore di Jack Daniel’s dall’aria poco raccomandabile. Il contratto con il losco Mr Wednesday viene annaffiato da una bevuta di idromele, ma Shadow ci metterà ancora qualche tempo per capire chi siano in realtà il suo boss, i suoi compagni in affari, i suoi concorrenti, e ancora più tempo per capire in che gioco sia finito. Il vecchio baro corpulento, l’improbabile seduttore di ragazzine, il gran mangiatore e bevitore, l’uomo dall’eloquio torrenziale e dalla risata tonitruante è Odino, Votan, Grimnir, il Padre di ogni cosa, la somma divinità del pantheon nordico, arrivato in America secoli e secoli fa con una nave di vichinghi. Come lo slavo Chernobog, ridotto a vivere della pensione maturata negli anni di lavoro al macello di Chicago, come l’africano Anansi, come la celtica Easter e la mediterranea Bilqis che batte i marciapiedi di Hollywood, come tutte le divinità maggiori o minori, anche Odino tira a campare e conduce l’esistenza grama di un dio privo di adoratori, dimenticato, in un mondo che ne venera altri, più belli e nuovi. E’ per muovere battaglia contro i nuovi dèi americani, quelli dei mass-media, di Internet e delle carte di credito che Wednesday ha arruolato Shadow ed è per reclutare i compagni di lotta fra i colleghi del vecchio mondo che i due si metteranno ’on the road’ attraversando in lungo e in largo l’America più profonda, quella delle cittadine spopolate, dei motel persi nel nulla, delle riserve indiane degradate: un’America arciamericana ma al tempo stesso lontanissimada quella dei Nuovi Dèi. Alla fine di questo lungo vagabondaggio che ha tutte le caratteristiche di un viaggio iniziatico, ci sarà la battaglia di proporzioni epiche in cui si sfogherà un conflitto vecchio quanto l’uomo, una battaglia che ha per oggetto la conquista dell’anima stessa dell’America… далее
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang

Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Wilhelm Kate (EN)
Страниц: 53
Книга закончена
Символов: 343769
Язык книги: Английский
Massive environmental changes and global disease, attributed to large-scale pollution, cause the collapse of civilization around the world. One large, well-to-do extended family sets up an isolated community. However, as the death toll mounts (due to a variety of causes) the family begins cloning themselves to survive. This is due to universal infertility. It is assumed that as time passes, fertility will return and sexual reproduction will be possible once again. However, when the clones come of age, they reject the idea of sexual reproduction in favor of further cloning. The original members of the community, too old and outnumbered by the clones to resist, are forced to accept the new social order. As time passes, the new generations of clones are weaker (physically and mentally) than their predecessors. Since they are cloned in groups of 4–10 individuals, they grow to depend on each other enormously, and lose all sense of individuality. They become afraid of being alone in any way, and eventually lose all sense of creativity. In one part of the novel, a snowman is made, and the clones are unable to identify it as a man, seeing only snow. Towards the end, the community is found to have been wiped out entirely due to natural disasters, but mainly by the destruction to the mill, which had been the energy source the community had depended on to survive. Only a few select people had survived, and among them was a man named Mark, who had foreseen the death of the community and had prepared for it. далее
Cyteen 2 - El Renacer

Cyteen 2 - El Renacer

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Cherryh C. J. (EN)
Страниц: 51
Книга закончена
Символов: 322038
Язык книги: Испанский
La pequeña Ari, la nueva Emory, siente que su vida es extraña. Algunas personas "desaparecen" y nunca más vuelve a verlas. Adultos como Justin Warrick y su azi Grant tienen miedo de ella. Ari está constantemente vigilada y, sin ella saberlo, condenada a vivir la misma vida que su antecesora, la vieja Ari Emory, nacida 125 años atrás y de la que Ari es descendiente por clonación. Pero Ari dispone de la habilidad política de su predecesora, así como de sus memorias y consejos, almacenados secretamente en la base de datos de los ordenadores de Reseune. Pese a su corta edad Ari sabrá manipular con destreza a los demás y conducir a su destino final un experimento psicogenético de gran trascendencia para el futuro del Concejo de los Mundos. CYTEEN es una verdadera revolución en la forma de tratar el tema de la ingeniería genética y la clonación. Una obra llamada a quedar como hito en el género. далее
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