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Оценка: 3.50 (2) 2
Писатель: Эллисон Харлан
Страниц: 6
Книга закончена
Символов: 29483
Сумочка фей (Волшебный ридикюль)

Сумочка фей (Волшебный ридикюль)

Оценка: 7.00 (1)
Писатель: Линк Келли
Жанр: Фэнтези
Страниц: 6
Книга закончена
Символов: 35622
Вы были когда-нибудь в такой стране — Бальдезивурлекистане? Не были? Говорите, такая не существует? А вот бабушка нашей главной героини утверждает, что она именно оттуда! А еще она утверждает, что ей ни много, ни мало — 200 лет! Но самое главное — у нее еще есть особенная такая сумочка, сшитая из кожи черной собаки. А чем она такая особенная, спросите вы? Дело в том, что она волшебная, внутри нее живут феи, и даже целая деревня, откуда родом наша бабушка... Вы конечно не верите? Я тоже! Но вдруг это все — правда?! далее


Оценка: 6.00 (1) 1
Писатель: Шепард Люциус
Страниц: 5
Книга закончена
Символов: 27737
Его зовут Джон Дантцлер, и он из Бостона. Но сейчас он на войне, в Сальвадоре. Воюет, как все — убивает «латиносов», принимает стимуляторы, выжигает целые деревни, и… и сходит с ума.   А кто может на этой войне остаться в здравом рассудке? © ceh далее
After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall

After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall

Оценка: 5.00 (1) 1
Писатель: Kress Nancy (EN)
Страниц: 29
Книга закончена
Символов: 181554
Язык книги: Английский
The year is 2035. After ecological disasters nearly destroyed the Earth, 26 survivors—the last of humanity—are trapped by an alien race in a sterile enclosure known as the Shell. Fifteen-year-old Pete is one of the Six—children who were born deformed or sterile and raised in the Shell. As, one by one, the survivors grow sick and die, Pete and the Six struggle to put aside their anger at the alien Tesslies in order to find the means to rebuild the earth together. Their only hope lies within brief time-portals into the recent past, where they bring back children to replenish their disappearing gene pool. Meanwhile, in 2013, brilliant mathematician Julie Kahn works with the FBI to solve a series of inexplicable kidnappings. Suddenly her predictive algorithms begin to reveal more than just criminal activity. As she begins to realize her role in the impending catastrophe, simultaneously affecting the Earth and the Shell, Julie closes in on the truth. She and Pete are converging in time upon the future of humanity—a future which might never unfold. Weaving three consecutive time lines to unravel both the mystery of the Earth's destruction and the key to its salvation, this taut post-apocalyptic thriller offers a topical plot with a satisfying twist. далее


Оценка: 3.00 (1) 1
Писатель: Эллисон Харлан
Страниц: 7
Книга закончена
Символов: 31215
Возвращаясь из ночного патрулирования, младший капрал Верной Лестиг угодил в ловушку, устроенную врагом. Раненный, почти ослепший, он попал в плен, и не выдержав пыток, pассказал врагам всё. И когда его, наконец, освободили, то предали военному требуналу за предательство. Он стал всеобщим изгоем, с клеймом предателя. Даже в его родном городке его хотели линчевать... Но это было только полбеды, потому что всё, что с ним случилось, было не просто так. Вмешались высшие силы, и в результате ранения он приобрёл странные способности... далее
Children of The Night

Children of The Night

Оценка: 1.00 (1) 1
Писатель: Simmons Dan (EN)
Страниц: 103
Книга закончена
Символов: 663062
Язык книги: Английский
A Romanian infant who flourishes when given the wrong blood transfusion could hold the key to a cure for AIDS and cancer, but he also shares an intimate link to a clan of vampires.   Bram Stoker (nominee) далее
Innkeeper's Song

Innkeeper's Song

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Beagle Peter Soyer (EN)
Жанр: Фэнтези
Страниц: 75
Книга закончена
Символов: 481250
Язык книги: Английский
Set in a shadowy world of magic and mystery, a fantasy novel in which a young man sets off on a wild ride in pursuit of the lover whose death and resurrection he witnessed. From the author of THE LAST UNICORN and A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE. далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Sterling Bruce (EN)
Страниц: 12
Книга закончена
Символов: 77069
Язык книги: Английский
The Mists of Avalon

The Mists of Avalon

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Bradley Marion Zimmer (EN)
Страниц: 291
Книга закончена
Символов: 1901048
Язык книги: Английский
Here is the magical legend of King Arthur, vividly retold through the eyes and lives of the women who wielded power from behind the throne. A spellbinding novel, an extraordinary literary achievement, THE MISTS OF AVALON will stay with you for a long time to come.... далее
Summer of Night

Summer of Night

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Simmons Dan (EN)
Страниц: 157
Книга закончена
Символов: 1014430
Язык книги: Английский
In the summer of 1960 in Elm Haven, Illinois, a sinister being is stalking the town's children, and when a long-silent bell peals in the middle of the night, the townfolk know it marks the end of innocence.   Bram Stoker (nominee)    "An American nightmare with scares, suspense, and a sweet, surprising nostalgia, one of those rare must-read books. I am in awe of Dan Simmons." Stephen King далее
The Pusher

The Pusher

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Varley John Herbert (EN)
Страниц: 5
Книга закончена
Символов: 25778
Язык книги: Английский
Hugo Best Short Story Winner (1982) Locus Best Short Story Winner (1982) Nebula Best Short Story Nominee (1982) Science Fiction Chronicle Poll Short Story Winner (1982)


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Willis Connie (EN)
Страниц: 30
Книга закончена
Символов: 185516
Язык книги: Английский
In the Hollywood of the future there’s no need for actors since any star can be digitally recreated and inserted into any movie. Yet young Alis wants to dance on the silver screen. Tom tries to dissuade her, but he fears she will pursue her dream — and likely fall victim to Hollywood’s seamy underside, which is all to eager to swallow up naive actresses. Then Tom begins to find Alis in the old musicals he remakes, and he has to ask himself just where the line stands between reality and the movies.   Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1996. далее
Дрейфуя у островков Лангерганса: 38°54′ северной широты, 77°00′73″ западной долготы

Дрейфуя у островков Лангерганса: 38°54′ северной широты, 77°00′73″ западной долготы

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Эллисон Харлан
Страниц: 10
Книга закончена
Символов: 62720
Печатается по изданию: Миры Харлана Эллисона, т.3. Рига, Изд-во "Полярис", 1997, с.304-348.
The Many-Coloured Land

The Many-Coloured Land

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: May Julian (EN)
Страниц: 102
Книга закончена
Символов: 664162
Язык книги: Английский
When a one-way time tunnel to Earth’s distant past, specifically six million B.C., was discovered by folks on the Galactic Milieu, every misfit for light-years around hurried to pass through it. Each sought his own brand of happiness. But none could have guessed what awaited them. Not even in a million years…   Won Locus Award for Best SF Novel in 1982. Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1982. далее
Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders

Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Gaiman Neil (EN)
Страниц: 76
Книга закончена
Символов: 471728
Язык книги: Английский
This is a stunning collection of short stories by acclaimed fantasy writer Neil Gaiman. His distinctive genius has been championed by writers as diverse as Norman Mailer and Stephen King. With The Sandman Neil Gaiman created one of the most sophisticated, intelligent, and influential graphic novel series of our time. Now after the recent success of his latest novel Anansi Boys, Gaiman has produced Fragile Things, his second collection of short fiction. These stories will dazzle your senses, haunt your imagination, and move you to the very depths of your soul. This extraordinary compilation reveals one of the world's most gifted storytellers at the height of his powers.  далее
To Say Nothing of the Dog

To Say Nothing of the Dog

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Willis Connie (EN)
Страниц: 131
Книга закончена
Символов: 823263
Язык книги: Английский
What a stitch! Willis’ delectable romp through time from 2057 back to Victorian England, with a few side excursions into World War II and medieval Britain, will have readers happily glued to the pages. Rich dowager Lady Schrapnell has invaded Oxford University’s time travel research project in 2057, promising to endow it if they help her rebuild Coventry Cathedral, destroyed by a Nazi air raid in 1940. In effect, she dragoons almost everyone in the program to make trips back in time to locate items — in particular, the bishop’s bird stump, an especially ghastly example of Victorian decorative excess. Time traveler Ned Henry is suffering from advanced time lag and has been sent, he thinks, for rest and relaxation to 1888, where he connects with fellow time traveler Verity Kindle and discovers that he is actually there to correct an incongruity created when Verity inadvertently brought something forward from the past. Take an excursion through time, add chaos theory, romance, plenty of humor, a dollop of mystery, and a spoof of the Victorian novel, and you end up with what seems like a comedy of errors but is actually a grand scheme "involving the entire course of history and all of time and space that, for some unfathomable reason, chose to work out its designs with cats and croquet mallets and penwipers, to say nothing of the dog. And a hideous piece of Victorian artwork.   Nominated for Nebula Award in 1998. Won Hugo and Locus Awards in 1999. далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Pohl Frederik (EN)
Страниц: 59
Книга закончена
Символов: 368781
Серия: Heechee Saga #1
Язык книги: Английский
Gateway opened on all the wealth of the Universe… and on reaches of unimaginable horror. When prospector Bob Broadhead went out to Gateway on the Heechee spacecraft, he decided he would know which was the right mission to make him his fortune. Three missions later, now famous and permanently rich, Robinette Broadhead has to face what happened to him and what he is...in a journey into himself as perilous and even more horrifying than the nightmare trip through the interstellar void that he drove himself to take!   Won: Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1977; Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1978; Locus Award for Best Novel in 1978; John W. Campbell Award in 1978. далее
The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Vinge Joan (EN)
Страниц: 131
Книга закончена
Символов: 848309
Серия: The Snow Queen #1
Язык книги: Английский
The imperious Winter colonists have ruled the planet Tiamat for 150 years, deriving wealth from the slaughter of the sea mers. But soon the galactic stargate will close, isolating Tiamat, and the 150-year reign of the Summer primitives will begin. All is not lost if Arienrhod, the ageless, corrupt Snow Queen, can destroy destiny with an act of genocide. Arienrhod is not without competition as Moon, a young Summer-tribe sibyl, and the nemesis of the Snow Queen, battles to break a conspiracy that spans space.   Won Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1981. Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1981. далее
JOB: A Comedy of Justice

JOB: A Comedy of Justice

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Heinlein Robert Anson (EN)
Страниц: 82
Книга закончена
Символов: 517835
Язык книги: Английский
After he firewalked in Polynesia, the world wasn't the same for Alexander Hergensheimer, now called Alec Graham. As natural accidents occurred without cease, Alex knew Armageddon and the Day of Judgement were near. Somehow he had to bring his beloved heathen, Margrethe, to a state of grace, and, while he was at it, save the rest of the world .... далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Mieville China (EN)
Страниц: 112
Книга закончена
Символов: 713325
Язык книги: Английский
The Natural History Museum's prize exhibit – a giant squid – suddenly disappears. This audacious theft leads Clem, the research scientist who has recently finished preserving the exhibit, into a dark urban underworld of warring cults and surreal magic. It seems that for some, the squid represents a god and should be worshiped as such. Clem gradually comes to realise that someone may be attempting to use the squid to trigger an apocalypse. And so it is now up to him and a renegade squid-worshiper named Dean to find a way of stopping the destruction of the world as they know it whilst themselves surviving the all out-gang warfare that they have unwittingly been drawn into… далее
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