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"A gun?" Lou questioned. "That's a tall order."

"See if it's possible. I'm feeling more vulnerable than usual."

"Is your permit current?"

"Yes, for New York. I went through the formal training and everything. You're the one who pushed me to do it. I just never got the gun."

"I'll see what I can do."

As Jack flipped his phone closed, the front doorbell chimed. Alexis came hurrying past. "It must be Grandma and Gramps," she said. But she was wrong. It was Randolph Bingham, dressed casually but as elegantly as usual.

"Is Craig ready for his rehearsal?" Randolph inquired, noticing Alexis's surprise. "He's expecting me."

Alexis acted confused for a beat after having been so certain it was Craig's parents at the door. "Rehearsal?" she questioned.

"Yes. Craig will be testifying in the morning, and we agreed some rehearsal was in order."

"Come in," Alexis said, embarrassed at her hesitation.

Randolph took note of Jack's shorts and soiled, bloodstained T-shirt but said nothing as Alexis led him down the hall and into the family room. Randolph was next to be apprised of what had happened that afternoon at the Bowman home. As the story unfolded, his expression changed from his normal, mildly condescending aloofness to one of concern.

"Have the girls been seen by a doctor?" he asked.

"Not other than Craig," Alexis responded. "We didn't call their pediatrician."

Randolph looked at Craig. "I could make a motion for a continuance of your case if you'd like."

"What are the chances of the judge granting it?" Craig asked.

"There's no way to know. It would be entirely at Judge Davidson's discretion."

"To be honest with you, I think I'd rather get this nightmare trial over with," Craig said. "And it's probably the safest for the kids."

"As you wish," Randolph said. "I assume you have contacted the police?"

Alexis and Craig exchanged a glance. Then Alexis looked over at Jack, who'd come back into the room.

"That's in the process," Jack said. He then quickly outlined the plan. When he finished, he went on to explain their belief that Tony Fasano had something to do with the episode, using Tony's very specific threat to Jack that he would be "history" if Jack carried out the autopsy.

"That is clearly assault," Randolph said. "You could bring charges."

"The episode is a little more complicated," Jack said. "The only witness was Fasano's thug, who I ended up striking after he struck me. The bottom line is that I personally have no intention of pressing charges."

"Is there any proof whatsoever Tony Fasano was behind today's criminal acts?" Randolph asked. "If there is, I'm certain I could get a mistrial."

"No proof," Craig said. "My daughters said they might be able to recognize a voice, but they are not at all certain."

"Perhaps the police will have more luck?" Randolph said. "What about the autopsy? Is that going to be done or not?"

"We're trying to decide," Alexis said.

"Obviously it is the girls' safety that is the issue," Craig said.

"If it were to be done, when would it be?"

"The body is scheduled to be exhumed in the morning," Jack said. "I'll do the autopsy immediately, but the initial results will only involve gross pathology."

"That's very late in the course of events," Randolph said. "Perhaps it's not worth the effort or the risk. Tomorrow, after Dr. Bowman testifies, I'm certain the judge will rule that the plaintiff has met his burden. I will then present the defense, which will be the testimony of our experts. That means Friday morning will be closing arguments."

Jack's phone rang. He still had it in his hand, and it startled him. He quickly left the room before answering. It was Lou.

"I got ahold of Liam, and I told him the story and gave him the address. He's going to be right over with some of the Newton police. He's a good guy."

"Did you ask about the gun?"

"I did. He was not excited about the idea, but I gave him glowing reports about your integrity and all that bullshit."

"Well, what's the bottom line? Is he going to come through or what? If all goes well, they'll be digging up the body in the morning, and thanks to all these threats, I'll feel like a sitting duck."

"He said he'd fix you up, but he's going to hold me responsible."

"What does that mean?"

"I assume he's going to give you a gun, so be careful with the damn thing!"

"Thanks for the advice, Dad," Jack said. "I'll try my damnedest to shoot as few people as possible."

Jack returned to the family room. Craig, Alexis, and Randolph were still discussing the autopsy issues. The consensus had tripped in favor of still doing it despite the time constraint. The main argument from Randolph was the possibility of using any potentially significant findings to help with the appeal process, if an appeal became necessary, either to vacate the verdict, to obtain a new trial, or to allocate the award according to contributory negligence. Randolph called to everyone's attention that the records clearly documented that Patience Stanhope refused on several occasions against medical advice to have any more cardiac evaluation after her questionable ECG stress test.

When a break came in the conversation, Jack informed the group that Detective Lieutenant Liam Flanagan was on his way.

"We want you to do the autopsy if you are still willing," Alexis said to Jack, seemingly ignoring his statement.

"I gathered as much," he said. "I'm happy to do it if that's what you people want." He looked at Craig. Craig shrugged.

"I'm not going to go against the grain," Craig said. "With all the stress I'm under, I don't trust my judgment."

"Fair enough," Jack said. Once again, Jack felt Craig was demonstrating unexpected insight.

The doorbell rang again, and again Alexis ran to get it, saying it must be the grandparents. But for the second time she was wrong. Standing at the door were five policemen, two of which were in Newton Police Department uniforms. Alexis invited them into the house and led them to the great room.

"I am Detective Lieutenant Liam Flanagan," the big, red-faced Irishman said in a booming voice. He had bright, baby-blue eyes, and a smattering of freckles across his flat, prizefighter's nose. He proceeded to introduce the others, who included Detective Greg Skolar, officers Sean O'Rourke and David Shapiro, and crime-scene investigator Derek Williams.

As Liam made the introductions, Jack studied him. There was something familiar, as if Jack had met the man sometime in the past, yet he thought that unlikely. Suddenly, it came to him. When he had a chance to introduce himself to Liam, he asked, "Did I see you at the medical examiner's office this morning?"

"Yes, you did," Liam said effusively. He laughed. "Now I remember you. You went into the autopsy room."

After getting a brief overview of the incident at the Bowman residence, the crime-scene investigator and the two uniformed officers went off to check out the yard while there was still a little daylight. The sun had set, but it was not yet completely dark. The two detectives were mostly interested in the children, and the children responded to being the center of attention.

While that was going on, Randolph asked Craig if he was up to the rehearsal they'd planned for the following day's testimony.

"How necessary do you think it is?" Craig protested. He was understandably preoccupied.

"I'd say exceedingly crucial," Randolph commented. "Perhaps you should recall your performance during your deposition. It would be calamitous to repeat it in front of the jurors. It has become apparent that the opposing side's stratagem is to present you as an arrogant, uncaring M.D. who was more interested in getting to Symphony Hall on time with your trophy girlfriend than your seriously ill patient's welfare. We must prevent you from presenting yourself in any way that substantiates such allegations. The only way is to rehearse. You are a good doctor, but you are a poor witness."