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Myth Adventures

Страниц: 60
Символов: 376269
В избранное добавлена 1 раз
ID: 99667
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 2008
Издательство: Wildside Press
Создана 24 октября 2010 07:48


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Immortality - it sounded like a great idea! Aahz falls for the offer of a piece of the rock, literally, when he invests in a scheme to build pyramids. He is so enthusiastic about the concept that he ropes in everyone else he knows to invest - in tombs lower down than his, of course. But all is not perfect: along with the prospect of being remembered for eternity and the best view in the valley of Zyx comes a run of unbelievable bad luck! It's up to Skeeve to figure out why the deal is running sour even before the ink's dry on the papyrus.

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