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I told the Israeli I wouldn't meet with the guy myself-I didn't do business with him and I didn't want any part of someone else's beef. When I said I didn't trade with the gun-runner, the Israeli asked me if I was Jewish. He's the only guy I ever met who asked me that.

It was the Israeli who took me to the junkyard the first time. They left me alone in the car, the dog pack cruising around me in the night like sharks lapping against a rubber raft. I don't know what they talked about, but the Israeli got back into my car carrying a little suitcase.

The Mole has no politics-he doesn't consider blowing up Nazis political. After the second job, I was a friend to Israel. And after a lot of years, I was the Mole's friend too. After I took the weight down in the subway tunnel, I was his brother.

I threw a token into the Exact Change basket, hooking a left and then a right to Route 95. But I ducked into the warehouse district off Bruckner Boulevard, finding my way to the Mole's junkyard. Hunts Point- New York 's badlands. Topless bars. Diesel-fuel stations. Whores too raunchy to work Manhattan stalked the streets and waved at the truckers, flashing open their coats to show their naked bodies, then closed them quickly before the customers got a good look. I heard pistol shots, spaced a couple of seconds apart. Over to my right, two men were standing a few feet away from an abandoned old Chrysler, pumping shots into the body. Glass flew out of the windows; the old wreck's body rocked with each shot. It wasn't a homicide going down-just a seller demonstrating his goods for a prospective buyer. Hunts Point is a dead zone for police patrols-no citizens allowed.

I turned the corner near the entrance to the Mole's joint, driving slowly, scanning the street with my eyes. I heard a horn beep. The Mole's head popped up in the front seat of a burnt-out Volvo sitting at the side of the road. He climbed out, wearing his dirt-colored jumpsuit, a tool belt around his waist and a satchel in his hand. He looked like another part of the wrecked car.

He walked over to the Lincoln and climbed into the front seat. "Mole!" I greeted him. He nodded, confirming my diagnosis. We drove around to the side entrance, a rusting old gate secured by a dime-store lock. It wouldn't keep a self-respecting thief out for ten seconds. The Mole jumped out, selected a key from the several dozen he had on a saucer-sized ring, and popped the lock. I pulled the Lincoln inside while he locked up behind me. I kept the windows up as we pulled deeper into the junkyard-I couldn't hear them, but I knew they were around. I glanced in the rearview mirror-the ground around the gate was already covered by a thick blanket of dogs. More of them loomed up from the dark depths of the yard, padding forward slowly, all the time in the world. The gate wouldn't keep a thief from getting in, but no power on earth was going to get him out.

The dogs were all sizes and shapes. I remembered the old Great Dane-a black-and-white Harlequin monster, now missing an ear. A matched set that looked like boxers approached from the front with something that might have once been a collie on their flank. But the real pack bounded up on my side of the car-lupine heads closer to wolves than German shepherds, alert, intelligent black faces over broad chests, thick tails curled up on their backs. Their coats looked like brown fur dipped in transmission fluid, matted and heavy. Only their teeth looked clean, flashing white in the dim sunlight. The pack had been working and making puppies in the South Bronx jungle for so many years that they had evolved into a separate breed-the American junkyard dog. They never saw a can of dog food. Or a vet. The strongest survived, the others didn't.

There were safer places to walk around than the Mole's junkyard-like Lebanon in the busy season.

The Mole jumped out of the Lincoln, shifting his head for me to follow. I slid over and got out his side. The Mole blundered through the dog pack like a farmer walking through a herd of cows, me right on his tail.

The dogs nosed my legs experimentally, wondering how I'd taste. One of the pack growled a threat, but the Mole ignored it like he does everything else they do. The Mole's underground bunker was on the other side of the junkyard-we weren't going there.

A red Ford station wagon was sitting in a patch of sunlight ahead of us, its entire front end smashed all the way into the front seat-a head-on hit. The back seat had been removed, propped up against the rear bumper. A cut-down oil drum was on one side, a thick book with a plain blue cover on top. The Mole's reading room.

A dog was asleep on the Mole's couch-a massive version of the others in the pack, his neck a corded mass of muscle. He watched us approach, not moving a muscle. Only his tail flicking back and forth showed he was alive.

"Simba-witz!" I called to him. "How's by you?" The huge beast's head came up, watching me. His ears shot forward, but his tail kept the same rhythmic flicking-back and forth, like a leopard in a tree. A bone-chilling snarl came from his throat, but it wasn't meant for us. The pack stopped dead.

The Mole walked over to his couch, sat down, half on top of Simbawitz. The beast slipped out behind him, sniffed me once, and sat down on the ground. I sat down next to the Mole, reaching for a cigarette, glad it was over.

The Mole reached in his jumpsuit, came out with a slab of fatty meat, and tossed it to the dog. Simba-witz tossed it in the air, caught it, and burst into a run, holding his prize aloft. The pack swung in behind him, yipping like puppies. We sat quietly until they disappeared. They wouldn't go far.

"Mole," I told the pasty-faced genius, "I need your help on something."

I paused, giving him a chance to ask what I needed his help for-it was a waste of time.

"I got a job," I said. "This little boy-he was in a day-care center or something, and someone took a picture of him. With a Polaroid. I need to get the picture back."

"Who has it?" the Mole asked.

"I don't know."

The Mole shrugged. He was good at fixing things, or making them work. And especially at blowing them up. But he didn't know how to find things.

"It's a sex picture, Mole."

"What?" he asked. It didn't make sense to him.

"Mole, these people forced the kid to do a sex thing with a grown man, okay? And they took a picture of it. To sell."

The Mole's little eyes did something behind the Coke-bottle lenses he wore. Or maybe it was the sunlight.

"Who does this kind of thing? Nazis?"

To the Mole, every evil thing on the planet was the work of the Nazis. If Bobby did get me a meeting with the Real Brotherhood, I'd have to go without the Mole.

"Kind of," I said, "kind of the same thing. People who go on power trips, right? In the kid's mind, as long as they have the picture, they have his soul."

"If you find the people.

"I know, Mole. That's not the problem now. I need to find the picture."

He shrugged again-what did I want from him?

"I have to find the picture. It's like a scientific problem, right?" I asked, reaching for a way into his megawatt brain, probing for the switch to turn on the light.

"Scientific problem?"

"You once told me that to solve a problem in science you take all the known facts, then you work out some possible outcomes, right? And you keep testing until you prove…whatever you said."

"Prove the hypothesis?" the Mole asked.

"Yeah," I said, "the hypothesis."

The Mole sat slumped on his couch, watching the smoke curl from my cigarette. Quiet as concrete.

"You need a scenario," he finally said.

"What are you talking about, Mole?"

"A way something could happen. You take the result-what you already know-and you reason backward. You eliminate whatever wouldn't work until you are left with what the past had to have been."