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She was going to die. A bullet was going to tear through her flesh and end her life.

"Raoul, you don't want to do this." Her father started toward Cambre. "Let me have the pistol."

"Stay back." Cambre didn't shift the weapon, but his voice sharpened. "It's exactly what I want to do. As you can see, I took the precaution of arming myself with a double-barreled pistol. So much more efficient than the usual weapon when one is never sure who one's enemies may be. I'll give you one minute to get that interfering bitch from my line of fire before I pull the trigger."

Jared suddenly moved to stand beside her. He said hoarsely, "Get out of here, Cassie."

"Don't be stupid. I can't do that." She placed herself in front of him again and, facing him, put her arms around him. He muttered a curse and tried to break her hold, but she held tight with all her strength.

"How touching," Cambre said. "Quite like your Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, isn't it, Your Grace? I think it fitting your tableau has the same ending."

She braced herself for the bullet.

"You told me I could get Cassie away," her father said. "Keep your promise."

"Oh, very well. But it's a pity to spoil the-son of a bitch!"

Cassie turned to see her father launch himself at Cambre.

A second later they were on the floor, struggling for the pistol.

Jared thrust her aside and darted toward the two men.

A shot.

Blood spattered the Aubusson carpet.

Whose blood? Mother of God, whose blood?

"Fool!" Cambre pushed her father off him. Deville rolled limply, his hands still grasping the pistol that had killed him. Cambre tried to reach for the pistol, but Jared dived toward him, his hands locking around Cambre's throat.

"Let me-go." Cambre clawed at Jared's hands. "We can-deal. I have power. I can-"

Jared was strangling him, Cassie realized. She had never seen murder done. She supposed she should feel horror… something. She felt nothing but fierce satisfaction and regret that it had not been done sooner. Before that shot had taken her father's life. She moved slowly across the room toward her father's body.

"Stop…" Cambre gasped. Then he said nothing at all as Jared's hands tightened.

She fell to her knees beside her father. His skin was pasty and pale, his white shirt bathed in blood. "Oh, Papa, no…"

His eyes opened.

She inhaled sharply in disbelief. He was still alive!

"Didn't want… to die…"

"You won't die." She gathered him close. "I won't let you."

"Is Raoul-dead. Did I kill him?"

"Shh… yes."

"Had to-do it. Knew he-would never let-me live- Couldn't-kill-Danemount-retribution." He touched her cheek. "Lani."

"She's not here. You can see her later."

"Take care of-Lani. I-never did. Wrong. So many wrongs…"

"Shh, Lani loves you. I love you."

"Blessed… blessed…" His eyes closed and a long shudder went through him.


Tears flowed down her face as she silently rocked him back and forth.

"Cassie…" Jared's hand was on her shoulder. "We have to leave. Someone may have heard the shot."

She gathered her father closer. "I won't leave without him. He doesn't belong here."

"I wasn't suggesting you do," he said gently. "Stay here and I'll go to the carriage and send Bradford to fetch a wagon."

"It's like losing him a second time," she whispered.

Jared's hand tightened on her shoulder and then fell away. "I'll be right back."

She watched him leave the library, then her gaze fell on the crumpled body of Raoul Cambre. His eyes were wide open and bulging from their sockets. He had not died easily.


She turned back to her father. He had not died easily either, but his expression was serene. Retribution, he had said. Had he gained absolution by that last act of sacrifice? She hoped it was true. Let him be at peace, she prayed.

Forgive him.

Let him forgive himself.


Jared arranged for Charles Deville to be buried the next morning in a cemetery near a small village just outside Paris. Through some machinations and Guillaume's help, he even managed to have the village priest preside at the graveside.

Cassie did not cry at the funeral. She felt frozen, barely able to think or feel.

"We can stay here in the village tonight," Jared said as he helped her into the carriage. "We don't have to go on."

She supposed he was being kind. He didn't realize that the man in the grave was no longer her father. Her father was somewhere else now. She wearily settled herself on the seat beside Lani. "I want to leave this place."

He studied her face, then nodded. "Very well. We'll leave for the coast at once." He turned away and mounted his horse.

Lani's hand covered Cassie's as the carriage lurched forward. "You're right, it's wise to go on. After you say good-bye, you must not look back in sorrow."

Cassie smiled sadly. "They won't understand the way we believe. The English think we must wear black weeds and flaunt our sorrow for months."

"Perhaps Jared is more understanding than you think."

"I don't want to know if he is."

"You wish to keep him at a distance." Lani nodded understandingly. "You think he cannot forget the past and all the bitterness. It was your father who bore the guilt, not you."

But would he ever be able to look at her without seeing her father and that scene at Danjuet? Now that she had accepted her father's guilt, it seemed incredible Jared had even wanted to touch her. "If he could forget, there would still be no life for us. I couldn't… It would be…" She was silent, then whispered, "I'm not as generous as you, Lani. I couldn't occupy his bed and not his life. I'd want everything. I wouldn't know how to be a duke's mistress."

"No, you wouldn't." Lani squeezed her hand. "I'll tell Jared you wish to go home."

She knew he would not accept it. She would have to stay out of his way, out of his sight. It should not be too difficult. As she had said, the English custom demanded a long period of mourning. Jared might have the reputation of ignoring tradition, but such beliefs were ingrained from childhood. "I need to leave right away."

Lani nodded. "It's best for both of us. We have no place with these people now."

Josette met them when they rode into the courtyard at Morland.

"Is everything all right? Are you angry with me? I had to tell him, Cassie. He said you were in danger, and I didn't think it would matter since-"

"I'm not angry." Cassie held up her hand to stop the flood of words that was about to pour from Josette's lips. "And I understand. But I'm very tired and would like to rest now." She started up the steps. "Is Kapu well?"

"Yes." Josette stared after her, puzzled. "Don't you want to go see him?"

"Later." She disappeared into the castle.

"Leave her alone for a time, Josette," Lani said. "She's still mourning. We buried her father yesterday." She turned to Jared. "Cassie and I spoke after the funeral. It's time we went home. Will you see to arranging passage?"

"Don't be foolish," he said roughly. "I'll take you myself."

"That's not necessary."

"It is to me."

"Then let it be done at once. She needs familiar things around her."

"It will take at least a week to put my affairs in order and ready the Josephine for a long voyage."

"Then start right away." She turned and followed Cassie into the house.

Jared stared after her, his hands clenching on the reins. He couldn't leave it like this. He wanted to comfort Cassie. He wanted to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be good again. He had to do something.

"Think again, lad," Bradford said as he dismounted. "Patience. She's not ready."