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Patrick Doak and David Vennett have remained my steadfast guides through the wilds of Washington politics. I couldn’t write what I write without them and I wouldn’t have near as much fun when I visit D. C. Thank you, gentlemen.

Bart Berry of Aquarius Training Systems can always come up with just the right thing to help me with my novel. He is both my cousin and climbing instructor, and while I didn’t need much climbing help with this book, like Ron, he also has significant experience south of the border, and I thank him for his input.

As always, if it flies, eats sushi, or speaks German, I will absolutely not write about it without running it by Richard and Anne Levy, as well as our dear friend Alice.

Tom and Geri Whowell once again provided invaluable assistance with my manuscript. From what I understand, “Scot Harvath” is now a password at both Fontana, Wisconsin ’s Gordy’s Boat House bar and restaurant as well as the Cobalt boat dealership. How much of a discount it gets you, I have no idea, but I plan to find out this summer. I’ll know that I’ve really arrived when they decide to name a drink after me.

Tom Gosse is one of the neatest people I know. As a funeral director, he provided me with some invaluable information for this book. His brother-in-law Patrick Ahern is a great friend, and I am sure the fact that I killed off Pat’s character in my first book but let Gosse live in this one will be a source of good-natured grief I will have to live with for some time.

I have some other good friends who are out there kicking ass and taking hyphenated names on a daily basis. No matter where they are or what they are doing, they are willing to answer my questions. True to their reputations as “quiet professionals,” they asked that I not recognize them by name here. You all know who you are, and I thank you.

I also need to thank Mark, Ellen, and everyone else at La Rue Tactical down in Texas for their kindness to me and their unwavering support of our elite warriors in the field.

My two greatest assets, advocates, and allies are my magnificent agent, Heide Lange, and my superb editor, Emily Bestler. Their contributions to my career are immeasurable, and I know for a fact that neither of them will ever grasp how important they are to me. Thank you.

Two more ladies in the pantheon of publishing who are invaluable to me are my publishers, Louise Burke and Judith Curr. It is through their tireless efforts that my career is where it is, and I thank them.

Jack Romanos and Carolyn Reidy often operate behind the scenes without much thanks from their authors. Each year I learn a little bit more about the book business, and as I do, my appreciation for what they do, in particular for my career, grows. Thank you for everything.

With the passing of James Brown, David Brown has inherited the mantle of the hardest-working man in show business. On the eighth day God created publicists, but they were not all created equal. David Brown was created head and shoulders above the rest. From the Top of the Rock to the Pig amp; Whistle, thanks for everything, David.

Alex Canon, Laura Stern, and Sarah Branham continue to be incredibly helpful day in and day out. This small mention here hardly comes close to thanking them for everything they do for me.

Ernest Hemingway once said that to be a good writer you need to be possessed of a shockproof bullshit detector. I think the same attribute is necessary for a good lawyer, especially one in Hollywood. I’m extremely fortunate in that I don’t have a good lawyer, I have a great one. Scott Schwimer is hands down the best entertainment attorney in the industry. He has also become one of my best friends, and for that I am doubly blessed.

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