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“You don’t like them?”

“ Duncan, be serious.”

“Okay. Sorry. What about my friends and family?”

“How would they feel about your being permanently linked to me?”

“Well, you’ve inspired DeeDee to stop perming her hair and start plucking her eyebrows. Those are damn strong endorsements. My male coworkers grumble behind my back about my undeserved good fortune.”

“To be with a topless waitress.”

“To be loved by the woman who was brave enough to confront Savich alone. Believe me, none would breathe a slight against you around me. But they for sure as hell would say nothing improper about you within DeeDee’s hearing. And anybody who would isn’t my friend, so his opinion doesn’t matter to me.”

“But your parents’ opinion does. You love them. They love you.” She turned her head away from him. “I would be their worst nightmare.”

“You’re right.” He sighed. “Mom’s in a tizzy. I don’t remember her ever being this upset with me.” He placed his finger beneath her chin and turned her face toward him. “I called today and told them we’d be there for dinner tomorrow. Mom was furious because I hadn’t given her enough advance notice. She had wanted to paint the dining room before I brought you home for the first time.”

“Home?” Her eyes reflected a childlike hopefulness that pierced his heart with love. All his life, he’d taken for granted the people who had cared about him, loved him without qualification. She’d never had that kind of security. He would love her enough to make up for that deficiency. And more.

“They don’t condemn me for what I did?”

“They’re in the forgiving business,” he said with a smile. Then, turning serious, he stroked her cheek. “But what is there to forgive, Elise? What was your big sin? Savich is evil. Cato Laird was evil. Not you.”

By the time he finished speaking, tears were shimmering in her eyes. She pulled him to her, rubbing her lips against his, whispering, “I love you, Duncan. Love you with all my heart and soul. Love you. Love you.”

He gathered her beneath him and pressed into her, his smile against her lips. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

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