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He looked at his watch, obviously frustrated. “How much longer do you think-”

“Not much.”

He looked at Kitt as if for reassurance. She longed to give it to him but couldn’t.

“Could I have a word with you?” he asked her. “Alone?”

“I’m sorry, Joe. That’s not possible. Not right now.”

Something passed across his features. An understanding. Realization.


“I think I would like to call a lawyer,” he said stiffly. “As you said, it’s my right.”

M.C. looked sharply at Kitt. “Of course. I’ll make a phone available to you right away.”

“I’d also like to call my crew foreman, so he can get started.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” She motioned toward the door. “The hallway, Kitt. Now.”

They exited the room and stepped away from the door. M.C. whirled to face her. “What the hell was that all about?”

“Excuse me?”

“Did you signal him or something?”

Now M.C. had pissed her off. “That’s insulting. I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.”

“One look at you, and he lawyered right up. What would you think?”

“I’d think he was a bright guy. For God’s sake, M.C., he lived with a detective for twenty-five years. Do you think I never talked about interrogating suspects? That he doesn’t know the techniques we use?”

M.C. opened her mouth as if to argue, but Kitt didn’t give her a chance. “If we’re going to partner, even if only for this one case, we have to trust each other. Can you do it?” she asked, throwing the other woman’s earlier question back at her.

For a long moment, M.C. was silent. But instead of answering in the affirmative, as Kitt had, she murmured, “I’ll try. Right now, that’s the best I can do.”


Monday, March 20, 2006

10:10 a.m.

M.C. had decided to get someone out to question Valerie, ASAP. She hadn’t needed to tell Kitt she wanted to make certain Joe didn’t have the opportunity to give his fiancée a heads-up-and a chance to lie for him. Nor had she needed to tell Kitt that if Valerie Martin didn’t corroborate, she would recommend an arrest.

In the end, M.C. had decided to call on Valerie herself. She had taken Detective White with her, leaving Kitt to oversee Joe’s meeting with his lawyer. Kitt supposed that displayed trust. Or not, thanks to the trusty video camera.

Kitt was acutely aware of how Joe’s being a suspect had reversed their positions on the case. M.C. was calling the shots now. Though it was as it should be, Kitt couldn’t quite quell her feeling of resentment toward the other woman. M.C. would be certain the shadow of impropriety didn’t fall over her.

Kitt glanced at her watch, wondering what was happening. If Valerie didn’t confirm Joe’s story about their spending the night of the ninth together, Joe was going to be in some very deep shit. Either way, M.C. would go for a search warrant. And Kitt didn’t see a problem with a judge granting it-even with the alibi, they had probable cause.

Joe’s lawyer hadn’t arrived yet. While she waited, she’d decided to review the transcripts of her calls from “Peanut.” She scanned the first of the recorded calls, noting the way he put words together, his choice of words.

Joe didn’t talk like this. Yes, a voice changer could alter a person’s voice. But not the way they spoke.

She narrowed her eyes, considering the content next. He had known about Derrick Todd. How? He had claimed omnipotence. Had opened their conversation with a comment about her chasing her tail.

Could “Peanut” be a cop?

It would make sense. Her history wasn’t a secret around the force. Someone nosing around asking the right questions would learn some damn personal stuff about her.

And, clearly, the SAK had understood crime-scene investigation. He had left the scenes nearly pristine; it had always seemed as if he knew what their next step would be.

Of course, it wasn’t unusual for a serial killer to be a crime-or law-enforcement buff. Some had even been known to listen to police scanners.

She switched to the second transcript. More generic. He had taunted her about the balloon. And about her mood.

“After all I’ve done for you,” he’d said.

“And what would that be? The wild-goose chase you sent me on? Thanks.”

“It may have seemed that way to you. You have to have faith.”

Have faith. In him? In the clue he had given her? Or both?

“Kitt?” She turned. Sal stood in the doorway, expression grim. “My office.”

She stood and followed him. “Close the door, please,” he said when they were inside. “Update me.”

“As I’m sure you’re aware, M.C. brought Joe in for questioning. He’s requested a lawyer. He claims an alibi for the night of the ninth. M.C.’s checking that out now.”

“I want you out of this. Immediately.”

“Yes, sir. And if the lawyer arrives before M.C. returns-”

“Sergeant Haas or I will sit in.” His expression softened. “I’m sorry, Kitt.”

“For taking me off the case?” The bitter edge in her voice didn’t surprise her. The sudden lump in her throat did.

“No, for the reason I’m taking you off the case.”

“He’s not involved, Sal.”

“You’re certain?”

“Absolutely. And not just because of my personal relationship with him.”

For a long moment, he held her gaze. Then he nodded slightly, as if in acknowledgment of her feelings. “If Joe’s cleared, you’re back in charge. I have zero choice in this.”

“Understood.” She turned and walked to the door. There, she stopped and looked back. “Request permission to follow up on evidence unrelated to Joe. Specifically to go through the contents of the storage locker.”

“Seems like a good use of your time. And, Kitt, for what it’s worth, I hope you’re right about Joe.”

She thanked him and returned to her desk. She gazed at the transcript, feeling suddenly lost. In need of a friend.

Brian, she thought. If anyone would understand, it’d be him.

Kitt headed for his office. When she reached it, she found the door closed. She lifted her hand to knock on his door, then froze as she heard M.C.’s voice. “Enough! Stop following me.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Bullshit. I saw you roll by my house the other night. You were tailing me earlier that same night. I don’t want to have to go to the chief with this.”

“I bet you don’t.” Brian snickered. “Don’t want anyone to know you slept your way into the VCB.”

Kitt heard M.C.’s sharply drawn breath. “That’s a lie, you prick.”

“You know how fast news travels in the RPD. Speed of light, babe.”

Clearly the two had had a sexual relationship. When? Had Brian used his influence to get M.C. assigned to the Violent Crimes Bureau?

“Try it,” M.C. said, “and you’ll regret it, I promise you that.”

“Are you threatening me, Detective?”

“Whatever you want to call it. Back off.”

The last was delivered in a voice akin to a growl. Kitt dropped her hand and took a step backward. She had heard enough. Her respect for both colleagues had plummeted.

She took another step; Brian’s door flew open. M.C. stormed out, stopping short when she saw her.

“Kitt!” she exclaimed, face red. “What a coincidence, I was just coming to find you.” She glanced toward Brian’s door, then back at Kitt. “Joe’s alibi checked out.”

“I thought it would.”

“Doesn’t mean he’s not guilty.”

“You’re getting a search warrant.”

It wasn’t a question; she answered, anyway. “Yes. Should have it within the hour.”

“Sal took me off the case. Temporarily.” M.C. nodded. Obviously, if she hadn’t already known, she had expected it. “I’ll keep you posted on our progress.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

Kitt watched her go, then tapped on Brian’s door casing. He was on the phone; he waved her in.

“So call me,” he said. “I miss you. Okay?”