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NICK PULLED INTO CARINA’S DRIVEWAY and turned off the engine. She’d fallen asleep, her head on his shoulder. He looked down at her, his heart doing a little leap as he realized she’d become so important to him in such a short time.

For years, he’d believed Miranda was the only woman for him. Though they’d split up several years ago, in the back of his mind Nick had thought he’d never find another woman who had that special spark, that indefinable something, that appealed to him.

He was wrong. Watching Carina sleep, Nick felt as if he’d known her his entire life.

“Wake up, princess,” he said quietly.

“Hmmm?” She sat up slowly, stretched. “We’re here already?”

“You fell asleep.”

“Did not.” She grinned at him. “Maybe for a minute. Why don’t you come in?”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?”

She didn’t miss his meaning. Leaning over, she kissed him lightly on the lips. “Did you dream of me last night?”

He took her face in his hands. “Last night and all day.”

Her lips parted and he kissed her, the playfulness leaving as he sank into her warm mouth. His hands spread on the back of her head, holding her to him, their kiss deepening until he found himself pushing her back into the seat.

He pulled back. Her eyes were closed, a smile on her lips. “You can kiss me anytime,” she said, her voice low and sultry.

“I hope to do more than kiss you.”

Her eyes opened wide. “Come with me.”

She jumped out of the car. Nick followed, slower. His knees weren’t as bad as the other day, but he wouldn’t be running any marathons.

She stopped at her door, frowned at him. “Are you okay?”

“I will be.”

“I have something for you.”

He grinned. “That’s what I was hoping for.”

She laughed. A warm, deep, infectious rumble that warmed his blood.

“Well, I was thinking of something for your joints.”

“I don’t want to think about them.” He made it up the three steps to her porch without falling. “I just want to lie down.” He touched her face again. He couldn’t not touch her. “In your bed.”

Her eyes darkened and she didn’t move. “Who’s seducing who?” she asked quietly.

“Does it matter?” he asked.

She shook her head, took his hand, and led him inside. He put his hat on the small entry table and pulled her into his arms.

“Hold that thought,” she said and reached into her purse. She held up a small bottle of what looked like lotion. “How would you like a massage?”

He swallowed. It was her tone more than the words that turned him on. “Can I be naked?” he asked.

Carina licked her lips. “That’s a requirement.”

She took his hand and led him down the short hall to her bedroom. She couldn’t help but smile, seeing the big cowboy standing in the middle of her ultra-feminine bedroom.

“Wait here,” she said suddenly and ran down the hall.

Nick looked around the bedroom. It was mostly white, a little frilly. And there was a worn, stuffed bear against the multitude of colorful throw pillows against the distressed white iron headboard. Three true crime books sat on her nightstand, which fit what he knew of Carina more than the rest of her house. He was still trying to reconcile the fluffy room with Carina’s lean and sexy exterior when she popped back into the room with his hat.

“What’s that for?” he asked.

“Me,” she said with a smile.

“Carina, are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” She turned off the overhead light, leaving on a small table light next to her bed. “Take off your pants.”

He raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Isn’t that kind of forward, ma’am?”

“Do you want that massage?”

“I might even want more, ma’am,” Nick drawled.

“That little catnap in the car gave me my second wind,” she said. “I’m wide awake.”

“So am I.” He dropped his pants.

“Lie down.”

“You’re getting kind of demanding,” Nick teased.

“What, you don’t like strong women?”

“Strong women are the only kind I like.” He lay down.

Carina took the bottle of lotion and started working on his calves. “I have a confession.”


“Dillon gave me this lotion. It’s really an ointment for your joints. I hope you don’t mind.”

It surprised Nick that he didn’t mind. In fact, the ointment plus Carina’s strong hands were doing wonders for his muscles and his libido.

“Thank you for caring.”

“I hated seeing you in pain.”

“I wasn’t.”

“You hid it well. But…” Carina didn’t finish her sentence.

By the time she reached his thighs, Nick was entirely turned on. Her fingers, her warm breath on his bare legs, her occasional kiss on his thigh…it was unexpected, but definitely wanted.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, her voice heavy.

“Incredible,” he sighed.

She stood up and looked into his eyes. She took off her blazer, then her shoulder holster, putting her gun on her nightstand. She pulled her T-shirt over her head, revealing an incredibly sexy lace bra barely restraining her full breasts. He swallowed.

“Your bra’s red,” he said, his voice husky.

“You like red bras?”

“I sure do now.” He couldn’t help but smile. Carina’s confidence was as sexy as her bra.

She smiled back, slowly unzipping and sliding out of her jeans. Her panties matched her bra. What little of them there were. His mouth went dry.

She turned around slowly, revealing a perfect heart-shaped ass, before facing him again.

Nick couldn’t remember a time when a woman tried to seduce him. Not a woman he wanted. And he wanted this woman now.

She leaned over him and kissed him full and hard on the mouth. His hand went up to hold her face to his, but he didn’t have to worry about her getting away. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, and that knowledge made Nick feel heady and turned on all at once.

He pulled her into his lap, and she straddled him, her barely clothed body rubbing against his hard dick. He held her close, tight, his hands finding her hair, so soft, so silky. He kissed her jawline, her neck, breathed in the floral scent of her dark, luscious hair. Breathed into her ear, and felt her shiver in his arms.

“Nick,” she whispered, her voice husky, sexy.

He laid her down on the bed, his body half on top of hers, his hands unable to stop touching her, every inch of her tan skin. He could have easily made love to her right then, but he wanted to wait, prolong the pleasure of discovery, the increasing spiral of tension building in both their bodies.

Carina’s arms wrapped around his neck, her hands trailing up and down his back. Squeezing, massaging, holding on to him. Her quiet moans spurred him on, telling him where she liked to be touched, how she liked to be kissed. She was giving herself so freely, without reservation, without holding anything back, that Nick fell half in love with her right then.

He’d never had a woman give herself to him so enthusiastically, so fully.

Carina sighed as Nick kissed every inch of her neck, not leaving one spot unloved. Her ears…since when had her ears become such an erogenous zone? His tongue licked one lobe and she gasped.

“Nick,” Carina murmured, her hands running up and down his lean, rock-hard body. She’d never felt small and petite before, but in Nick’s arms she felt protected and desired. Feminine, all woman.

His mouth skimmed along her chest, heading toward the right place, but slowly, much too slowly. She arched her back, egging him on. His tongue played with her breast along the edge of her bra, darting in and out, mimicking a French kiss.

She reached down and grabbed his T-shirt in her hands. “Off,” she ordered.

Nick leaned up and she pulled the shirt roughly over his head. He then lay back on top of her, his chest hot against her skin. His mouth found hers as his hands reached under her bra and rubbed both her breasts simultaneously. She wriggled beneath him, trying to find relief, but only increasing her desire for him.