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"You'll have help. You have Joe." She smiled. "And you'll have Montalvo."

"I don't have Montalvo. I'll probably never hear from him again."

"You'll hear from him. He's there, waiting."

"Then I'll send him on his way. I don't need him."

"Whatever you say," Bonnie said gently. "It's getting dark. Joe's going to make steaks on the barbecue tonight. He's wondering where you are."

"Then I'd better go hack to the cottage." She opened her eyes. "I don't like to-"

Bonnie was no longer there. She felt the familiar pang of sadness and loss.

"Good-bye, baby," she whispered.

She got to her feet and strolled down the path toward the lake cottage.

Joe had come out on the porch and waved to her.

She waved back at him.

Contentment and love flowed through her as she saw Joe leaning on the porch rail and smiling at her. Her pace quickened with eagerness as she moved toward him.

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