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It was the first legacy of the thousands responsible for creating the mad hodgepodge of states constituting today's Firaldia.

Else watched the boats and barges go up and down, enjoying the subtle changes in the view as the sun limped westward and the light altered, growing more golden.

"Piper Hecht?"

Else started, spun toward the unexpected voice, noting that the other sightseers had disappeared.

"Sainted Eis," somebody growled. “This asshole is jumpy."

Else faced four armed men, one of whom he recognized. "Sergeant Bechter? You scared the shit out of me, sneaking up like that. So. You were lucky. You got out with Drocker?"

"I'm a survivor. Evidently, you are, too."

"I got out with Principatй Doneto. Frying pan to the fire kind of thing. We got snapped up by Hansel's men in Ormienden, somewhere up there. They kept us locked up in Plemenza until Sublime decided to ransom his cousin. What's up?"

"Reports came in about a blond foreigner watching the Castella. They sent us to check it out."

"I was just enjoying the view. I mean, look at that. What's going on? Why the paranoia?"

"How long have you been here? In Brothe, not on the rock."

“Ten, twelve days. It kind of runs together. Today was my first chance to get out on my own. I was just relaxing and watching the barges go by and feeling homesick. What's up?"

"Did you hear about the Brothers getting murdered a while back?"

Else lifted himself back up onto the block of stone. "Join me in my parlor, here. Swap lies with me about all the fun we had putting down the heretics in the Connec."

Bechter got the idea. He came and sat. "You do know what's going on, don't you?"

"Not really. Local politics are too twisted. I don't see much that makes sense."

"Here's one for old time's sake, Hecht. Let's don't bullshit each other."

"Ouch! This doesn't sound good at all."

"Oh, it's gooder for you than it would've been if you were the guy we were hoping you'd be."

Else glanced back. "Do they have to hover? Can't we talk, just you and me?"

After consideration, Bechter said, "I'll take a chance on you, Hecht."

ELSE GOT PALUDAN BRUGLIONI AND GERVASE SALUDA TO SEE him when he returned to the Bruglioni citadel. "I think I've managed a coup. I hope you weren't so set on a war that you'll be angry with me."

“Talk to me," Paludan said. He was in a foul mood, his supposed natural state.

"I ran into somebody I knew from the Connecten campaign. He belongs to the Brotherhood of War. We talked. I made him understand what the Bruglioni think happened the night Rodrigo Cologni was kidnapped."

Paludan seemed puzzled, Gervase, amazed. "Go on, miracle worker." Was he sarcastic or serious?

"Here's the thing." Else explained what he had done in boring detail, without mentioning Pinkus Ghort "Bechter is a good man, despite his affiliation. He's trustworthy. I told him the truth as seen from here. He told me theirs. Turns out the big question troubling his bunch is how to lay hands on some mysterious blond foreigners. They thought the Bruglioni might be hiding the outlanders. I set Becker straight. He believed me because he knew me from the Connec."

Both Paludan and Gervase scowled.

Else told them, "You'll recall that I suggested giving up the men you'd hired."

Gervase snarled, "The point, Hecht."

"The Brotherhood just wants those two men. If you could tell them more about those two, there'd be peace between the Brotherhood and the Bruglioni."

"And the Lord God Himself shall step down from Heaven and kiss each of us upon the lips – before he rolls us over and gives us a good old buttfucking," Gervase said.

"No doubt. But not today. Look, It's a way out."

"Awful convenient, though. Your first walk through the city, you run into an old pal from the wars."

"You religious, Gervase?"

"As religious as I need to be to get by."

"I thought so. Pretty much my attitude, too. But I've found that you can't go wrong by assuming that life is tainted by the Will of the Night."

"You saying supernatural forces are at work?"

"Always. But, in this case, yes, especially. Otherwise, why can't the Brotherhood find those men? Bechter said they get sighting reports all the time but when they check them out there's no further trace. Where I come from we'd think that means they're protected by the Instrumentalities of the Night. The Collegium itself might not be able to ferret them out"

"But the Collegium doesn't care. Not right now. Are you suggesting that we try to reach an accommodation with the Brotherhood?"

Else thought he had made that clear. "You've got nothing to lose."

ELSE FELT GOOD. IT HAD BEEN A PRODUCTIVE DAY. HE HAD MADE himself useful, though Paludan was not yet ready to see that.

In an ideal world he would get everyone thinking he was doing great things. Which would get him established. But an outbreak of peace amongst Brothe's factions would not serve the needs of Dreanger.

Else's quarters consisted of one large room subdivided into three by hanging quilts. He slept in a space no grander than a monk's cell. Polo slept in an even smaller area beyond their common area. That constituted half the total space. The dividers were old and ragged and did little to provide any privacy. They did keep heat from a little charcoal burner confined to the center room. Else stepped in from the passageway. "Polo? You here?" Someone groaned behind Polo's quilts. "Yes, sir. What time is it? What do you need?"

"Were you away from here while I was out?"

"I went out to get charcoal, candles, an ink stone, pens, inks, and such. As you instructed. I couldn't find any paper. The papermaker in Naftali Square is out of stock." Polo slipped his head through an overlap between quilts.

"You don't need to get up. I asked because somebody's gone through my things. I don't think anything is missing."

After a noise like a mouse's squeak, Polo joked, "They wasted their time, didn't they?"

"Yes. I'm going to bed."

Else lay back on his rough mattress, a canvas bag filled with wheat and oat husks. He pondered Polo's response.

It did not seem appropriate, assuming the news was a surprise.

PALUDAN AND GERVASE SALUDAN DID NOT KNOW WMT THEY wanted Else to do. They had felt a need to do something. Hiring him had presented itself. But there was no way he could replace all the hired swords who had deserted.

Else asked to have his duties defined. He was told to protect the house. Without being given specifics. All by bis lonesome.

He prowled the citadel, putting on a show. The place was in poor repair and dirty. The staff were slothful and sloppy.

Polo remained close by, most of the time. Else had him pinch paper from the Bruglioni business office. They created a chart of who was responsible for what Of who was in charge where. Else was an energetic administrator, though he disliked that side of soldiering. He let himself go, now.

The Bruglioni citadel was vast. And poorly designed for its fortress function. Though what could be seen from beyond the perimeter wall was forbidding. Where the gargoyles and whatnot had not fallen off. There were other buildings inside the wall. Stables and tool sheds and so forth. The main structure included one hundred and twenty rooms on four floors. Few, off the ground floor, were of much size or magnificence. The current Bruglioni were not into ostentatious display. The family could no longer afford it.

The family proceeded entirely on past momentum under Paludan. He was not stupid. He lacked drive. He was content to let life slide by. Unless his anger broke through. Then he might do something unwise. Like trying to stage a kidnapping and rescue.