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Tyree said, "Hope that they catch the bastard. I think it's some terrorist plot."

"Towelheads on the run," said Danny, chuckling. "Well, if they come here they'll be pretty easy to spot."

"No laughing matter, Danny. These crazies are trying to take over the world." He touched his gun. "But I tell you what, if they do show up in Divine, they can expect some good old American justice."

Stone turned to Abby. "What sort of work do you need done?"

Tyree stood, the rubbed leather of his gun belt squeaking slightly. "Danny, come see me later, boy, okay?"

It really wasn't a question.

Danny grinned, nodded and went back to his over-easy eggs and grease-fried bacon.

"Supplies need to be brought in from the back," Abby told Stone. "Storage room picked up. Windows washed, floor mopped. One of my dishwashers called in sick so you can pitch in there too."

Stone nodded, wiped his mouth with his napkin and rose. "Just give me a quick walkthrough and I'll get to it."

"Don't you want to know your pay scale?"

"I'll leave it up to you."

"You're a trusting man," chuckled Tyree before he left.

No, I'm not.

As Stone followed Abby to the back room Danny's grin eased off his face as he looked at the dirty, tired men staring back at him. He finished eating, slurped down his coffee, jumped up from the table and made his way to the door. Before he got there, a lanky man rose from his table and blocked his way. He had greasy hair, three days of beard, a coal-dusted face, and eyes that were just begging for trouble.

"Hey, Lonnie," said Danny. "You're looking like shit just like always."

"What you doing back here? Heard you bought yourself a ticket on the train. Had enough of Divine. Ain't that right, Danny boy? Had enough of us?"

"Didn't you know? Got the FBI on my ass for robbing that damn train. Came here to hide out. You'll cover for me, right?"

"You think any of that's funny?" said Lonnie as he slipped a wedge of chew into his mouth, pushing his fingers so far in it was a wonder he didn't gag.

"I try to find the humor in everything, Lonnie. Makes life a lot more bearable."

"You staying this time or not?"

"Why, you gonna miss me if I leave again? Best watch out. People might think you got a weird-ass thing for me, dude."

Some of the men at the other tables laughed at this. Lonnie's hands balled to fists, but Danny gripped his bony shoulder. "Just joking around, man. Ain't made up my mind whether I'm going or not. Soon as I do you'll be one of the first I tell. Now, I got to go. While I'm standing here flapping my jaw with you, I could be making millions of bucks out there in the big city of Divine."

He skirted around Lonnie, who suddenly became aware that all eyes were now on him. As the door slammed shut behind Danny, Lonnie quickly sat back down and with a defiant look shot a wad of chew into an old coffee can sitting on the floor.

Behind the bar, Stone set down a load of boxes. He had heard most of this exchange. Divine was turning out to be quite a peculiar town.

Get the cash and hit the road. Before twitchy trigger finger Tyree finds out I'm the towelhead.


SIX HOURS LATER Stone had finished his work and Abby pronounced herself satisfied with what he'd done.

"You've got a lot of energy," she said. "And you don't waste time. I like that in a person." She smiled and for the first time Stone registered on how lovely she actually was.

"What now?"

"There're some more chores to be done at my house. All outside work. You interested? It's a dirty job."

"Just tell me how to get there. And what you want done."

He grabbed his duffel bag and a few minutes later left the restaurant. For the first time Stone got a good look at Divine in daylight. It surprised him.

Right out of Andy Griffith's Mayberry but with a Hollywood veneer, something the Disney people might have put together, he concluded. The storefronts were all freshly painted and the wood new-looking; the windows were clean, the brick sidewalks smooth and swept, the roads recently laid with black asphalt. Folks walked past waving at each other, friendly "hellos" floated all around him, though none were directed at Stone, apparently the only stranger here.

He passed what looked to be a new brick building that was the town's library. He peered through the glass doors and saw shelves of books and rows of shiny computers. It occurred to Stone that he couldn't even get a library card. He walked on.

The cars and trucks that passed by him as he made his way through the downtown area were all relatively new. He gazed up at the two-story jail, constructed of red brick with white columns out front and tubs of pansies guarding the entrance, and Coke and snack machines set against the wall. It was the most inviting entrance to the shackled life Stone had ever seen, though. Next door was a larger building, built of red brick too, with a clock tower and "Court House" stenciled on the outside.

A jail and a courthouse in such a little hamlet? With a supermax prison not that far away? But the supermax was for the deadliest of the deadly, not small-town criminals who probably stole car batteries and hit their bar mate while shit-faced.

As he was thinking this a small man with snowy white hair came out of the courthouse, perched a soft felt driving cap on his head and ambled down the street away from Stone.

"Want me to introduce you to the judge?"

Stone turned around and saw Tyree standing behind him. He must have come out of the jail. The big man moved quietly. Stone didn't like that stealth.

"The judge?" A lawman and a judge. Just what he needed. They could both arrest and try him for murder right now.

Tyree nodded and called out, "Dwight, got somebody here you might want to meet."

The small man glanced around, saw Tyree and smiled. He headed back toward them.

"This here is Ben," Tyree said. "You got a last name, Ben?"

"Thomas," Stone said quickly.

"Okay, this is the Honorable Dwight Mosley."

Up close Stone had the impression that he was talking to a smaller version of Santa Claus with a trim beard in place of the bushy one.

Mosley chuckled. "I'm not sure how honorable I am or ever was, but it does indeed come with the title of a judge."

"Ben was the one who saved Danny Riker's butt when he got into some trouble on a train."

"I heard Danny was back. Well, thank you, Ben. Danny can be, well…"

"Hotheaded?" suggested Stone.


"A nicer word, but means the same thing," Tyree pointed out with a laugh.

"Fine-looking courthouse you have there," said Stone, glancing away from the judge. "I guess you have a lot going on?"

"You wouldn't think a small town like this would have need of a courthouse or a judge," Mosley said, apparently reading Stone's mind. "But the fact is it does because my jurisdiction covers a large geographic area in addition to Divine. It's not just litigation, though we have a fair amount of that, mostly over mineral rights and such and mining accidents resulting in personal injury. And federal law just changed a few months ago that required coalmining companies to file what are termed recertifications for all their property and operational aspects. Unfortunately for me, I'm the judge who has to review all of it." He pointed at a delivery truck pulling into the small alleyway that led to a parking area behind the courthouse.

"Unless I'm much mistaken that's another load of boxes filled with said recertifications. It's been a boondoggle for mining lawyers, but I get paid the same regardless."

"Monotonous work, I imagine," said Stone.

"You imagine correctly. We're also the repository for land deeds, surveys, rights-of-way, easements and the like, which also come to the court boxes at a time. But on a more personal level folks come to me with legal questions or counseling from time to time and I try to do the best I can."