"Are you all right?" he demanded. He sank down on the bed next to her.

"I'm fine. And I saw the ship!" Maria cried, grabbing his arm.

She sounded okay. And she did seem back to normal. But this whole psychic powers thing was still hard to swallow. "Tell me what you, um, saw," Michael said.

"A huge cement warehouse, as big as the mall, maybe bigger," Maria began. "A guard was posted in front of it. A pretty heavy-duty guard-with a machine gun strapped across his chest."

Michael listened carefully. What Maria was describing sounded like a scene from some dumb sci-fi movie about government conspiracies. She did have a pretty active imagination. Maybe she thought she was seeing the ship when really she was remembering some fictional thing she'd seen once.

"What kind of uniform was the guard wearing?" he asked. Maybe he could figure out which movie she was remembering.

Maria made a face. "Totally plain gray," she said. "And he looked really bored. He was cute, though."

Hmmm. If the guard had been some actor, Maria probably would have realized it. Maybe she had seen something. Maybe she did have psychic power. Stranger things had happened.

And if she had powers, maybe she really was seeing their parents' ship! Michael desperately wanted to believe that she was seeing their ship.

"Were there any windows?" he asked. "Could you see anything outside that would give us a clue about the warehouses location?"

Maria shook her head. "No windows."

It could be anywhere, Michael realized. The warehouse could be underground in the desert. Or it could be in DC. It could be in South Africa or China or… anywhere. It really could be anywhere.

Maria moved her hand gently up to is shoulder. "Guess that wasn't much help, huh?"

"Well, if you really saw it, then at least I know for sure the ship exists, that it wasn't destroyed," Michael said. He tried to hide his doubt and disappointment. He didn't want Maria to feel bad.

"But you knew that already," she said softly. "Like you said, this is indestructible."

Maria handed the little piece of metal back to him. Michael shoved it deep into his pocket. That scrap of debris from the crash might be the closest he'd ever get to his parents' ship.

"I don't know why I even care anymore," he told Maria. "Ray told us they were all dead. He told us to think of earth as our home. I just wish… I just want to see it for myself, you know? Touch something my parents touched."

Maria took his hand. Her warm, smooth fingers touching his skin snapped him out of his thoughts about the ship. He gazed into her blue eyes.

"If I had something of the guard's, I might be able to find out more," Maria told him.

"How would that help you see anything different than what you just described?" Michael asked. "The guard is in the same windowless warehouse."

"Yeah, but not always," Maria answered. "Sometimes the guard's on his way to the warehouse. If I saw him then, I might be able to get some landmarks," she explained.

But finding the guard would be as hard as finding the ship, Michael thought. The guard could be in the desert or DC or South America or China, too.

"I guess if you knew how to find the guard, you wouldn't really need my help, though, huh?" Maria said, echoing his thought.

She sounded really bummed. Michael studied her face. She looked tired and sad. Maria was like that. When you were her friend, it was like what happened to you happened to her. She cared that much.

"I should get home," Maria said. "Remember to ask Dylan how the dance went. And get details. Guys never bother to get the details."

She grabbed her purse. Well, actually it was a beat-up lunch box-one of the old metal ones. It had a picture of Miss America on the front. Definitely G rated.

"Details. Right," Michael answered as he followed her out of the room and down the hall to the front door.

"Nice to meet you, Maria," Mr. Pascal called from the living room.

"You too," Maria called back.

"I'll walk you out," Michael told her. He led the way to her car. They both hesitated when they reached it. "Are you sure you're okay?" Michael asked. "I hated the way you looked when you were paralyzed."

"I'm fine. I just wish I could have helped," she answered. She opened her lunch box purse and pulled out her keys. Then she stood there, jingling them in her fingers.

The image of Maria with her arms around him as they danced in the living room shoved its way into his mind. Had she really wanted him to kiss her last night? Did she want him to kiss her now? Was that why she was just standing there, not making a move to get into the car?

Maybe he should do it. A fast good-night kind of kiss. Nothing major. A test to see if the little-sister feeling came rushing at him. If he was really careful about duration of lip-to-lip contact, he might not even completely cross over into the something-more-than-friends zone. There was such a thing as a friendly kiss, wasn't there?

He took a quick glance around the street to see if anyone was watching-and spotted Sheriff Valenti's cruiser gliding toward them. He heard Maria give a little squeak, so he knew she'd seen it, too.

Valenti continued past without slowing down. "That guy is everywhere," Maria said.

"Yeah," Michael agreed. "He doesn't want a dog peeing on a fire hydrant that he doesn't know about. I bet he knows where my parents' ship is."

He and Maria locked eyes, and he knew they'd had exactly the same thought at exactly the same time. If they could get something of Valenti's, Maria could use it to do her seeing thing on him.

"Michael-" she began.

He nodded. "I guess I'll need to pay a visit to the sheriff sometime soon."

"You mean we will," Maria corrected him.

"And after we snag a pair of his boxers or whatever, you can just check in on Valenti a couple of times a day until you find out what we need to know," Michael continued.

"I'm not touching Valenti's boxers-even for you," Maria joked. Then her expression grew serious. "But it might take a while to get any good info." She sounded worried.

"Hey, it will be a lot quicker than crawling over every inch of the desert the way I've been doing," Michael answered. His odds of finding the ship had gotten much, much better in the last few minutes, thanks to Maria.

She unlocked her car door and climbed in. She rolled down the window. "Okay, so we have a plan," she said. "I'm spending the day with Kevin and my dad tomorrow-a visitation rights thing-but after that we can get started."

He felt like doing one of Maria's wild happy dances. He was going to find his parents' ship. He knew it. He was going home!

Except… except it wouldn't be much of a home with no family there waiting for him. He'd be surrounded by a bunch of strangers.

Maria gave a little beep on the horn as she pulled away from the curb. Michael waved to her.

Maybe Max and Isabel would go with me, he thought. Yeah, that would be cool, taking in the sights with Izzy and Max. He smiled at the picture.

Then his smile faded. Max would never leave earth, not while Liz was here. And Isabel had decided to live the rest of her life as just a "normal human girl," whatever that meant. And besides, if he did get the ship to work, if he did return to their home planet, he'd be leaving Maria, and Liz, and Alex behind. The three humans had become almost as close to him as Max and Isabel. Losing them… Michael didn't even want to think about the hole that would rip inside him.

He stared down the deserted street. Maria's car had disappeared. He pulled down the sleeves of his sweatshirt. It was colder out than he thought.

Maybe he should have kissed Maria. That would have kept him warm.