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"Yes," she said. "I have wondered about that."

"You see," I said, "that self you fear is truly you."

"Give me a choice," she begged.

"You will be given no choice," I told her. "Your femininity will be forced to grow, nurtured, if necessary, by the whip."

"Yes," she whispered.

"Yes, what?" I said.

"Yes, Master," she said. "Master!" she protested, but I lifted the dark blanket and threw it over her head, so that she was completely covered. She could not then speak, or rise up, for the blanket was over her.

I got to my feet. From the sea bag I drew forth the notes for fortunes, made out to Shaba, to be drawn on various of the banks of Schendi, and the false ring, that which he was supposed to carry to the Sardar in place of the true ring. For the notes I, as a putative agent of Kurii, was to receive the true ring, the Tahari ring, which I would then return to Port Kar, that Samos might arrange for its delivery to the Sardar. I did not think I would kill Shaba. If he should actually dare to deliver the false ring to the Sardar he would doubtless there fall into the power of the Priest-Kings. They would then deal with him as they saw fit. If he did not choose to deliver the false ring to the Sardar I might then, at a later date, hunt him down, to kill him. My first priority was surely to return the Tahari ring4o Samos as swiftly and safely as possible.

It was now near the eighteenth Ahn.

"Master," said Sasi. "I fear your eyes."

"I must leave now," I told her.

"I fear your eyes," she said, "how you look at me. Will you return to us?"

"I will try," I told her.

"I see by your eyes," she said, "that you fear you will not return to us."

"It is a hard business on which I embark," I told her. "In the sea bag," I said, "are various things. The key to your collar is there, for example. Too, there are coins. They should, in the event that I do not return, or do not soon return, keep you and the barbarian alive for a long time."

"Yes, Master," she said. Then she looked at me, wonderingly. "You would let me put my hand on the key to my own collar?" she asked.

"Schendi may not be an easy place in which to survive," I told her. "You may find it convenient, in some circumstances, to remove your collar."

"Are you freeing me? she asked. It did not even occur to Sasi that anyone might consider freeing the blond-haired barbarian. She, so luscious, and becoming so beautiful, could obviously, on a world such as Gor, be only slave meat.

I looked at Sasi. Swiftly she knelt. "Forgive me, my Master," she said. "Please do not slay me."

"No," I said. "But Schendi may not be an easy place in which to survive. You may find it convenient, in some circumstances, to remove your collar."

"I am branded," she said. "I would fear to masquerade as a free woman."

"I would not advise that," I said. "You might be fed to tharlarion. But, still, it might be better for you not to be recognized as the girl of Tarl of Teletus."

"Who are you, truly, Master?" she asked.

"Look to the beam above your head, and behind you," I said. "What dangles there, which might be conveniently lowered?"

"A whipping ring," she said.

"What hangs on the wall behind you, to your left?" I asked.

"A slave whip," she said.

"Do you again request to know my true identity?" I asked.

"No, Master," she said.

"You are an agile, clever slave, Sasi," I said, "as quick-witted as you are curvacious. You have lived as a she-urt on the wharves of Port Kar. I have little fear for you." I glanced at the barbarian, beneath the blanket.

"Do not fear, Master," said Sasi. "I will teach her to hide, and eat garbage and be pleasing to paga attendants."

"I must go now," I said.

"Yes, Master," she said.

"In time," I said, "if I do not return, you will both presumably be caught and put up for public auction."

"Yes, Master," she said. I turned to leave.

"Must you leave this moment?" she asked. I turned about, and looked at her.

"I may never see you again," she said.

I shrugged.

"I do not want to be free," she said.

"Do not fear," I told her, "you will not be."

"Please, my Master," she said. "Make now to me a gentle love."

I went to Sasi, and crouched down, and took her in my arms.


Msaliti And I Are Tricked By Shaba; What Occurred Outside The Headquarters Of Msaliti And Shaba

"You are late," said Msaliti.

"I have brought the notes," I told him.

"It is past the nineteenth Ahn," he said.

"I was detained," I said.

"Have you brought the notes," he asked.

"Yes," I said, "I have brought them." He was clearly nervous.

He admitted me, from the street to the small, dingy anteroom, that leading to the larger room in which we had, the preceding day, discussed our business.

"Is Shaba here?" I asked.

"No," he said.

"Then what is so important about me being late?" I asked.

"Give me the notes," he said. "Give me the ring."

"No," I said. I entered the larger room, that in which we had conferred on matters of importance yesterday.

"Where are the askaris?" I asked. They were not in the room.

"They are elsewhere," said he.

"The room was more attractive yesterday," I said, "when it contained the two female slaves."

Msaliti and I sat down, cross-legged, near the low table.

"Yesterday evening," I said, "after we parted, I paid a visit to the tavern of Pembe. I made use there of the slave who had once been Evelyn Ellis. She is not bad in a collar."

"She is frigid," said Msaliti.

"Nonsense," I said. "The poor girl is paga hot."

"I find that surprising," said he.

"She cannot now help herself," I said.

"Pathetic thing," he said.

"It required only a bit of chaining and teaching her, so to speak, to kiss the whip."

"Excellent," said Msaliti.

"You seem distracted," I said.

"It is nothing," he said.

My thoughts strayed to the blond-haired barbarian and Sasi.

"Keep her under the blanket for an Ahn after I have left," I had told Sasi. "You may then release her, if you wish. If you do not wish to do so, of course, then leave her there as long as you please."

"Yes, Master," said Sasi.

"She is an ignorant girl, and a natural slave," I said, "so keep her under strict discipline."

"Yes, Master," said Sasi.

"Do not hesitate to use the whip on her," I said.

"No, Master," said Sasi.

"Remember that she is a natural slave," I told Sasi.

"We are all natural slaves, Master," she said. "But have no fear. I will keep her under a very strict discipline."

"As is fitting for any slave," I said.

"Yes, Master," smiled Sasi.

I had then kissed her and left.

"Why do you not give me the notes and the ring?" asked Msaliti.

"My orders," I said, "are to exchange them with Shaba for the authentic shield ring."

"To whom will you return the ring?" he asked.

"To Belisarius, in Cos," I said.

"Do you know his house?" asked Msaliti.

"Certainly not," I said. "I will be contacted."

"Where will the contact be made?" asked Msaliti, regarding me narrowly.

"At the Chatka and Curla," I said, "in Cos."

"Who is Master of the Chatka and Curla?" asked Msaliti.

"Aurelion of Cos," I said. "Of course."

"Yes," said Msaliti.

"Have no fear," I said, "I will do my best to see that the ring reaches the proper authorities."

Msaliti nodded. I smiled.

"Why would you wish the ring?" I asked.

"To assure that it reaches the beasts," he said. "They would not be pleased, should it be again lost."

"Your concern for their cause is commendable," I said.