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Max laid his hand on the Cane’s blood-smeared leg and closed his eyes. There was a rippling sound, something like knuckles popping in rapid succession. Anag let out a short, surprised, growling sound. Then Max exhaled and drew his hand away. The gaping wound was closed, no more muscle visible beneath it, and no fresh blood leaked out onto the stones of the pier.

That drew a round of surprised mutters from the Canim, along with a great deal of interest. Twenty of the enormous wolf-warriors crowded around, noses quivering and sniffing as they eyed the wound, then Max. There wasn’t any overt hostility in them, but simply being amidst a crowd of eight-foot-tall armored, warrior Canim, muttering to one another in their growling, snarling tongue, was more than unsettling enough, even without a naked weapon in sight.

“It’s closed,” Max said, breathing a little heavily from the exertion of the crafting, “but it will tear open again if you try to use it. If we get the wound into a tub of clean water, so that the entire wounded limb is under the surface, I can repair the muscle, and it should be good as new by the time you wake up in the morning.”

That statement drew another round of interesting growl-mutters, and within a moment, two of the warriors had found a barrel, filled it with freshwater, and unceremoniously deposited their commanding officer in it.

Tavi had been correct in his assessment of the wound. It had incapacitated the Cane with pain and debilitating damage to major muscles, without destroying tendons or slicing open major blood vessels. The crafting used to repair such damages was not precisely easy, but it was fairly simple and straightforward, and Antillar Maximus excelled at such tasks. Within moments, he withdrew his hand from the water and chanted what every Legion healer did after he wrapped up work with a legionare on a comparatively minor injury, “Done. You’ll be hungry and tired tonight. That’s normal. Eat plenty of meat, drink plenty of liquid, sleep as much as you are able.”

The Canim began to help Anag out of the barrel, but he waved them out and climbed out on his own. He sprang down to the pier and landed on the leg that had been wounded, taking most of his weight on it. He let out a small growl of discomfort-Tavi knew from experience that the leg would ache like the devil for an hour or so yet-but he was able to use it.

The Canim warriors watched with ears forward and eyes bright as Anag practiced a pair of sword-practice footwork sequences including a long lunge, performing them smoothly. They flicked their ears in acknowledgment afterward. It was something along the same lines of cheers or applause from Aleran troops.

Anag approached Tavi and bared his throat. Tavi matched the gesture, but a little less deeply.

“The use of your healer’s skills is appreciated,” Anag growled.

“He is a warrior, and no true healer,” Tavi replied. “My healers would be mildly insulted at the comparison.”

“I meant no offense,” Anag said, perhaps a shade more quickly than he might have.

“None is perceived,” Tavi replied. “As I was responsible for your injuries, it seemed fitting to me to restore you.”

Anag tilted his head, his eyes searching. “You were responsible for sparing my life when you might have killed me. You owed me nothing.”

“You were doing your duty, protecting your pack leader-even one such as he,” Tavi replied. “I would not offer an insult to Lararl by depriving him of a valuable warrior’s service, even temporarily, when I had the means to make it otherwise.”

Anag nodded, then bared his throat again, a shade more deeply. “I will see to accommodating your people as well, Tavar of Alera. You have my word.”

“It is appreciated,” Tavi said gravely. “And I give you mine that my people will abide peaceably here and will not lift a weapon save to defend themselves from attack.”

“It is appreciated,” Anag replied. “Your weapons, please.”

Tavi arched an eyebrow.

Varg looked at him, then smoothly drew his sword and passed it over, hilt first, to Anag. “Aleran,” he prompted.

Tavi understood that the surrendering of weapons carried multiple levels of significance to the Canim, but he was unsure exactly what was contained within this particular gesture. Still, it wasn’t something worth jeopardizing their hosts’ willingness to grant them shelter over, not with the ships still at sea and bad weather on the way, so he slipped both baldrics from his shoulders and passed over the swords hilt first. “Why?”

“We have sought shelter and refuge from Lararl, a Warmaster of the Shuar,” Varg said. “The local pack leader has granted it, provisionally. Now we must go and speak to Lararl, and he will decide our fate.”

That sounded fairly ominous. “Meaning what?” Tavi asked.

Varg blinked at Tavi as if he had asked a rather foolish question. “Meaning that we have surrendered to the enemy, Aleran. You are a prisoner of war.”


The air coach lurched wildly to one side and suddenly plummeted. If Ehren hadn’t been wearing the safety strap secured around his waist, he’d have slammed his head against the roof of the coach. As it was, his stomach lurched up into his throat, and his arms flew upward, seemingly of their own accord. The book he’d been holding flew up and smacked into the ceiling of the coach, bounced, then simply floated there, as the coach continued to fall, faster and faster.

The wind roared, but Ehren could hear the sounds of men screaming to one another over it.

“What’s happening?” Ehren shouted.

The First Lord, his expression calm, leaned over to look out the coach’s window. “It would seem that we’re under attack,” he called back, as the coach continued to dive.

“But we’re still miles from the Vord’s territory!” Ehren protested.

“Yes,” Gaius said. “Rather inconsiderate of them.”

Ehren snatched at his book. “What do we do?”

“The spin has stopped, which means we’re in a controlled dive,” Gaius replied, and settled back into his seat as if they were having an idle discussion while waiting for tea. “We let our Knights Aeris do their jobs.”

Ehren swallowed and clutched his book to his chest. A few seconds later, the floor of the coach suddenly pressed up hard against him, and he found himself almost doubled over by the abruptly enormous weight of his own body. The coach pitched to the left abruptly, then to the right. There was a scream of agony from one of the men outside.

Something slammed against the side of the coach, and blood-smeared fingers smashed through the window beside Ehren, clutching desperately to the window frame despite the jagged teeth of broken glass remaining. Ehren leaned over to see a young Knight Aeris, his face pale, one arm dangling uselessly, hanging on for his life.

Ehren tore off his straps and shoved open the wind coach’s door. The sudden drag made the cart slew toward the door side, creating a windbreak by the door. Ehren wrapped one safety strap around his wrist and leaned out the door of the coach, reaching for the wounded Knight.

He seized the man by the collar of his mail. The Knight let out a shriek at the sudden touch, then focused bleary, terrified eyes upon Ehren.

The Cursor gritted his teeth, let out a scream, and hauled with all of his strength, using his legs and back as well as his arm. It occurred to him that if the strap broke, he and the young Knight would doubtlessly fall to their deaths together-but there wasn’t time to spare for worrying about such things.

Fortunately, the young Knight wasn’t on the brawny or heavy side, and Ehren was able to drag him into the coach, all but throwing him to the floor.

“The door!” the First Lord called, helping to pull the wounded man the rest of the way in. “Close it! It’s slowing us down!”