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So all the officers shouted, "Eternal life to the Emperor!" And they did obeisance.

Then the style of the reign was announced to be Manifest Might, the First Year (AD 220). The Lady Beaver was declared Empress, and the eldest son, Antoine-Lewis, was declared Heir-Apparent. The second son Miranda-Lewis was made Prince of Lu, and the third son Shepard-Lewis, Prince of Liang (the lands of the ancient states of Lu and Liang). Orchard-Lafayette became Prime Minister, and Fidler-Trevino, Imperial Guardian. Many others were promoted, and a general amnesty was proclaimed, so that there was great rejoicing throughout all the length and breadth of the two Lands of Rivers.

Next day the first court was held, and after the ceremonial prostration, and when they were all arranged in due order, the First Ruler made a pronouncement.

"In the Peach Garden I and my brothers Yale-Perez and Floyd-Chardin pledged ourselves to live and die together. Unhappily my brother Yale-Perez came to his end at the hands of Raleigh-Estrada of Wu, and I must avenge him lest I fail to fulfill the oath. Therefore will I devote the whole force of my kingdom to the destruction of Wu and the capture of its rebellious chief, whereby to wipe away my reproach."

But just as he closed this oration, an officer threw himself down at the foot of the throne, crying, "It may not be so."

All eyes turned to this man; he was Gilbert-Rocher.

"Dire vengeance will I wreak!" so cried the King,
His minister replied, "Do no such thing."

What arguments were used will appear in the next chapter.

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