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I shook and shuddered beneath the attention of the slave girls. I pulled against the chains. I could not free myself. I writhed and twisted in the chains, helpless before my enemy, being arounsed for his amusement.

"Please him Beverly," he said. "Yes Master," she said.

I looked at her. I remembered her from the restaurant, long ago, the svelte, off-the-shoulder white satin-shethe gown, the candlelight, the beaded purse. I saw her lower her head, the dark hair falling upon my body.I saw the close-fitting steel collar on her throat. Then I felt her lips upon me.

"Oh," I said. "Aiii!" And I cried out the humiliation and shame and with rage, and pleasure and joy.

I looked at Beverly. I knew her from Earth. She was to me the most exquisitely beautiful and sexually exciting girl I had ever seen. On Earth I had never kissed her. On Earth I had scarcely dared to touch her hand. Here on Gor, she was a slave. Here on Gor unquestioningly, commanded by her master she had pleasured me and well. I had learned on Gor, in the secrecy of a chamber in the holding of Policrates, when posing as the courier of Ragnar Voskjard, that she was a true slave. I wished that I had known that on Earth. It might have made quite a difference in our relationship. She drew back her head, angrily. I regretted only that it was not I who owned her. "I hate you," she whispered. Yes, she was a true slave. I determined that she would one day wear my collar, that one day it would not be Policrates, but I, who would own her. I remembered the wench from the restaurant. Yes it would be pleasant to have her at my feet, on this barbaric world, collared and branded, as a helpless Gorean slave girl.

"Take him, and chain him to the windlass," said Policrates. "And let ushope, for his sake, that the courier of Ragnar Voskjard is not harmed."

The girls drew back from me and stood to one side. Two men began to unfasten the manacules at my wrists. "You pleasured him well," said the red-haired girl to Beverly. "Yes," said Bikkie. Actually she had done so too swiftly. I would instruct her to the proper pleasurings of a masster, when I owned her. "it is humiliating to be forece to give pleasure to a man of Earth." said Beverly."He seems strong and handsome," said the red-haired girl. "I do not think I would mind being his slave," said Bikkie. "you do no tknow him as I do," said Beverly. "I despise him. He is a weakling and a man of Earth. We are the rightful properties only of men such as those from Gor."

My hands were manaculed behind my back. The shackles on my ankles were then removed, and I was dragged to my feet.Policrates was talking to Kliomenes.

"You received pleasure from what you did, did you not?" asked the red-haired girl. "The only pleasure I received," said Beverly, "was in being obedient to my master's command." "You received pleasure beyond that," said Bikkie. "I saw."No!" said Beverly.

"You swallowed did you not?" asked the red-haired girl. "I had to," said Beverly, "I am a slave girl."You are so low," laughed the red-haired girl," that you could receive pleasure from even a man of Earth."No!" said Beverly."We saw!" laughed Bikkie."No!" said Beverly. "Even if he is from Earth," said the red-haired girl, "he is handsome and strong."I think," said Bikkie, "tto that there might be a master in him."Not in him," sneered Beverly. "If he owned you, the first thing he would do would be to free you."

"Free us?" laughed the red-hair girl. "Free us?" asked another of the girls, amused, touching her collar.

"What man does not want a beautiflu slave?" asked Tala. "He must indeed be stuipd, or a total fool," said another."Men are the masters, and we are the slaves," said another girl, "does he now know that?

"He knows nothing," said Beverly, tossing her head. "I do not believe you," said Bikkie. "He once freed me," said Beverly.

"If he owned me," said Bikkie, "he would not free me. He might give me away or sell me, but he would not free me."Why?" asked Beverly, angrily. "I am too desirable to free," said Bikkie.

Beverly, with a cry of anger, drew back her hand to slap at Bikkie, but another girl seized her hand, that she would not do so. "Do not fight, Slave Girls," said one of the men about. "Yes, Master," said several of the girls.

"Master," said Bikki, approaching me. "If you owned me, would you free me?" "No," I said. "May I ask why not, Master?" she inquired. I looked at Beverly, but spoke to Bikki. "Because you are too desirable to free," I told her.

Beverly looked at me in fury, and Bikkie turned to her in triumph. "See?" asked Bikki."There are slaves and slaves it seems!"

"So it seems," said Beverly. I smiled inwardly. Should she come again into my power, let her try to break the chains in which I would put her.

"Have you ever been mastered, Beverly?" asked the red-haired girl. "Of course, Many men have mastered me." said Beverly. "I am a slave girl."

"To me," said Bikki, "you seemed a true slave girl, fully, only when you had emerged from the chambers of the courier of Ragnar Voskjard."Beverly smiled, "It was he who first fully mastered me," she said. "He was fully dominant over me.

He was overwhelming, and I nothing, only an amourous, compliant, frightened slave in his arms. I had not known such a man could exist. He made me weep myself his, it seemd a hundred times in his arms. That night I was devastated and taught my collar. It was in that night that i first truly learned my womanhood and my slavery."

"I see that you have never forgotten him," said one of the girls. "No," she said. "Do you love him?" asked the red-haired girl. "Yes," sahe said. I was pleased that she had said this. To be sure, I had made her yield as the salve she was.

"Perhaps sometime you will be his," said one of the girls softly. "He did not try to buy me, nor did he ask Policrates to give me to him," said Beverly. "To him I am only another female slave, a meaningless slut, doubtless already forgotten with whom he pleasured himself one night in a strange holding."

"It is sometimes hard to be a slave," said one of the girls. "We are all slaves," said another girl. "The masters are all, and we are nothing," said another. "Yes," said another.

"I will take our fleet east on the river," said Policarates to Kilomenes. "That will discourage interference from towns east on the river." "Yes Captain," said Kliomenes.

Policrates then turned about and regarded me. "Do not look for pretty slaves in the chamber of the windlass," he said. I was silent. "Oh, Beverly," said Policrates. "Yes, Master," said the girl, hurrying forward and falling to her knees before him. «Earlier,» said he, "you hesitated, if only briefly, in carrying out a command. "Forgive me Master," she begged, turning white.

"Leading position," he said. Sobbing, she rose to her feet and put her had down at what would be the height of a man's waist, her legs flexed. A guard walked over and fastened his hand in her hair. "Have her whipped," said Policrates. "Yes Captain," said the man.

He then left the chamber, pulling the girl sobbing at his side. I was pleased to see that Policrates was a strict master. The girl was of course, guilty, she had clearly hesitated in carrying out a comman. How can a girl expect such laxities to go unnoticed or unpunished?

Policrates then, nodded to the men who held me. "Take him away," he said.I was then dragged from the room.