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"I see," said Boots, relieved.

"What do you think Telitsia would sell for?" I asked.

"Probably about the same," he said.

"But you would not sell her?"

"No," smiled Boots, "She is not for sale."

"Then it is the same," I said.

"Not really," said Boots. "Telitsia makes an excellent Brigella, and she is excellent about one's feet and thighs. She is devoted, and loving, and it is hardly ever necessary to whip her now."

"It is seldom necessary to whip Phoebe now," said Marcus.

"Yes, yes," I said. "I am sure they are both excellent slaves."

"I trust," said Boots, "that the purse I have received, which was unusually heavy, contains the equivalent of at least a gold piece.

"Surely you trust me," I said.

"I trust you," said Boots. "It is only that I am wary of your mathematics."

"Have no fear," is said. To be sure, there was more to what Boots was saying then might be evident at first sight. It was not that I had difficulty in adding and subtracting, of course, but rather that I was not always as knowledgeable as I might be about the relative values of various coins, of numerous cities, which, of course, depended on such things as compositions and weights, and exchange rates, which might fluctuate considerably. For example, if a city debases its coinage, openly or secretly, perhaps as an economy measure, to increase the amount of money in circulation, or there is a rumor to that effect, this will be reflected in the exchange rates. Many Gorean bankers, not only the fellows sitting on a rug in their booth on a street, their sleen about, but also those in the palaces and fortresses on the "Streets of Coins," work with scales. Too, sometimes coins are literally chopped into pieces. This is regularly done with copper tarsks to produce, usually, the eight tarsk bits equivalent in most cities to the copper tarsk. Every year at the Sardar Fair there is a motion before the bankers, literally, the coin merchants, to introduce a standardization of coinage among the major cities. To date, however, this has not been accomplished. I did not feel it was really fair of Boots to call attention to my possible lack of expertise in these matters. I was not, after all, of the merchants, nor, among them, of the coin merchants.

"The purse contains no copper tarsks," I said.

"What?" said Boots.

"Of the hundred gold pieces we acquired in the north, we had only some ninety left," I said. "I am sorry. You must understand, however, we have had expenses, a long journey, that prices in Ar are high, particularly for decent food and rented lodging, that we have needed money for bribes, for example, to obtain information, and such, that we have given some away, and so on. I have put half of those, forty-five pieces of gold in the purse. They are yours."

"I do not understand," said Boots.

"I have kept the other forty-five," I said, "because I may need them, tomorrow. I do not know."

"That is too much money," said Boots.

"Do not be concerned for us," I said. "We have other moneys, as well, from donations received, so to speak, from a fellow, or so here and there, usually met in remote areas in dark places, and from fees taken in service."

"We agreed on two pieces of gold," said Boots, "at most."

"So we now break our agreement," I said.

"You would do that?" he asked.

"We might," I said.

"Scoundrels," he said.

"Simply suppose that we are mad," said Marcus. "Just take them, and with them, our undying gratitude, and that of Ar's Station."

"I cannot take so much," said Boots.

"You are Boots Tarsk-Bit?" I asked.

"I think so," he said. "At least that is what I have suspected for years."

"Then take the money," I said.

"Give me a moment," he said. "Let me collect myself. Let me recall myself to myself. I did not expect this. Give me time. My greed has been taken unawares. It staggers. It reels. Such generosity would give pause to even the most robust avarice."

"We obtained the money with little effort," I said. "It is not as though a village of peasants had hoed suls for it, for a century, or anything."

"I am relieved to hear it," said Boots. "I had been much concerned with that."

"Indeed," I said, "it is, in a sense, purloined treachery money, from traitors in Ar."

"It is my duty to accept it?" asked Boots.

"Certainly your right," I said.

"Perhaps I might be persuaded to accept it," he said, "for the arts."

"Be persuaded then," I said, "for the arts."

"Done!" said he.

"Excellent," I said.

"The arts and I thank you," he said.

"You are welcome," I said, "all of you."

We clasped hands.

"I can double this overnight at the gaming tables," he said.

"But do not do so until after delivering the Home Stone to Port Cos," I said. He looked at me, stricken.

"Yes," I said, sternly.

"Very well," he said.

We then again clasped hands. In a moment Boots had hurried off.

"The Home Stone must reach Port Cos," said Marcus.

"You can help to assure it," I said. "You will travel with them, as I once did, as a roustabout, leaving tomorrow evening."

"I am pleased," said Marcus, "that we managed to persuade him to accept the money."

"It was difficult," I said. "But we won out."

"Largely," said Marcus, "it was due to your persuasive powers."

"Come now," I said. "You were quite persuasive yourself."

"Do you think so?" he asked.

"Certainly," I said.

"I was afraid for a time he would refuse to accept the fortune we urged upon him."

"Yes," I agreed. "It was nip and tuck for a time."

"But that business about the arts," said Marcus. "That is what did it."

"Yes," I said. "That is his weak spot."

"What now?" he asked.

"I must arrange for a message to be delivered to Appanius," I said, "tomorrow morning."

24 Staffs and Chains

"You understand what to do?" I asked her.

"Yes, Master," said Lavinia, kneeling beside me. She trembled, slightly. I looked down at her. She was now in a short cloak, held about her neck, and, under it, in a tiny, loose, beltless rep-cloth tunic, fastened only at the left shoulder. The cloak, held as it was, concealed her collar. She was now in the collar that read "RETURN ME TO TARL, AT THE INSULA OF TORBON." She was thus now well identified as my slave. The tunic's fastening at her left shoulder was a disrobing loop. That was important. I wished her to be able to disrobe on an instant's notice.

"The timing of these events is extremely important," I said.

"Yes, Master, she whispered.

"If you do not do well," I said, "I will have you fed to sleen."

She looked at me, white-faced.

"I will," I said.

"I will do my best, Master," she said.

I had made certain, in my rehearsals, that she could remove both cloak and tunic expeditiously.

Marcus, sitting to one side, sharpening his sword, lifted his head.

"That is the fifth Ahn," he said.

I nodded. We could hear the bars, even at a distance of over a pasang.

We were in a room in the Metellan district. I had sealed the shutters, and blocked them, on the inside, so that no one might, from the outside, through the cracks, observe what occurred in the room. In the center of the room there was a large couch, a round couch, some seven or eight feet in diameter. It was well cushioned, and covered with furs, and was soft and inviting. At one point, in its sides, there was a slave ring. We had set a small table near the couch, bearing a decanter of wine, with glasses, and a small, tasteful array of sweets. The room was lit with a small tharlarion-oil lamp. I had already tested the apparatus in the adjoining room. It was activated by a simple wooden lever, and the weights would do the rest. I had also brought along some other articles, which I thought might prove useful.