The Stainless Steel Rat for President
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The Stainless Steel Rat for President


Stainless Steel Rat

Страниц: 45
Символов: 294948
ID: 95310
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 1988
Издательство: Spectra
Создана 2 декабря 2010 07:41


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The Stainless Steel rat is back! Slippery Jim diGriz, the future’s most lovable, laughable, larcenous conman turned counterspy, returns for yet another high-tension mission.

This time the Special Corps has given the Rat a daring assignment—liberate a backward tourist planet from the clutches of an aging dictator. With his lovely but lethal wife, Angelina, and his two stalwart sons, James and Bolivar, diGriz pits ballots against bullets in the fight for freedom. He's vowed to restore truth, justice, and democracy to the world of Parisio-Aqui, if he has to lie, cheat, and steal to do it.

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