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All were gone… gone to free Cuirin'nen'a.

Frethfare stood in uncertainty. Why had Most Aged Father called her in tonight to tell her this? He was exhausted, and if there was nothing for her to do, then why notleave the news until morning? Why such urgency followed by so little explanation?

She stared off through the trees as her turmoil mounted.

Father had tried to tell… to ask her something without putting it into words. For some reason, he could not give the order himself.

Her stomach churned at the thought of Leshil, his traitorous mother, and those humans escaping. Not after they had found a way into this land. Not after all the discord they had sown among her caste. And not after what they had done to Most Aged Father.

She had been at his side for long years… long decades.Whatever the reason that he could not ask her outright, she knew what he expected of her.

Frethfare ran toward the river and the docks.In the full of night, the trees blurred by. She fled to the sixth birch upstream and fell to her knees by its doorway, pulling back the cloth hanging.

En’nish sat alone inside on the floor. The cup of tea before her must have sat a long while, for it no longer steamed. She stared blankly ahead, and then turned her sharp face toward the doorway.

"Frethfare?" she said, taken back. "Are you well? What is wrong?"

"We go north immediately. Brot'an'duive takes Leshil and the humans to free Cuirin'nen'a. They must be stopped." She hesitated before adding, "This is the wish of Most Aged Father."

En’nish cinched her cloak's trailing corners across her waist, and then her sudden eagerness wavered.

"I do not understand, Covarleasa," she began, respectfully. "If the Greimasg'ah is with them, why are we sent behind him?"

"Brot'an'duive is a traitor. You heard and saw him today."

En’nish still hesitated.

Frethfare was not certain how to deal with Brot'an'duive, but she understood what must be done this night. A traitor escaped punishment, and humans would leave knowing the way for others to return to her people's land.

"We will not spill the blood… of our own," she said, firm and slow.

She let the words hang.

Longing hardened En’nish’s eyes as she understood Frethfare's meaning.

No, they would not spill the blood of their own, but the outsiders must be dealt with.

En’nish blinked slowly with a deep exhale, as if finally releasing long-harbored pain. She followed Frethfare out like one who finally saw the salve for her wounds within reach.

Chane struggled through the heavy snow. Wind pelted his face with large flakes that clung to his hair and cloak. He could only see a few paces ahead and followed the mute shapes of Welsteil and their one remaining horse.

"We must find shelter," Chane rasped. "We cannot locate the passage until this blizzard has passed."

"No," Welstiel answered. "We keep looking. It cannot be far."

The Mondyalitko had told them to seek a passage along a deep ravine. Once they passed through, they would be able to see the castle.

Only three nights past, Chane's wild dog familiar had found the way, though calling it a ravine was an understatement. It was a deep and jagged canyon impossible to climb down, and its bottom was filled with snow-blanketed rocky crags. After its discovery, Welstiel behaved like an obsessed madman, driving them hard up through the mountains.

Chane halted. Going on was useless if they could not see. He was about to insist they pitch the tent when a long howl and yammering barks carried on the wind from somewhere ahead.

"The dog!" Welstiel shouted over the wind.

Chane was in no mood for Welstiel's premature elation. "Wait!"

He dropped to sit in the cold snow and closed his eyes, reaching out for his familiar's thoughts. When he found his way into its limited mind, he saw through the dog's eyes.

At first, his sight was obscured by snow slanting through the dark as the dog scrambled forward. Then the animal halted at the edge of a precipice. Chane looked down through its eyes into a gorge at the canyon's top end, and vertigo overwhelmed him. The dog stood on a flat rock overhang, digging through loose snow.

"What has it found?" Welstiel asked desperately.

"I do not know… something." He opened his eyes reluctantly and stood up."Upward… ahead."

Chane took the lead, holding the dog's thoughts to sense the way. When he spotted the animal's tracks already fading under the blizzard, he released the connection and picked up his pace. Ahead he thought he saw where the canyon's upper end spiked downward into the rocky range. Upon its near side, something dug wildly in the snow.

Chane trudged quickly up and dropped beside the dog. He looked down with his own eyes to where the canyon opened into a deep gorge too wide to see its far side. He began digging by hand, clearing snow from the ledge until he exposed a piece of flat slate that did not match the ledge's basalt stone. The piece was half the length of his body and smoothly fitted to the ledge's edge-except for a hole to one side just large enough for a hand. Chane cleared the opening with his fingers and lifted the slate panel.

Welstiel hovered above him as they looked down.

Snow-covered ledges-wide steps-were carved into the gorge wall, though Chane could not be sure in the blizzard if they went all the way to the unseen bottom.

Welstiel examined the piece of slate. "This was intended to hide the pas-sage:

"I do not think so.More likely a marker to find it or perhaps shield the first steps from erosion. This path is used regularly by someone, for it took much work to carve it out, crude as it is. Let us hope it leads somewhere useful, though we will have to abandon the horse."

Welstiel stared into space. "The Mondyalitko said we would step out to see the castle. It has to be down there somewhere… it must be."

Between the darkness and the storm, Chane had no way of telling if this was true, and he was sick of blind optimism. "Do we try tonight or wait until we have more time tomorrow?"

"Now," Welstiel answered instantly, and pulled their packs from the horse. "Move on. We leave the dog as well."

Again, Chane had no voice in their decisions, and his anger seethed quietly. But he held his tongue. Perhaps they were close to Welstiel's coveted orb, and once they found it, Chane might give Welstiel a surprise or two of his own.

Chane braced a hand against the steep rock wall and took two steps downward, peering below. He saw nothing through the blizzard-noteven the gorge's bottom, nor its far side. Snowflakes slanting across the night seemed to materialize out of the dark. The lower he went, the more the wind lessened, until the snow drifted lazily downward.

Behind and above him, Chane heard Welstiel's boots scrape the steps.

Sgaile headed for the third oak upstream from the docks, eager to be with his family once more and away from all others. He pulled the doorway drape aside, and there sat his grandfather, Gleanneohkan'thva, upon an umber felt throw as he wrote with quill on parchment.

"Where is Leanalham?" Sgaile asked.

"She went to find a few things for our journey," his grandfather replied. "It will be an early start. Will you come with us?"

Sinking down, Sgaile untied his cloak and lifted the clay teapot from its tray.

"I must first see Leshil and his companions safely off, then I will come home for a while. I wish to bring Osha with me-with your consent. Except for his training, I am considering a request to be relieved of duties for the remainder of winter… perhaps longer."

His grandfather looked up, puzzled, but merely patted his shoulder." Osha is always welcome. And it would be good to have you home for a while."

Sgaile poured tea into one of the round cups and turned its warmth slowly between his palms.