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He gestured toward the fern-curtained passage.

"Frethfare, please report to Most Aged Father. Tell him all is settled, that we have found the human woman and will return soon. Sgailsheilleache, you and Osha find food, and En’nish…"

Brot'an spun toward her, and now Leesil couldn't see his expression.

"You and those serving your purpose will keep well apart from Sgaile and his charges. Or you will have more to answer for upon our return."

En’nish picked up her fallen blade as she hobbled past Brot'an. Her face dark with malice, she joined her two companions and headed out through the woods' passage.

Leesil tried to get Magiere on her feet. When Brot'an approached, Chap lunged, and his teeth clacked shut on air as Brot'an leaped away.

"No more," Sgaile said quickly to the dog. "No more fighting… let him pass."

Brot'an betrayed subtle surprise at Sgaile's words. "It seems there are some things you have not told me."

Sgaile sighed but didn't answer.

"It's all right, Chap," Magiere said.

Leesil's uncertainty grew. Brot'an might have pacified further conflict for the moment. But it was still Brot'an, the one who'd used him. Leesil would never sink to a hint of gratitude, but he let Magiere step forward to follow Brot'an.

Leesil looked back into the glade. Nein'a watched him, but he no longer saw anything recognizable in her cold eyes.

An abomination in his land.

Most Aged Father-who had once been Sorhkafare-quaked in his bower.

This pallid woman with blood-stained hair had fooled even Frethfare.

In that long night, running beside Snahacroe and the others, he had heard the cries behind him. Each dawn that followed, fewer remained in his company.

There had been humans and dwarves as well ashis own kind. The dwarves had been the first to fall. Unable to keep the pace with their short legs and heavy bodies, fewer and fewer of those stout people were present at dawn when his meager forces fell prostrate upon the ground. They foraged for water and food by day, slept what little they could in shifts, and before dusk each night they fled inland toward Aonnis Lhoin'n.

Not long past each dusk, they heard the shouts and running feet of abominations closing upon them. Each night they were closer, as he and his forces grew more weary and worn with flight. More than once he glanced back to see dozens of sparking eyes, perhaps a hundred, in the dark.

Then humans and elves began to fall behind as well, and no one could turn back for them. Along their harried passage, they found desolate and shattered towns and villages. And more than once, pale figures erupted from the dark ahead of them. They slogged their way through, but more of his fleeingband were always gone when they halted at the next dawn.

Most Aged Father could not shake the memories from his mind.

Cuirin'nen'a andher hidden dissidents no longer mattered. Long ago, he had brought his people here to safety. Now this woman-this abomination-appeared among them.A human-spawned thing. The Ancient Enemy stirred sooner than he had feared. It was the only explanation he saw to account for this new tool of bloodshed and devastation. One that could breach his people's land, the only haven that had saved them in those long lost days.

Most Aged Father lifted his wrinkled hand from the bower's wood, but his fingers would not stop shaking.

Chapter Fourteen

Frethfare ran from the glade with her heart pounding. She fled far into the forest before daring to find a place in which to speak with Most Aged Father. How could she tell him what had happened, what she had seen? Where would she even begin? An undead entered their land and walked freely among the people-and was now protected by Brot'an'duive.

She glanced up at the sun caught on the edge of drifting dark clouds. Within moments, the morning light faded. The forest darkened around her.An omen.

She dropped to her knees beneath a tall elm's branches and pressed the smooth word-wood to its bark. Her reluctance to report such disturbing events fell before her need for Most Aged Father's guidance.


I am here, daughter.

His voice in her thoughts brought some relief. "I do not know where to begin… I have failed-"

I know all. I was there as you faced this horror. Destroy it! Tell Brot'an'duive my wishes, and dispatch the smaller human woman as well. You and Sgailsheil-leache first restrain Leshil. Disable him if need be, but he is not to be permanently harmed.

Perhaps Most Aged Father had not seen everything.

"Brot'an'duive protects this undead woman," Frethfare answered, "and allowed Leshil to speak with Cuirin'nen'a. Even with En’nish’s assistance and those with her, I do not think we could overcome the Greimasg'ah if he refuses. And Leshil and this woman would side with Brot'an'duive."

The tree was silent for a long moment, and then…

Give Brot'an'duive my instructions. He will obey.

For the first time, Frethfare doubted Most Aged Father's wisdom. Perhaps he had not seen Brot'an'duive's face as the elder Anmaglahk stopped Sgail-sheilleache from going after the wild woman.

"Father, the situation is untenable. Osha is untried and in service to Sgail-sheilleache's guardianship. I do not believe they would submit even to Brot'an'duive in conflict with that purpose. And the Greimasg'ah is…"

She faltered at casting aspersions upon one of hercaste's eldest.

"Brot'an'duive is a stranger among us. Forgive my doubts, but would it not be better to lead this undead back to Crijheaiche? With those of our caste waiting, we could take her easily, especially if Leshil is to remain unharmed."

Again the tree went silent.

Yes… your wise counsel gives me great pride. Bring them to Crijheaiche.

Freth breathed easily again."In silence and in shadows."

The morning sun slipped behind thick clouds, and the promise of a fine day vanished. The sky turned gray, and the air grew chill.

Brot'an'duive knew what Frethfare would tell Most Aged Father-what she had seen and what he had done-but it could not be helped. He needed Leshil, or all the frail plans of Cuirin'nen'a andthe long lost Eillean would lead to nothing.

In the crypt of Darmouth, it was clear how much this tainted woman, Magiere, meant to Leshil. Perhaps dangerously more than the half-blood understood. Brot'an'duive could not allow her to be harmed, or Leshil would suffer and be lost from the purpose that awaited him. Brot'an'duive stayed close to Leshil and Magiere and made certain that En’nish and her companions remained far off.

It had been eight years since Brot'an'duive had seen Cuirin'nen'a, not since the night she had been banished into permanent isolation by Most Aged Father. There was too much risk in meeting with Cuirin'nen'a-for her, for himself, and for the few who supported all that Eillean had begun long ago. But the sight of Cuirin'nen'a's face with its hints of Eillean had put him off balance.

Though he had never spoken of it, perhaps the daughter suspected how much he had loved the mother. He had sacrificed so much to keep his promise to Eillean. He had sacrificed Eillean herself. Soon he would sacrifice yet more.

Leshil had good reason to hate him. But Brot'an'duive had no choice in bringing Cuirin'nen'a back for judgment. One of them had to remain free of Most Aged Father's confirmed suspicions, and Cuirin'nen'a hadalready fallen from their leader's goodwill. It remained imperative that Brot'an'duive not fall with her. She understood this.

He had manipulated Leshil into finishing his own mission and assassinating Darmouth. Again, he had seen no other option. What he did, he did for his people rather than the goals of Most Aged Father.