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“Lieutenant Soldano got a tip you might be in danger,” Shawn said.

“How’d you know I was at the restaurant?” Jack asked.

“Simple,” Shawn said. “Sergeant Murphy and I tailed you from the morgue.”

Jack again looked out at the dark city as it sped by and shook his head imperceptibly. He was embarrassed for having thought he’d been so clever to ensure he’d not been followed. It was painfully obvious that he was out of his league.

“You almost gave us the slip at Bloomie’s,” Shawn said. “But I guessed what you were up to by then.”

Jack turned back to the detective. “Who gave Lieutenant Soldano the tip?” he asked. He assumed it had to have been Laurie.

“That I don’t know,” Shawn said. “But you’ll soon be able to ask him yourself.”

The FDR Drive imperceptibly became the South Street Viaduct. Ahead Jack could see the familiar silhouette of the Brooklyn Bridge come into view. Against the pale night sky it looked like a gigantic lyre.

They turned off the freeway just north of the bridge and were soon pulling into police headquarters.

Jack had never seen the building and was surprised by its modernity. Inside he had to pass through a metal detector. Shawn accompanied him to Lou Soldano’s office, then took his leave.

Lou stood up and offered his hand, then pulled over a straight-backed chair. “Sit down, Doc,” Lou said. “This is Sergeant Wilson.” Lou gestured toward a uniformed African-American police officer who got to his feet as he was introduced. He was a striking man, and his uniform was impeccably pressed. His well-groomed appearance stood in sharp contrast to Lou’s rumpled attire.

Jack shook hands with the sergeant and was impressed with the man’s grip. In contrast Jack was ashamed of his own trembling, damp palm.

“I asked Sergeant Wilson down because he’s heading up our Anti-Gang Violence Unit in Special Ops,” Lou said as he returned to his desk and sat down.

Oh, wonderful, Jack thought, concerned that this meeting might get back to Warren. Jack tried to smile, but it was hesitant and fake; he was afraid his nervousness was all too transparent. Jack worried that both these experienced law-enforcement people could tell he was a felon the moment he walked through the door.

“I understand you had a bad experience tonight,” Lou said.

“That’s an understatement,” Jack said. He regarded Lou. The man was not what he’d expected. After Laurie had said that she’d been involved with him, Jack had assumed he’d be more physically imposing: taller and more stylish. Instead, Jack thought he was a shorter version of himself considering his stocky, muscular frame and close-cropped hair.

“Can I ask you a question?” Jack asked.

“By all means,” Lou said, spreading his hands. “This isn’t an inquisition. It’s a discussion.”

“What made you have Officer Magoginal follow me?” Jack asked. “Mind you, I’m not complaining. He saved my life.”

“You have Dr. Laurie Montgomery to thank for that,” Lou said. “She was worried about you and made me promise that I would do something. Putting a tail on you was the only thing I could think of.”

“I’m certainly appreciative,” Jack said. He wondered what he could say to Laurie to thank her.

“Now, Doc, there’s a lot going on here that we’d like to know about,” Lou said. He steepled his hands with his elbows on his desk. “Maybe you should just tell us what’s happening.”

“I truly don’t know yet,” Jack said.

“Okay, fair enough,” Lou said. “But, Doc, remember! You can relax! Again, this is a discussion.”

“As shaken up as I am, I’m not sure I’m capable of much of a conversation.”

“Maybe I should let you know what I know already,” Lou said. Lou quickly outlined what Laurie had told him. He emphasized that he knew that Jack had been beaten up at least once and now had had an attempt on his life made by a member of a Lower East Side gang. Lou mentioned Jack’s dislike of AmeriCare and his tendency to see conspiracy in the recent series of outbreaks of infectious disease at the Manhattan General. He also mentioned that Jack had apparently irritated a number of people at that hospital. He concluded with Jack’s suggestion to Laurie that two apparently unrelated homicides might be linked and that preliminary tests had substantiated this surprising theory.

Jack visibly swallowed. “Wow,” he said. “I’m beginning to think you know more than I do.”

“I’m sure that’s not the case,” Lou said with a wry smile. “But maybe all this information gives you a sense of what else we need to know to prevent any more violence to you and others. There was another gang-related killing in the vicinity of the General this afternoon. Is that anything you know about?”

Jack swallowed again. He didn’t know what to say. Warren’s admonition reverberated in his mind, as did his fleeing from two crime scenes and abetting a murderer. He was, after all, a felon.

“I’d rather not talk about this right now,” Jack said.

“Oh?” Lou questioned. “And why is that, Doc?”

Jack’s mind raced for answers, and he was loath to lie. “I guess because I’m concerned about certain people’s safety,” he said.

“That’s what we are here for,” Lou said. “People’s safety.”

“I understand that,” Jack said. “But this is a rather unique situation. There are a lot of things going on. I’m worried we might be on the brink of a real epidemic.”

“Of what?” Lou asked.

“Influenza,” Jack said. “A type of influenza with a high morbidity.”

“Have there been a lot of cases?” Lou asked.

“Not a lot so far,” Jack said. “But I’m worried nonetheless.”

“Epidemics scare me, but they are out of my area of expertise,” Lou said. “But homicide isn’t. When do you think you might be willing to talk about these murders we’ve been discussing if you’re not inclined at the moment?”

“Give me a day,” Jack said. “This epidemic scare is real. Trust me.”

“Hmmmm…” Lou voiced. He looked at Sergeant Wilson.

“A lot can happen in a day,” the sergeant said.

“That’s my concern too,” Lou said. He redirected his attention to Jack. “What worries us is that the two gang members who’ve been killed were from different gangs. We don’t want to see a gang war erupt around here. Whenever they do, a lot of innocent people get killed.”

“I need twenty-four hours,” Jack repeated. “By then I hope to be able to prove what I’m trying to prove. If I can’t, I’ll admit I was wrong, and I’ll tell you everything I know, which, by the way, is not much.”

“Listen, Doc,” Lou said. “I could arrest you right now and charge you with accessory after the fact. You are willfully obstructing the investigation of several homicides. I mean, you do understand the reality of what you are doing, don’t you?”

“I think I do,” Jack said.

“I could charge you, but I’m not going to do that,” Lou said. He sat back in his chair. “Instead I’m going to bow to your judgment concerning this epidemic stuff. In deference to Dr. Montgomery, who seems to think you are a good guy, I’ll be patient about my area of expertise. But I want to hear from you tomorrow night. Understand?”

“I understand,” Jack said. Jack looked from the lieutenant to the sergeant and then back. “Is that it?”

“For now,” Lou said.

Jack got up and headed for the door. Before he reached it, Sergeant Wilson spoke up: “I hope you understand how dangerous dealing with these gangs is. They feel they have little to lose and consequently have little respect for life, either their own or others’.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Jack said.

Jack hurried from the building. As he emerged into the night he felt enormous relief, as if he’d been granted a reprieve.

While he waited for a taxi to appear in Park Row in front of the police headquarters, he thought about what he should do. He was afraid to go home. At the moment he didn’t want to see the Black Kings or Warren. He thought about going back to see Terese, but he feared endangering her more than he already had.