The party of summer j$1k has stopped to talk with a group of young men from town; the)llows from away want to know if they can play in the townies’ baseball game at IVAR-rington’s on Tuesday night. Ben Merrill, Royce’s father-to-be, says Ayuh, but we won’t go easy on ya just cause you’re from N’Yawk. The young men laugh; so do the tennis girls.

A little farther on, two boys areplaying catch with the sort of raw homemade baseball that is known as a horsey. Beyond them is a convention of young mothers, talking earnestly of their babies, all sajly prammed and gathered in their own group. Men in overalls discuss weather and crops, politics and crops, taxes and crops. A teacher from the Consolidated High sits on the gray stone]$rehead I know so well, patiently tutoring a sullen boy who wants to be somewhere else and doing anything else. I think the boy will grow up to be Buddyjellison’s father. Horn broken—watch for finger, I think.

All along The Street jlks are fishing, and they are catching plenty; the lake fairly teems with bass and trout andpickerel. An artist-another summerjllow, judging from his smock and nancy berethas set up his easel and is painting the mountains while two ladies watch respectfully. A giggle of girls passes, whispering about boys and clothes and school.

There is beauty here, and peace. Devore’ s right to say this is a world I never knew. It’s “Beautiful,” I said, pulling myself back with an effort. “Yes, I see that. But what’s your point?”

“My point?” Devote looked almost comically surprised. “She thought she could walk there like everyone else, that’s the fucking point! She thought she could walk there like a white gal! Her and her big teeth and her big tits and her snotty looks. She thought she was something special, but we taught her different. She tried to walk me down and when she couldn’t do that she put her filthy hands on me and tumped me over.

But that was all right; we taught her her manners. Didn’t we, boys?”

They growled agreement, but I thought some of them—young Harry Auster, for one—looked sick.

“We taught her her place,” Devore said. “We taught her she wasn’t nothing but a nigger. This is the word he uses over and over again when they are in the woods that summer, the summer of1901, the summer that Sara and the Red-bps become the musical act to see in this part of the world. She and her brother and their whole nigger family have been invited to Warrington ’ s to play J$r the summer people,’ they have been rid on champagne and ersters. . or so says Jared Devore to his little school of devotedllowers as they eat their own plain lunches of bread and meat and salted cucumbers out of lard-buckets given to them by their mothers (none of the young men are married, although Oren Peebles is engaged).

It it isn’t her growing renown that upsetsjared Devore. It isn’t the fact that she has been to Warrington’s; it don’t cross his eyes none that she and that brother of hers have actually sat down and eaten with white j$1ks, taken bread join the same bowl as them with their blacknigger fingers. The jolks at Warrington’s are flatlanders, after all, and Devore tells the silent, attentive young men that he’s heard that in places like New Irk and Chicago white women sometimes even fuck blackniggers. Naw! Harry Auster says, looking around nervously, as if he expected a w white women to come tripping through the woods way out here on Bowie Ridge. No white woman’d fuck a nigger! Shoot a pickle! Devore only gives him a look, the kind that says When you’re my age. Besides, he doesn’t care what goes on in New York and Chicago; he saw all the flatland he wanted to during the Civil War… and, he will tell you, he never jsught that war to free the damned slaves. They can keep slaves down there in the land of cotton until the end of the eternity, as far asjared Lancelot Devore is concerned. No, he J$ught in the war to teach those cracker sons of bitches south of Mason and Dixon that you don’t pull out of the game just because you don’t like some of the rules. He went down to scratch the scab off the end of old Johnny Reb’s nose.

Tried to leave the United States of America, they had/The Lord/ No, he doesn’t care about slaves and he doesn’t care about the land of cotton and he doesn’t care about blackniggers who sing dirty songs and then get treated to champagne and ersters (]ared always says oysters in just that sarcastic way) in payment jor their smut. He doesn’t care about anything so long as they keep in their place and let him keep in his. But she won’t do it. The uppity bitch will not do it. She has been warned to stay off The Street, but she will not listen. She goes anyway, walking along in her white dress just as if there was a white person inside it, sometimes with her son, who has a blacknigger African name and no daddy—his daddy probably just spent the one night with his mommy in a haystack somewhere down Alabama and now she walks around with the get of that just as bold as a brass monkey. She walks The Street as if she has a right to be there, even though not a soul will talk to her-“But that’s not true, is it?” I asked Devore. “That’s what really stuck in old great-granddaddy’s craw, wasn’t it? They did talk to her. She had a way about her—that laugh, maybe.

Men talked to her about crops and the women showed off their babies. In fact they gave her their babies to hold and when she laughed down at them, they laughed back up at her. The girls asked her advice about boys. The boys… they just looked. But how they looked, huh? They filled up their eyes, and I expect most of them thought about her when they went out to the privy and filled up their palms.” Devore glowered.

He was aging in front of me, the lines drawing themselves deeper and deeper into his face; he was becoming the man who had knocked me into the lake because he couldn’t bear to be crossed. And as he grew older he began to fade. “That was what Jared hated most of all, wasn’t it? That they didn’t turn aside, didn’t turn away. She walked on The Street and no one treated her like a nigger. They treated her like a neighbor.” I was in the zone, deeper in than I’d ever been, down where the town’s unconscious seemed to run like a buried river. I could drink from that river while I was in the zone, could fill my mouth and throat and belly with its cold minerally taste. All that summer Devote had talked to them. They were more than his crew, they were his boys: Fred and Harry and Ben and Oren and George Armbruster and Draper Finney, who would break his neck and drown the next summer trying to dive into Eades Quarry while he was drunk. Only it was the sort of accident that’s kind of on purpose. Draper Finney drank a lot between July of I 90 I and August of 1902, because it was the only way he could sleep. The only way he could get the hand out of his mind, that hand sticking straight out of the water, clenching and unclenching until you wanted to scream Won’t it stop, won’t it ever stop doing that. All summer long Jared Devore filled their ears with nigger bitch and uppity bitch. All summer long he told them about their responsibility as men, their duty to keep the community pure, and how they must see what others didn’t and do what others wouldn’t. It was a Sunday afternoon in August, a time when traffic along The Street dropped steeply. Later on, by five or so, things would begin to pick up again, and from six to sunset the broad path along the lake would be thronged. But three in the afternoon was Low tide. The Methodists were back in session over in Harlow for their afternoon Song Service; at Warrington’s the assembled company of vacationing flat-landers was sitting down to a heavy mid-afternoon Sabbath meal of roast chicken or ham; all over the township families were addressing their own Sunday dinners. Those who had already finished were snoozing through the heat of the day—in a hammock, wherever possible. Sara liked this quiet time. Loved it, really. She had spent a great deal of her life on carny midways and in smoky gin-joints, shouting out her songs in order to be heard above the voices of redfaced, unruly drunks, and while part of her loved the excitement and unpredictability of that life, part of her loved the serenity of this one, too. The peace of these walks. She wasn’t getting any younger, after all; she had a kid who had now left purt near all his babyhood behind him. On that particular Sunday she must have thought The Street almost too quiet. She walked a mile south from the meadow without seeing a soul even Kito was gone by then, having stopped off to pick berries. It was as if the whole township were deserted. She knows there’s an Eastern Star supper in Kashwakamak, of course, has even contributed a mushroom pie to it because she has made friends of some of the Eastern Star ladies. They’ll all be down there getting ready. What she doesn’t know is that today is also Dedication Day jr the new Grace Baptist Church, the first real church ever to be built on the TR. A slug of locals have gone, heathen as well as Baptist. Faintly, jqom the other side of the lake, she can hear the Methodists singing. The sound is sweet and faint and beautiful,’ distance and echo has tuned every sour voice. She isn’t aware of the men—most of them very young men, the kind who under ordinary circumstances dare only look at her from the corners of their eyes—until the oldest one among them speaks. “llnow, a black whore in a white dress and a red belt! Damn if that ain’t just a little too much colorjet lakeside.