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“I was going to ask Cord to—well—you know. Not right away! But later, you know, when things are settled.”

I’d realized that Yul was, in a way, asking my permission, so I’d moved to embrace him and said, “I know you’ll take care of her.” His hug had nearly broken my spine and I’d thought for a moment I’d have to summon one of the Valers to come and pry him off me.

After he’d calmed down a little, he’d let me look at the ring. “Not your normal jewel,” he admitted, “but—being that it’s from another world and all—it’s the rarest, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I assured him, “it’s the rarest.” Then both of us had involuntarily looked over at my sib.

He must have asked her earlier in the day, and she must have said yes. For a while, there was wild hugging, hollering, and running around. A mob of Orithenans gathered around us, drawn by a rumor that the wedding was going to happen now. They were followed by curious soldiers, followed in turn by Convox people who wanted to know what all the fuss was about. There was a kind of crazy momentum pushing us toward holding the ceremony that day, on the beach. But after a few minutes, everyone settled down, and it turned into a party. Orithenan suurs uprooted armloads of weedy flowers from the ditch along the road and braided them into garlands. The soldiers got into the spirit of things, producing booze from nowhere, and cheering Cord and Yul with gutsy noises. A helicopter mechanic gave Cord his favorite daisy-head screwdriver.

An hour later I was on the plane to Tredegarh.

Arsibalt was settling down a little. He drew a deep, shaky breath. “He accepted his fate quite calmly, it seemed.”


“Do you know the meaning of the symbol he drew on the ground? The analemma?”

Something occurred to me. “Hey!” I said. “How do you know all of this stuff? Have they been letting you watch speelies?”

He was glad to have an excuse to declaim about something. It settled him right down. “I forget you know nothing of the Convox. Whenever they wish to say something to everyone—for example, when Jesry came back from space—they summon us to a so-called Plenary in the nave of the Unarians, the only place big enough to hold the entire Convox. Rules are relaxed; they show us speelies. Anyway, there was an all-day Plenary—most enervating—after the Visitation of Orithena.”

“Is that what they’re calling it?”

I could see him nodding. It was hard to make out details through the poly, but I feared he might be trying to grow a beard again.

“Well,” I said, “I spent a few days with him before…before the events you saw on the speely. Of course, I saw the original Analemma, the ancient one on the Temple floor.”

“Now that must have been something!” Arsibalt gushed.

“It was. Especially now that we can never go back,” I said. “But as for the analemma that Orolo drew on the beach, I’m afraid I didn’t get any special insight to decode the meaning of…”

“Is something the matter?” Arsibalt asked, a few seconds later. For I had trailed off.

“I just remembered something,” I said. “A remark Orolo made. The last thing he said to me, before the probe fired its thrusters. ‘They must have deciphered my analemma!’”

“‘They’ meaning the Geometers, presumably.”

“Yeah. Too much was happening for me to ask him what it meant…”

“And then it was too late,” Arsibalt said.

Orolo’s death was still new enough that we had to stop talking for a few moments whenever it came up in conversation. But both of us were thinking. “A phototype on the wall of his cell, at Bly’s Butte,” I said, “showed the Analemma. The ancient one.”

“Yes,” Arsibalt said. “I remember seeing it.”

“Almost as if it were the equivalent of a religious symbol to him,” I said, “like the Triangle is to certain Arks.”

“But that doesn’t explain his remark about the Geometers ‘deciphering’ it,” Arsibalt pointed out.

We sat there puzzling over it for a few more moments, but could make no headway.

“So,” I said, “at the Plenary after Jesry came back from space…did you see what happened to the Warden of Heaven?”

“Did you?” he asked. Then both of us were silent for a minute, daring each other to say something funny and inappropriate. But somehow it didn’t seem like the right time, yet.

“How are the others?”

He sighed. “I don’t see much of them. We have all been assigned to different Laboratoria. Periklyne is absolute bedlam, of course. And we have chosen different Lucubs.”

I could only guess at the meanings of those words. “But maybe you can at least tell me how they are doing?”

“You need to know it is different for Jesry and Ala,” he began.


“Because they were summoned in Voco. They died, as do all whose names are called out thus, and they had to begin new lives. Some of them quite liked it. All of them got used to it. Then, suddenly, weeks later, the thing changed into a Convox.”

“They had to undie.”

“Yes. You should expect some awkwardness.”

“Awkwardness! Well, at least something about this place will be familiar then.”

Arsibalt cleared his throat instead of laughing.

“They are going to let you out of this contraption in no time,” Jesry told me. Somewhat confounding Arsibalt’s prediction, he came to visit me before my bread was even finished cooling.

He had spoken with such absolute confidence that I knew he had to be blowing this out of his rectal orifice. “What is the basis of your prediction?” I asked.

“The lasers were the wrong color,” he said.

I repeated this sentence out loud, but could make nothing of it.

“The laser that shone down onto the Inviolates,” he explained, “on the night that this turned into a Convox.”

“It was red,” I said—pretty stupid, but I was trying to dislodge loose bits of information from Jesry’s brain by throwing rocks at it.

“Some here at Tredegarh are knowledgable about lasers,” Jesry said. “They knew right away that something was funny. There are only so many gases, or combinations of gases, that can be used to make a red laser. Each generates a different wavelength. A laser expert can look at a spot of light and know right away what gas mixture was used as the lasing medium. They didn’t recognize the color of the Geometers’ laser.”

“I don’t see what—”

“Fortunately a cosmographer at Rambalf had the presence of mind to expose a photomnemonic tablet to that light,” Jesry went on. “So we know its exact wavelength. And it has been confirmed that it doesn’t match up with any naturally occurring spectral lines.”

“That makes no sense! Those wavelengths fall out of quantum-mechanical calculations that are basic to everything!”

“But think of newmatter,” Jesry said.

“Okay,” I said, and considered it. If you messed around with how the nucleus was put together, it changed the way electrons orbited around it. Laser light was the result of an electron jumping from an orbit with a higher, to another with lower, energy. The energy difference determined the wavelength—the color—of the light. “Lasers made with newmatter have colors not found in nature,” I allowed.

Jesry was silent, waiting for me to go the next step.

“So,” I continued, “the Geometers have newmatter—they used it to make a laser.”

He shifted posture. Through the plastic I could see nothing but posture. Yet I knew he was disagreeing with me. And for once, I knew why.

“But they don’t,” I continued. “At least, not in any meaningful way. I’ve handled their parachute. The shroud lines. The hatch. It was just regular stuff—too heavy, too weak.”

He nodded. “What you couldn’t know—what none of us knew, until a few hours ago—is that it is all newmatter. Everything that came down in that probe—all the hardware, all the flesh—is what we would call newmatter, in the sense that the nuclei are put together in a way that is not natural—not in this cosmos, anyway.”