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“Between the followers of Saunt Proc and the disciples of Saunt Halikaarn.”

“Yeah. Though it’s a little unfair to call one group followers and the other disciples, if you see what I mean. Anyway, that’s what we call the Split.”

“Procians were more friendly to the syntactic point of view…or maybe I should have said Faanians…”

Sammann seemed a little shaky here, so I reminded him: “We’re speaking, remember, of Aboutness. You and I can think about things. Symbols in our brains have meanings. The question is, can a syntactic device think about things, or merely process digits that have no Aboutness—no meaning—”

“No semantic content,” Sammann said.

“Yes. Now, at the Concent of Saunt Muncoster, just after the Reconstitution, Faan was the FAE of the Syntactic Faculty—followers of Proc. She took the view that Aboutness didn’t exist—was an illusion that any sufficiently advanced syndev creates for itself. By this time Evenedric was already dead but he like Halikaarn before him had taken the view that our minds could do things that syndevs couldn’t—that Aboutness was real—”

“That our thoughts really did have semantic content over and above the ones and zeroes.”

“Yes. It’s related to the notion that our minds are capable of perceiving ideal forms in the Hylaean Theoric World.”

“Would you people mind!?” Yul bellowed. “We’re trying to have a campout here!”

“This is what we do to relax,” Sammann shot back.

“Yeah,” I said, “if we were working, we’d talk about things that were tedious and complicated.”

“It’s worse than listening to preachers!” Yul complained, but Gnel refused to rise to the bait.

“Let me explain it in words you can understand, cousin,” Gnel said. “If the aliens are just a big computer program, Sammann here can shut them down just by flipping one bit. The program won’t even know it’s being sabotaged.”

“Only if it does not have Aboutness,” I cautioned him. “If it’s capable of understanding that its symbols are about something, then it’ll know that Sammann is up to no good.”

“It would have to have crazy security measures built in,” Yul said, “what with all those nukes and so on.”

“If it lacks Aboutness, it is incredibly vulnerable, so yes,” Sammann said. “But systems with true Aboutness, or so the myth goes, should be much more difficult to deceive.”

“Nah,” Yul said, and looked at his cousin again. “You just have to deceive ’em in a different way.”

“Apparently the Warden of Heaven was not very convincing,” Gnel pointed out, “so maybe preaching isn’t as easy as you think.”

Cord cleared her throat and frowned at her bowl. “Uh, not that this isn’t fascinating, but what is the plan for today?”

This produced a long silence. Cord followed up with, “I like it here, but it’s beginning to feel creepy. Does anyone else think it’s creepy?”

“You’re talking to a bunch of guys,” Yul said. “No one here is going to validate your feelings.” She tossed sand at him.

“I’ve been doing some research,” Sammann said, “which was creepy in itself, because I didn’t understand why I should have such good Reticulum access in such a godforsaken place…”

“But you understand it now?” Gnel asked.

“Yes, I think so.”

“What did you learn?”

“The whole island is a single parcel, owned by a single entity. Has been since the Old Mathic Age. Back in those days it was a petty principality. Got kicked back and forth between different empires from age to age. When kings and princes went out of style it would pass into the hands of a private owner or a trust. When they came back into fashion, it’d get a prince or a baron or something again. But nine hundred years ago it was purchased by a private foundation—that’s a thing like a Dowment. And they must have had ties to the mathic world—”

“Because the Orithena dig—the new concent we saw yesterday—was sponsored by them?”

“Sponsored, or something,” Sammann said.

“A single Apert—ten days—isn’t long enough to organize such a big project,” I pointed out. “This Dowment must have been a long time making its plans.”

“It’s not so hard,” Cord said. “The Unarians have Apert once a year. It’s easy to talk to them. Some graduate and become Tenners. Some of those become Hundreders, and so on. If these guys started working on it in 2800, by the time of the Millennial Convox of 3000 they could have had supporters everywhere except in Thousander maths.”

I was uneasy with Cord’s scenario because it sounded sneaky, but I couldn’t dispute the facts she’d stated. I guess what troubled me about it was that we, the avout, liked to believe that we were the only long-term thinkers, the only ones capable of hatching plans over centuries, and her scenario envisioned a Dowment in the Sæcular world turning the tables on us.

Perhaps Sammann was harboring similar feelings. “It could just as well have worked the other direction,” he said.

“What—” I exclaimed, “are you saying that a bunch of avout created a Dowment in the Sæcular world to buy them an island? That’s outrageous.”

But we all knew Sammann had won that exchange, because he was relaxed, satisfied. I was angry and off balance. Largely because this all fit so neatly into what I had been told, in recent weeks, about the Lineage.

Still, everyone seemed to be looking at me for a response. “If it’s like you say, Sammann, then they—whoever they are—know we’re here anyway. I think we should take the direct approach. Drive down there. I’ll just walk up to the gate, knock, and state my business.”

That got all of us on our feet, getting ready for the day, except for Gnel who just followed Sammann around. “There must be more information about what sort of entity bought the island. I mean, come on! How many things last nine hundred years in this world?”

“Lots of things,” Sammann said. “As an example, that ark you belong to has lasted quite a bit longer…” He turned and searched Gnel’s face. “That’s your point, isn’t it? You think this is some kind of religious institution?”

Gnel was a little taken aback, and seemed to back down. “I’m just saying, businesses don’t last that long.”

“But it’s quite a stretch to go from that to saying that Ecba is run by a secret ark.”

“When I see avout walking openly in the streets of the town,” Gnel said, “it tells me we need to ‘stretch’ beyond normal explanations.”

“We saw avout in the streets of Mahsht. Maybe the ones here just got Evoked or something,” said Yul, getting into the act.

I don’t think that this seemed plausible to any of us—Yul included—but it brought us to an impasse. “Many avout,” I said, “especially Procian/Faanian ones, think that belief in the Hylaean Theoric World is basically a religion anyway. And I have reason to believe that the avout down there at Orithena are the ultimate fringe of HTW believers. So whether it’s a religious community or not sort of depends on how you define your terms.” I faltered as I said that last bit, just imagining how Orolo would plane me if he heard me talking Sphenic gibberish. Even Sammann turned to fix me with an incredulous look. But he didn’t say anything, because I think he understood that I was just trying to get us moving. “Look,” I said to Gnel, “Sammann’s investigation just got started, and we’ve seen before that it can sometimes take a few days for him to get access to certain things. Whether or not they open the gates for me at Orithena, you’ll have plenty of time to ask around and learn more in days to come.”

“Yes,” Gnel said, “but whether they open those gates for you depends on what you say. And that depends on what you know. So maybe it’s better to wait for a couple of days.”

“I know more than I’m saying,” I said, “and I want to go there today.”