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I insisted that he come with me, though. So after giving Gnel a cup we went over to Sammann and I introduced the two of them. Then I talked Cord into sliding out from under her fetch. She stood up and dusted herself off and shook Yul’s hand. They gave each other a funny look, which made me speculate that they might have crossed paths before. But neither one of them said anything about it. She accepted her cup and then they turned away from each other as if something embarrassing had happened.

Yulassetar Crade gave me a lift into town so that I could run a couple of errands. First, I mailed my letter to Ala, care of the Concent of Saunt Tredegarh. The woman at the post office gave me a lot of trouble because it wasn’t properly addressed. Concents didn’t have addresses for the same reason that I didn’t have a passport. I knew I’d made a terrible mistake by not giving some sort of note to Arsibalt or Lio at the picnic in Samble. They could have smuggled it directly to Ala. Instead of which I had to mail this thing to the concent, where it would be intercepted by the hierarchs and—if they were sticking to the Discipline—kept out of Ala’s knowledge until her next Apert, more than nine years from now. I could only imagine what she’d think of me at that time, reading this yellowed document written by a boy not yet twenty years of age.

The next stop on the itinerary was a place where we could get suitsacks: huge orange coveralls whose legs could be zipped together to make them into sleeping bags. These were made for people who hunted or scavenged in the far north. Each had a catalytic power unit built into it; as long as you kept some fuel in its bladder it would supply a modest trickle of power that was routed down the suits’ arms and legs to warming-pads placed in the soles of the boots and the palms of the mittens. New ones could be pretty expensive, but Yul had helped Orolo get a cheap one the other day. He knew of places where you could get used ones that had been fixed up, and he knew tricks for making them more comfortable.

Once we’d taken care of that we set out in search of other gear and supplies we were going to need. Whenever I suggested going to an outdoorsy type of store, Yul winced and groaned, and then explained how better stuff could be had at one-tenth the price by using things you could buy at stores that sold housewares and groceries. He was always right, of course. He made his living as a wilderness guide, taking vacationers on trips to the mountains. Apparently he had no work at the moment, because he spent the whole day driving me around Norslof helping me improvise what we needed. When we were unable to get what we wanted at a store, he promised to supply us out of his own personal stock.

The driving consumed an unbelievable amount of time. The traffic was always bad, or so it seemed to me. But I wasn’t used to the vehicular life of a city. When the traffic slowed to a stop, people in the mobes around us would look out the windows at Yul’s ramshackle fetch. If they were grownups they would soon look the other way, but children loved to point and stare and laugh. And they were right to do so. Yul and I were an odd pair, compared to all of these people driving to school and to work.

At first Yul seemed to feel an obligation to be a good host—to provide entertainment during traffic jams. “Music?” he said distantly, as if music were something he had heard of once. Hearing no objection, he took to fiddling with the controls on his sound system as if they had broken off in his hands and were no longer attached to anything. Eventually he left it set on a random feed. Later, once he got to talking, I reached over and turned it off and he didn’t notice.

Part of his job, I guessed, was to make people he’d just met (his clients) feel comfortable, which he did by telling stories. He was good at it. I tried to get him to talk about Orolo but he didn’t have much to say. Orolo might be a lot of things to me but to Yul he was just another tenderfoot who needed advice on how to travel in the rough. This did, however, lead to the topic of getting around in the far north, which he knew a lot about.

Later I asked him if all of his travel had been in that direction and he scoffed and said that no, he’d spent years as a river guide in a region south of Samble that was gouged by deep sandstone canyons filled with spectacular rock formations. He told some good stories about such trips, but after a while became uncomfortable and stopped talking. Telling tales, it seemed, was a good way to loosen things up, a useful time-killer, but what he really wanted was a project into which he could pour his energies and his intelligence.

At some point during the day, he stopped referring to “you” as in “You’re going to need extra fuel in case you have to melt snow to make drinking water” and began speaking of “we” as in “We should plan on at least four flat tires.”

Yul’s house was really just a dumping ground for stuff he couldn’t fit into his fetch: camping equipment, vehicle parts, empty bottles, weapons, and books. The books were stacked in piles that came up to my hip. He didn’t seem to own any shelves. A lot of them were fiction but he also had several geology-piles. Nailed to the wall were big blown-up phototypes of colorful sedimentary rock formations, sculpted by water and wind. In his cellar, where we went to mine more equipment, he had stacks of tabular rocks-slabs of sandstone—with fossils in them.

After we’d got everything he thought we’d need, and begun driving through another traffic jam back to the fueling station, I said to him, “You figured out that the world was old, didn’t you?”

“Yeah,” he said immediately. “I spent years on rafts going down those rivers. Years. The whole way, there’s rocks strewn along the banks. Rocks the size of houses that fell off the canyon walls, higher up. Just looking down one of those canyons, you can see it happens all the time.”

“You mean, rocks falling down.”

“Yeah. It’s like, if you’re driving down this highway and you see skid marks on the pavement, like those right there, any idiot knows that skidding happens. If you see lots of skid marks, well, that means that skidding is common. If you see lots of fallen rocks in a canyon, then rock falls are common. So, I kept expecting to see one. Every day, I’d be drifting down the river on that raft with the clients, you know, and they’d be sleeping or talking about whatever they wanted to talk about, and I’d keep an eye on the canyon walls, waiting to see a rock fall.”

“But you never did.”

“Never. Not once.”

“So you realized that the time scale had to be enormous.”

“Yeah. I tried to figure it out once. I don’t have the theorics. But I kept an eye on that river for five years and not a single rock fell down while I was running it. If Arbre is only five thousand years old—if all the rocks in that canyon have fallen down in that short a time—I should have seen some rocks fall.”

“The people in your ark didn’t like what you had to say about that,” I guessed.

“There’s a reason I got out of Samble.”

That was the end of that conversation. It was the evening rush hour now and we drove in silence for a long time. I was fascinated by the little glimpses of other people’s lives that I got through the windows of their mobes. Then I was struck by how different Yul’s life seemed to be from theirs.

The way in which Yul had decided to join us on our journey north was strange to me. There had been no rational process: no marshaling of evidence, no weighing of options. But that was how Yul lived his whole life. He had not—I realized—been invited by Gnel to come out and pay us a visit at the fueling station. He had just shown up. He did a new thing with a new set of people every day of his life. And that made him just as different from the people in the traffic jam as I was.