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When the ham was gone, Mickey and Donald kept on looking expectantly at him. He wondered what was going on inside those long, narrow skulls. The hatchlings had no words, so it couldn’t be anything too complex. But was he only room service for them, or did they like him, too, the way a puppy liked its master? He couldn’t tell, and wished he could.

Before he left, he used a strainer to sift through the cat box in another corner of the Lizards’ room. They’d figured that out even faster than a cat would have, and rarely made messes on the floor. Even when they did, the messes weren’t too messy: their droppings were firm and dry.

Chores done, he shut the door on the Lizards, went back to his own room, grabbed his books, and hopped in the jalopy he drove to school: a gasoline-burning 1955 Ford, an aqua-and-white two-tone job that seemed almost as tall as he was. It got lousy mileage and drank oil, but it ran… most of the time. As he started it up, the tinny car radio blared out the electrified country music that was all the rage these days.

The Westside Freeway was new, and cut travel time from Gardena to UCLA almost in half. Now that he was a sophomore, he’d gained an on-campus parking permit. That saved him a good part of the hike he’d had to make from Westwood every day during his freshman year.

A lot of students had early classes. Some of them carried coffee in waxed-cardboard cups. Jonathan had never got that habit, which amused his father to no end. He often got the idea his dad thought he had life pretty soft. But he didn’t have to listen to the “When I was your age…” lecture too often, so he supposed things could have been worse.

A few students wore jackets and slacks. The rest were about evenly divided between guys who kept their hair and wore ordinary shirts and their female counterparts in clothes their mothers might have worn on the one hand (on the one fork of the tongue, Jonathan thought, using the Lizard idiom) and those like him on the other: fellows and coeds who made the Race their fashion, wearing body paint or, with the weather cool, body-paint T shirts. A lot of the fellows in that crowd shaved their heads, but only a few of the girls.

No girls went bare-chested on campus, either-there was a rule against it-though a good many did at the beach or even on the street. Jonathan didn’t mind the lack too much; he had plenty to watch anyhow.

He trudged up the broad expanse of Janss Steps to Royce Hall, a big Romanesque red-brick building with a colonnade in front, in which he had his class in the language of the Race. He wasn’t surprised to see Karen sitting under the colonnade, her pert nose in the textbook. “Hi,” he said in English, and then switched to the Race’s tongue. “I greet you.”

“And I greet you,” she answered in the same language before she looked up. When she saw the shirt he’d chosen, she smiled and added, “Exalted Fleetlord.”

“Oh, yes, I am an important male,” he said with an emphatic cough that told just how important he imagined he was. Karen’s expression said he wasn’t so important as all that. Tacitly admitting as much, he went on, “Are you ready for today’s quiz?”

“I hope so,” she said, which made him chuckle. He spoke the language of the Race pretty fluently-given what his parents did, he had no excuse not to-but she understood the way the grammar worked better than he did. She also studied harder, which she had ever since high school. Closing her book, she got to her feet. “Shall we go see how it is?”

“Sure,” Jonathan said in English, and tacked on another emphatic cough. A lot of his conversations with his friends mixed his own language and the Lizards’. That kept most of the older generation-though not, worse luck, his own mother and father-from knowing what they were talking about.

He took Karen’s hand. She squeezed his, hard. They hadn’t just been studying together since high school; they’d been dating since then, too. Giving him a sidelong glance, she asked, “Have you heard anything from Liu Mei since she went back to China?”

“No,” Jonathan answered, which made Karen squeeze his hand again-in relief, probably. He’d been taken with the daughter of the Communist envoy who’d come to the USA for weapons. They’d been able to talk with each other, too, because Liu Mei knew the language of the Race. But she was gone, and Karen was still around. He did add, “With all the fighting over there, I hope she’s okay.”

Karen considered that, with some reluctance decided it was unexceptionable, and nodded. She went on, “And how are your little friends?”

“They’re fine,” he said. He didn’t want to say too much more than that, not in a crowded hallway where anybody might be listening. An officer’s son, he understood the need for security, even if he wasn’t always perfect enough about it to delight his father. “They’re getting bigger.” He could tell her that safely enough. “If you want, you can feed them next time you’re over.”

“Okay.” Karen giggled. “That’s the funniest way to get a girl to come over to your house I ever heard of. And you know what’s funnier? It’ll work.”

“Good,” Jonathan said as they went upstairs together. He stopped in front of a door with 227 painted on a rippled-glass window in blocky, old-fashioned numbers. The oval brass doorknob, polished by countless students’ palms, was old-fashioned, too; Royce Hall dated from the 1920s.

Before the Lizards came, Jonathan thought. A whole different world. He tried to imagine what it would have been like then, with people smugly convinced they were alone in the universe. He couldn’t do it, even though his folks talked about those times as if they’d happened day before yesterday. It must have been boring, was the first thing that always sprang to mind. No televisors, no computers, no satellite networks to bring the whole world into your living room… From what his father said, they’d barely even had radio. He shook his head. I couldn’t have lived like that.

The chimes in the Powell Library bell tower, across the square from Royce Hall, announced eight o’clock. As soon as the last note died, the instructor rapped a pointer down on the lectern. “I greet you, class,” he said.

“I greet you, superior sir,” Jonathan chorused along with everyone else.

By his body paint, the instructor, a male named Kechexx, had once served in the artillery. Now, like a lot of captured Lizards who’d chosen not to rejoin their own kind, he made his living by teaching humans about the Race. His eye turrets swiveled this way and that, taking in the whole class. “It was to be a quiz today. Did you think I would forget?” His mouth fell open in a laugh. “Did you perhaps hope I would forget? I have not forgotten. Take out a leaf of paper.”

“It shall be done,” Jonathan said with his classmates. He hoped he wouldn’t forget too much.