The Tommyknockers
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The Tommyknockers

Страниц: 183
Символов: 1167983
ID: 92728
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 1987
Создана 2 декабря 2010 08:29


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Late Last Night and the Night Before ...... Tommyknockers, tommyknockers, knocking at the door.Something was happening in Bobbi Anderson's idyllic small town of Haven, Maine. Something that gave every man, woman, and child in town powers far beyond ordinary mortals. Something that turned the town into a death trap for all outsiders. Something that came from a metal object, buried for millennia, that Bobbi accidentally stumbled across. It wasn't that Bobbi and the other good folks of Haven had sold their souls to reap the rewards of the most deadly evil this side of hell. It was more like a diabolical invasion of body and soul--and mind....Note: All information herein, such as number of pages, publisher, etc., refer to this alternate cover edition and may or may not coincide with the main entry for this ISBN or any other alternate covers.

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