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"I'm sorry to tell you, Miss Blake," said Chief Inspector Davy formally, "that your mother is dead."

Elvira gave a little gasp. "Oh no," she said. It was a faint uncertain protest.

"Before she made her escape," said Chief Inspector Davy, "because it was an escape-she confessed to the murder of Michael Gorman."

"You mean-she said-that it was she-"

"Yes," said Father. "That is what she said. Have you anything to add?"

Elvira looked for a long time at him. Very faintly she shook her head.

"No," she said, "I haven't anything to add."

Then she turned and went out of the room.

"Well," said Miss Marple. "Are you going to let her get away with it?"

There was a pause, then Father brought down his fist with a crash on the table.

"No," he roared. "No, by God, I'm not!"

Miss Marple nodded her head slowly and gravely.

"May God have mercy on her soul," she said.